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Garden State Basketball League FAQ

Question - Who is allowed to join your league?
Answer- Town teams that are comprised of residents from one town or towns that feed into one High School. Religious teams must be comprised of players that are the members of that church/synagogue, and are not eligible to play on town teams. 

Question - How can I go about joining your league?

Answer - Send an email to he will get you started. 

Question - If I need to make a change to my game schedule, what do I do?

Answer – A great deal of effort went into preparing the schedule. GSBL puts the entire season schedule out before the first game. We not only requested gym availability, but even asked for coaches to provide their own conflicts. Changing a game schedule should be confined to urgent situations or snow outs. 

Please review your schedules carefully. If you see an obvious mistake (you are playing two games at the same time), please send an email to asap and we will fix it.

Other changes  (loss of gym, snow out, etc) however are the responsibility of the coaches/program coordinators. If a game has to be rescheduled less than 48 hours from game time, the coach looking to reschedule must telephone/text and email the following folks, and receive confirmation from all (opposing coach, Hoddy Mahon - , and the appropriate ref assignor of the home team). If the request is longer than 48 hours from game time, emails with confirmation will suffice. Failure to comply will result in a forfeit, as well as payment to game officials (such fees must be paid prior to playoffs). The head coach requesting the change will be responsible for managing the make-up dates with all parties noted above.

The ref assigners and webmaster need to know every change made because the schedule on the web is the guide to ensure everyone knows when, where, and what time games will be played.  

Question – What is the procedure I must follow to change a game?

Answer – 1. Contact opposing coach and agree to new date.

                      2. Select a new date, time and venue to play

                      3. Send cancellation email and new game information to, both coaches and the assignor for the home team.
                      4. Check website for accuracy
Question - Where do I send my league forms, Rosters, Code of Conduct, Registration, Gym Availability and Blackout dates (conflicts) etc 
Question - Where should I send my payment for league?
Answer - Make check payable: to Garden State Basketball League and
                      Mail to: GSBL 33 Village Road, Florham Park NJ 07932

Question – What is the procedure I must follow for a snowed out game?

Answer – 


  1. Please try and communicate cancellation to all parties by 10am [Assignor, Opposing Coach, League]
  2. Contact your Assignor immediately by phone, with backup email so he cancel the Refs. You must speak with your Assignor.
  3. Contact Opposing coach and agree to new date, again by phone. If you have trouble getting gym time an opposing team can host, allow the game to be played at their place. Please re-schedule within 72 hours. 
  4. Select a new date, time and venue to play the game. 
  5. Send cancellation email and new game information to, cc both coaches and the assignor for the home team. 
  6. Check website for accuracy
  7. Home Team - If you have not spoken with your Assignor and Refs are sent it is your responsibility to PAY the Refs $100.


Question – Where do I find contact info for coaches, ref assignors, etc?

Answer – The contact information for Executive Board members and ref assigners will be on the Garden State Basketball League (GSBL) website - Each coach will be required to create a free account on the League Lineup site and place all their pertinent information so other coaches can see it.  We ask that you respect everyone’s contact info, and purely use it for Garden State Basketball League business.  See a later FAQ about creating an account. 

Question – What are the procedures for reporting game results?

Answer – Within 24 hours of a game completion, either coach logs into the website, click on their schedule, clicks Report Score tab up top and searches for the game. You must enter the password, TheScore, before entering the score. Then click on Report Score to the right.  Mark the game as completed, the score and any other pertinent information.  Click submit to finalize the process.  All Coaches are asked to check scores reported. If there are any errors, please email Mark Warfield at Mark will be checking to make sure all scores are reported on a weekly basis.

When sending Mark an email, please note the following in the subject line:  “Game Results, Date of Game, Grade/League, Division, Score”; so an example – all in subject line: “Game Results, 12/8,  4th Grade Girls, American, Incorrect Score Chester 16 and Randolph 14”.  An email will be sent in the first week of December to all registered coaches to notify them of the Scores password that you will need.

Question – How do I sign up for a FREE secure account on our website?

Answer Once your team has been entered into the site, here is the step-by-step process:

                     1) Go to the bottom of the page

                     2) Click my account  

                     3) Create "New Account" button to the right.  Make sure to confirm Terms of use and save changes

                     4) A verification code will be sent to you email address for your account.

                     5) Enter email, password and verification code and you're ready to sign up for your team.

                     6) Click on the Communications Tab and go to Schedule Reminders.

                     7) Select team for Reminders - bottom right drop-down list and select reminder frequency (24 hrs, 48 hrs. or 72 hrs.)

                     8) Select Email lists that you might want to be subscribe to.

                     9) Select manage phones - add new phone - right side button

Question – I have a concern with one or both game officials?

Answer – If at least one game official is not present 10 minutes before game time, and you have not received a phone call regarding late arrival, please contact the appropriate assignor right away. If you cannot reach the assignor, please contact Victor Viscomi, head of all officials for the Garden State Basketball League.

If your inquiry is based on your perceived performance of the game official, we ask that you do the following: Wait 24 hours to allow your emotions to subside, email the president (Hoddy) and VP (Vic) with as much factual detail as possible. We will confer with the opposing coach. If both reports match, then the appropriate assigner will be required to investigate, and consult with Vic for disposition. Remember, no official/person will be perfect. We do expect our officials to arrive on time, know the specific rules for our league and discuss with both coaches prior to game time, hustle into best position to make a call, and understand that this is a developmental travel league and provide guidance to coaches and players as deemed appropriate.


Question - Who makes the Playoffs?

Answer - Playoffs - all Full teams make the playoffs - playing a minimum of 8 games. Single elimination.

Some divisions will have an Upper and Lower Bracket. 

Some teams will be moved up or down depending on how they finished. If won/loss by average of 15 points you should want to move accordingly. 

Question - When do they start and finish? 

Answer - First Thursday after Presidents Day. Seedings are sent out Wednesday evening. Plan accordingly. 
Home team is the Higher seed. 

Finals - are played on first Sunday of March at Randolph and Basking Ridge. If you are aware of CYO scheduled times or other finals please let us know 1 month before hand and we will try to schedule accordingly. After times are set no changes!!