Free Agent Sign Up
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Director of Player Relations is: Todd Thomas, (515) 782-3887
(Prospective Players & Team Managers should contact the Director of Player Relations, Todd Thomas, to help determine best team fit.)
Prospective Players:
1) First & foremost, you will most likely have to pay to play. The league is self-supported by team fees. Most teams typically charge anywhere from $150-$200+ per player, per season. That is in addition to uniform costs. If you cannot take financial responsibility for yourself, please reconsider signing up.
2) If you are serious about wanting to play, please sign up. Do not waste time by signing up and then deciding you will not return calls, texts or emails from managers wanting to know your availability. If, for whatever reason, you change your mind after signing up, please send a note to to have your name removed from the list. The league wants INVESTED players.
3) On the Free Agent Signup Form, you will be asked to provide your name, phone number, e-mail address, hometown (where you will live during the season) & general experience. By providing this information, it will enhance your chance of getting contacted. Once signed up, all League Managers & Administrators will have access to view all the information you provided via a secure page. However, your name and date of birth will be added to the "Free Agent Players" page as soon as possible to show that you are currently available as a free agent. Your name will remain on the list for a minimum of 60 days or until you are signed up, whichever comes first. The list will be updated as soon as possible, more often during the active season.
You can also contact any team manager directly to find out if a team needs players.
Find information about prospective players under the "Free Agent Players - MGRS" link. Please contact your League President if you need to obtain the password for access.