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Policies & Procedures

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The Santa Rosa Hackers softball organization is a non-profit charitable corporation organized under the IRS laws encompassing 501(c)(3) entities and is committed to providing opportunities for young athletes to engage in a quality, competitive experience.  The Santa Rosa Hackers is dedicated to the idea that any athlete, regardless of race, creed, religious affiliation or socio-economic status should be given that opportunity.  A competitive athletic experience can instill a good work ethic, enhance social development, contribute to mental and physical helath and teach values of personal responsibility, self discipline, self motivation and teamwork.


The purpose of the Board is to provide direction for the organization.  The Board will aid in the decision making of the organization, provide ideas, structure and assistance with fundraising, team structure, uniforms, hotels and the promotion of the Santa Rosa Hackers.


Because the length of softball matches can be unpredictable and tournament formats and management varies, it is difficult to pinpoint the time a tournment may end.  Also, exact tournament schedules or final confirmations are often not available until just before the tournaments begin.

The Santa Rosa Hackers has no control over the administration of these tournaments.  Since team entry fees must be paid weeks in advance it is extremely important that the team coach is notified as far in advance as possible of any tournament a player cannot attend.

Parents and players should closely review the tournament schedule provided and notify the coach of any conflicts.  We understand that situations such as illness do cause short notice conflicts; it is the ones known in advance of which we must be informed as soon as they are identified in order to best adjust to the situation.  Player's costs beyond fees already scheduled is kept to a minimum; the only thing the players are responsible for paying during an average tournament is their individual meals, snacks, travel and lodging.


Playing time is very important to everyone.  It is important to apply the skills and fundamentals taught in practice in a game situation.  Only then can a coach and player truly realize which skills the player is proficient at and which skills require more training.    Your team fees go toward practice time and instruction by qualified experience coaches, not playing time in tournaments.

More playing time is earned by being at practice and working hard to improve, as well as executing the skills when given the opportunity to play.  The coaches are advised to give everyone opportunities to contribute their individual skills and abilities to the team during pool play matches.


Uniforms:  Every Santa Rosa Hacker player is required to purchase her own uniform.

Equipment:  Each player is responsible for providing their own equipment.  At a minimum this includes a glove, bat, batting helmet and cleats.  Optional equipment such as sliding pands, fielding masks and catcher gear is also the responsibility of the player to provide.

Fundraising:  Each team will have fundraising opportunities specifically to offset travel expenses should the team qualify for a National tournament.  Any and all fundraising ideas, opportunities, special circumstances, etc. must be brought to the Board before any event is held.  The Board and the team manager/coach will work together to facilitate each fundraising activity.  NO fundraising should take place without prior knowledge and authorization of the Board.  Players are NOT required to take part in fundraisers.

General Expectations:  The goal of the Santa Rosa Hackers Softball organization is to provide an opportunity for young women to play fast pitch softball in an atmosphere that encourages and promotes teamwork, friendly competition, amicable relationships, good sportsmanship, and community.  The organization expects coaches, players, fans and parents to exhibit courtesy and proper decorum at all times.

In general each team will play in 6-10 tournaments, including fall tournaments, but not including national tournaments that the team may qualify for.  If a coach would like to play in more tournaments, that coach is responsible for meeting with the team parents to gain agreement.


All funds received by the Santa Rosa Hackers shall be used to promote girls softball. All funds received by any representative of the Santa Rosa Hackers shall be surrendered to the President or Treasurer within seven (7) calendar days of receipt. All bills payable, notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of Santa Rosa Hackers shall be made in the name of the Santa Rosa Hackers.   No officer or member of the Santa Rosa Hackers acting singly or jointly with others shall have the power to make any bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants or negotiable instruments of any description or nature or endorse the same in the name of Santa Rosa Hackers or contract or cause to be contracted any debt or liability in the name of or on behalf of Santa Rosa Hackers.  All expenditures outside normal operating costs must be approved by the board.  Any expenditures relating to the Santa Rosa Hackers must be processed and paid by the Santa Rosa Hackers organization.  Under no circumstatances shall a representative of the Santa Rosa Hacker incur expenses or collect money from players or parents on behalf of the Santa Rosa Hackers without prior board knowledge and consent.  

Team Fees

Team fees cover participation on a Santa Rosa Hackers team and tournament fees.  Players are responsbile for purchase of an organizational issued team uniform.  The team uniform shall consist of a tri-color jersey (black/green/white) and either a pair of tri-color shorts or solid black pants and solid black socks.  Per ASA rules all players on a team shall properly wear a uniform that is like in color and style.  A representative appointed by the board will be the only one authorized to order uniforms and team related apparel.  Individual teams must receive prior approval from the board for any modification of the offical Hacker uniform.  The Santa Rosa Hackers organizations financial goal is to keep all costs to a minimum.  Once the initial uniform has been purchased players will not be asked to purchase additional uniforms, practice uniforms, specialized equipment, bags, or cleats.  Should a team wish to have an exception to this rule due to a "themed" tournament prior authorization by the board for this exception and additional costs to the players is required. 

(Rev 4/2014)