Basic Game Rules

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Basic Game Rules

The Rowlett Hockey League is a recreational inline hockey league. Our goal is player skill development, sportsmanship, and fun.

1. 4 skaters and a goalie are on the playing surface for each team.

2. Games are three periods(9 minutes each for Mite/Squirt, 11  minutes each for PeeWee and Bantam, 13 minutes each for adults). Clock will stop during a whistle.

3. No Checking or rough play is allowed. Major and Minor penalties will be called.

4. There is no icing or offsides.

5. Players may substitute on the fly when the exiting player reaches within 5 feet of the gate.

6. A shootout will determine a winner if the game ends in a tie. See RHA Rules for playoffs.

7. An official scorer will record game statistics. The Rowlett Hockey League follows the USA In-line Hockey Rules. The rules are available for review by contacting your coach or by checking out the RHA rules menu tab.