What Night Will My Child Play?
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The season typically begins after the May Long weekend
- T-Ball: Diamonds A & B, Monday Nights at 6:00PM
- Tyke: Diamonds 2 & 3 - Monday 6-7PM & Saturday 9AM
- Pixie League: Diamond A & B - Wednesday 6PM & Saturday 9:00 AM
The season typically begins the first week of May
- Rookie-Ball: Diamond 2 - Wednesday 6:30PM Games, Saturday 11 AM or 1PM (D3)
- Mosquito: Diamond 2 & 3 - Friday - 6PM, Saturday 11AM or 1PM (D2)
*Wrap-up Tournament, August 11-13th. (Location to be Announced) - Peewee: Diamond 1 - Wednesday or Friday - 6PM, Saturday AM practice.
*Wrap-up Tournament, August 18-20th. (Dates tentative. Location to be Announced) - Bantam: Diamond 6 - Monday or Friday - 6PM, Saturday AM practice.
*Wrap-up Tournament, August 11-13th. (Dates tentative. Location to be Announced) - Midget: Diamond 6 - Tuesday - 6:30 PM, Saturday 1PM practice.
*Wrap-up Tournament, August 14-16th. (Dates tentative. Location to be Announced)
Girls Slo-pitch:
The season typically begins the first week of May
- INT Girls: Thursday 6PM & Saturday 9AM - Diamond 5
- SR Girls: Wednesday or Thursday 6PM & Sunday 11AM or 1PM - Diamond 4
Girls Fast-Pitch:
- U10 JR Girls: Monday 6PM (D4) or Wednesday 6PM (D3 or D5) & Saturday 11AM/1PM/3PM (D5)
- U13 INT Girls: Tuesday (D4/D5) or Friday (D4) 6PM & Saturday 9AM/11AM/1PM (D4)
- Select Rookie and Mosquito tournament August TBD in Kingsville.
- Select Peewee and Bantam tournament August TBD in Amherstburg.
- U8 Rookie-Ball: Diamond 3 - Tuesday 6PM, Sunday
- U9 Rookie-Ball: Diamond 3 - Thursday 6PM, Sunday 1-6PM
- U10 Mosquito: Diamond 2 - Tuesday 6PM, Sunday 1-6PM
- U11 Mosquito: Diamond 2 - Thursday 6PM, Sunday 1-6PM
- U12 Peewee: Diamond 1 - Monday 6PM, Sunday 12PM
- U13 Peewee: Diamond 1 - Thursday 6PM, Sunday 3PM
- U15 Bantam: Diamond 6 - No Team
- U18 Midget: Diamond 6 - Thursday 6PM, Sunday 1-6PM
* Certain divisions play in an Interlock division which means there is some travel involved.
Not all centres play on the same nights as Kingsville so be prepared to play on evenings not listed on this sheet.
** Please note that this is based on last years schedule and is subject to change based on participation numbers as well as coach and diamond availability.
*** Your teams full schedule will be available online once the season has begun.
Note that the schedule will only be available online depending if the coach submits his or her schedule to be posted on the website.
All team schedules can be found on the Team pages listed in "Teams/Rosters" site within the Left-Menu.