Operational Guidelines

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Operational Plan

Baseball NB Covid-19 Operational Plan

Return-to-Play Guidelines (April 24th, 2021)


The purpose of this document is to outline the Baseball NB Covid-19 Operational Plan. The plan will be used as a guiding principle for Baseball NB and all its member clubs, associations, and leagues to return to operations during the pandemic. This plan is put in place in order to adhere to all regulations put in place by the Province of New Brunswick in the recovery stage. Please keep in mind, Baseball NB is the governing organization for all amateur baseball in this province. Creating these guidelines was done so in the best interest of all BNB members. It is the responsibility of BNB to provide the safest possible procedure for participation.

These Return to Play Guidelines are required to be in place and executed in full in order to start up any organized baseball activities by order of the Province of New Brunswick and must be followed as outlined. Non-compliance can lead to removal of facility access through the municipality in which you offer baseball programming, by-law fines or even provincial health officer order to cease activity.

This plan was approved by the Board of Directors of Baseball New Brunswick as of April 24th, 2021.

All participants, volunteers, and parents must always adhere to all municipal Covid-19 Operational plans when using fields and facilities operated by the municipality. Guidelines are subject to change due to order of the Provincial Department of Health, Sport and Recreation Branch, Sport New Brunswick, and other provincial or federal agencies. Baseball New Brunswick reserves the right to suspend all sanctioned activities if deemed necessary as per the Board of Directors.

Personal Hygiene Guidelines/Cleaning and Disinfection

Personal Health and Hygiene


• All requirements will be applied to all age categories and playing divisions.

• No activities will be sanctioned unless the province allows for the participation of sport within the current framework.

• Prior to arriving at the facility, all participants must answer all questions in Appendix B: Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19.

• Upon arrival at the facility, all participants must answer any questions or self-monitoring procedures as provided by the municipality prior to their activity.

• No sharing of water bottles.

• No spitting.

• No chewing gum.

• No sunflower seeds.

• No sharing of personal helmets.

• No sharing of catchers masks or other equipment unless disinfected between personal uses.

• No sharing of any other equipment unless disinfected between personal uses.

• No high fives or physical contact between players.

• Sanitizer, wipes and gloves and face masks (if required) to be provided by the local association (or club or team) at every scheduled event.

• If possible, or if required by the facility operator, hand sanitizer should be available for all players and coaches during practice/games.

• Players and Coaches should sanitize hands at all reasonable opportunities. (During water breaks, between innings)

• All participants to disinfect their equipment after each event.

• Recommended that all uniforms or clothing to be washed after each event.

• All participants to shower at first opportunity after each event.

• No sharing of personal items like phones, wallets, etc.

Facility Guidelines

• Indoor events will be permitted as per the provincial guidelines in the red, orange and yellow phases. Groups must work within the facility operator covid-19 guidelines and those of the provincial governing body.

• Washrooms use to be in conjunction with the operational plan of the facility operator.

• Teams will be permitted to use dugouts if all dugout users wear masks at all times within the bench area.

• The number of spectators at an event will remain at the discretion of the minor Baseball Association and Field Operators.

• In order to limit contact of field users between scheduled field times, please do not gather or loiter around field before or after allotted practice/game times.

General Recommendations

• Attendance must be taken at every event for all people in attendance including parents (drivers). Click here for contact tracing information.

• Canteens operated out of a permanent structure with separate covid-19 operational plans may operate.

• Individuals should not share or serve food.

Practice and Training Guidelines

• All Foundational and Facility requirements to be met as outlined above.

• Team huddles must be conducted using physical distancing. Players and coaches must not come within 6 feet of each other during huddles.

• It is recommended that all drills are implemented to ensure physical distancing requirements are met.

• Masks should be worn when physical distancing is not possible.

Gameplay Guidelines

• All Foundational and Facility requirements to be met as outlined above.

• All coaches must wear masks while on the field or in dugouts.

• Coaches may remove their mask during execution of pre-game warmup.

• It is recommended that athletes should arrive fully dressed in their uniforms.

• Plate meetings to be done with 1 team representative only and masks must be worn.

• Coaches will be permitted to remove their mask if they leave the field and dugout areas.

• No postgame handshakes.

• Players must wear masks in dugouts.


• Complete screening questionnaire prior to leaving home for participation (Appendix A)

• Parents are asked to constantly remind players of the importance of physical distancing, no spitting, no face touching, and no contact between athletes such as high fives or handshakes.

• Parents are to arrive at the field with the athletes at the designated start time and wait for the field to be clear before allowing the athlete to leave the car.


• Coaches must wear masks at all times when physical distancing is not possible.

• Make sure all players have completed the screening questionnaire prior to participation each day.

• Ensure all procedures as set in place by the municipality are followed.

• Always maintain physical distance from players and remind players to adhere to physical distancing guidelines.

• Conduct team huddles and teaching moments in a setting that adheres to physical distancing.

• Remind players not to spit, chew gum, eat seeds.

• Remind players not to make physical contact.

• Coaches must keep a record of all people at the field within their baseball group, as per workplace NB Guidelines.


• Umpires have the right to call the game if teams continually disobey Covid-19 Protocols or if at any point they feel unsafe while officiating the games.

• Umpires will wear a mask while officiating the games.

• Players and coaches are subject to ejection if they continue to remove their masks on the field or in the dugouts.

• Monitor players and coaches wearing masks in or around the dugouts.

• Work with coaches to ensure they cover all above requirements.

• Umpires are not responsible to police physical distancing of spectators. It is the responsibility of the teams to ensure all protocols are being met.

• Umpires will be required to provide information for contact tracing to the home team.

Indoor Guidelines

• Masks must be worn in accordance with facility guidelines and department of health.

• Participants may be able to participate without a mask if physical distancing standards can be met and if permitted by the facility operator.

• Coaches must wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible.

Appendix A

Government of New Brunswick Guiding Documents

Safer Sport Participation

sports_EN.pdf (gnb.ca)

Risk Mitigation at Sporting Events

risk-mitigation.pdf (gnb.ca)

Contact Tracing Guidelines

Collection of names and contact information (gnb.ca)

Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health:


Worksafe NB:



NB’s Recovery Plan:


Guidance Document of General Public Health Measures During COVID-19 Recovery:


Personal Hand Hygiene:


Cleaning and Disinfection:


Community Mask:

MASK.pdf (gnb.ca)

Appendix B

Screening Questionnaire

All participants must complete the screening questionnaire in the link below prior to attending any Baseball NB sanctioned event. Furthermore,

COVID-19_screeningEN.pdf (gnb.ca)

• Have you had close contact within the last 14 days with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

• Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?

• Have you returned from travel outside of New Brunswick within the last 14 days?

• Have you been told my public health that you may have been exposed to COVID-19?

• Follow public health advice if you are waiting for testing results for COVID-19?