Information for all PYL Coaches

The winning team is to report all final game scores and pitching within 24 hours of the completion of a game. The opposing coach has 24 hours after the posting to dispute any information regarding the game.


Links for Coaches

Coaches' Code of Conduct: Click on this link to sign the Code of Conduct. This must be done each season by the head coach of each team.

Current Rules: A "summary" of important PYL rules that often come up.

PYL Constitution: An in-depth look at PYL as a whole and all of our rules and regulations.

Game Reschedule Request: If a game gets postponed, coaches have 48 hrs to work together to find a replacement day, time, and field within 15 days of the originally scheduled date. The home team coach should fill this form out once an agreement has been made. Failure to agree or fill out a form within 48 hrs will result in the league rescheduling the game.

Double-Rostered Players Registration: For Majors and AL Coaches only. Once a player on your team plays for a team outside of PYL, this form must be filled out by the head coach so the player can be marked as a Double-Rostered player.

  • Double-Rostered players will be marked as such with an asterisk (*) after their name... (i.e. Pat Car plays for a team outside PYL).
  • If they also pitch for their other team outside of the PYL, they will be marked with a double asterisk (**) after their name... (i.e. Manny Rodrigues** plays and pitches for a team outside of the PYL).

Called-Up Player Registration: Once a player is "called-up" to your team, this form must be filled out. Called-Up players must be marked as such and may only play up for one team within their organization.

  • Called-Up Players will be marked on their official team with a carrot (^) and what division they were called-up for... (i.e. Midget NL player Sean Buskirk (^MAL) gets called-up to play for Midget AL.)
  • If there is more than one team from the same organization in the same division, the team will be marked as well...  (i.e. Biddy NL player Ryan Morcrette (^BAL Gray) gets called-up to play for his organization's Biddy AL Gray team.)

Game Reporting Instructions: A step-by-step guide for new coaches on how to report scores and pitching on the website.

Pitch Tracker: Know which players can pitch on the upcoming days.

Coaches' Preseason Meeting Presentation

Coaches' Tournament Meeting Presentation