ALL kids in our program will be able to fund raise to ensure everyone can afford to play travel Basketball. These opportunities will be BASED ON EACH INDIVIDUAL FAMILY AND NOT THE COACHES!! Some families will choose not to raise funds therefore they will not have to attend events.  ALL the cost of Travel need to be paid by the deadline to receive their uniforms and added to rosters!! WE will then have ways for each family to go out and retrieve their funds for Travel!! Below will be different scenarios of ways to raise money!!


1)  Coin Drop -   Designated dates and times to work coin drops!! There will be a group of 8/10 kids from different teams that are willing to work 4/5 hour shift. There will also need to be 1 adult for each child there to supervise the Coin Drop!! There will be different locations in Late September or Early October to be involved in this event. 100% of funds will be divided up equally from money that is brought in!!

2) Sponsors -  Our new facility will be full of sponsorship's from local businesses that we would love our clients to Support!! We will have sponsorship letters to send to family and friends regarding our pricing for being our Sponsor. 25% of Sponsorship will go back to each child travel cost.

3) Block Pools -   There will be designated block pools during the course of the year. These avenues are more likely to gain you credits during the course of the Season.

4) Monte Carlo Night -  There will be a portion of Sales that will be able to go back to each individual child!!


AGAIN, ALL of these ways are fully the responsibility of each family if they choose to put the time in. We as an organization are doing our best to keep the prices down but with our own facility and as many games as we play it is very difficult not to collect 100% of the needed funds!!