This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

Interested in coaching

If you are interested in coaching please contact the coordinator for the appropriate division. They will have a list of girls from the pool to help you create a team. Mike Allen, the president of the league, has copies of current Participant Manual Official Rules of Softball to give to new coaches. He also has packets of the forms needed to be filled out for each team. These packets must be turned in by the first game along with registration fees. The league can also help out any teams with equipment needs if funds are too tight.

Just because you have never coached before does not mean that you cannot do a good job. There are many softball clinics in the area that can teach you drills and the other training tools. The internet also has many YouTube videos and thousands of other sites to aid you in your journey as a coach. The Mesquite Public Library has books on coaching as well. Many parents want their daughters to have the experience of playing, but too few are willing to coach. It requires time, dedication, and a lot of patience. However it is extremely rewarding when the girls and the team you created reach success! You have the opportunity to get involved in your community and make a difference in the lives of so many girls.

Background Check Required

Anyone who will be in the dugout MUST have a current background check. You must also attend a coaches meeting with area ASA Official. City of Mesquite-Youth Coaches Code of Conduct form must also be completed and turned in. The forms to fill out are in the new coaches packet. Or forms may be downloaded from this website under Team Forms under the Main Menu. If unable to print check with division coordinator.

Sunday practices

Coaches: For available fields for Sunday practices, you will need to contact the Field/Equipment Coordinator - Richard Smythe. The fields have a maximum time limit of two hours for team practice. The fields are available on a first come basis. Reservations should be made no later than Monday prior to secure the reservation.
Richard Smythe @ 469-223-4118

Coaches the available fields list is located in the "Team Forms" link on the left-hand side of the page under MFSA Menu. It is the top form, done in an Excel spread-sheet.

MFSA and MBI share the city fields. Please go by this list and if you happen to come to a field and the boys are on it already practicing KINDLY ask them to leave. Coaches should have in their possession this list at every practice. Do not call the police, rather call Michael Allen-President of MFSA@214-808-3902 or Kelly Wagoner-President of Mesquite Baseball Inc@469-628-5405