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Seacoast Titans

PO Box 1143

Dover, NH 03821






Section 1: The name of this Association shall be the Seacoast Titans Youth Football and Cheerleading Association, hereinafter referred to as the “STYFCA,” the “Seacoast Titans,” or the “Organization.”  The STYFCA shall operate exclusively as a non-profit Organization and is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Section 2: Teams shall be known as the Seacoast Titans. The Association logo will be a blue and red fireball with a “T” in the center and 3 stars around it. The team colors will be blue and silver with red accents. The team colors can be subject to change upon approval of the Executive Board of Directors and in the best financial interests of the Organization.


Section 1: The purpose of the Organization is to foster the ideals of sportsmanship, academics, and physical fitness by providing an organized and affiliated tackle football and competitive cheerleading program, principally for the youth in the towns of Barrington, Berwick, Dover, Durham, Eliot, Farmington, Gonic, Greenland, Kittery, Lee, Madbury, Middleton, Milton, Newmarket, Rochester, Rollinsford, Somersworth and Strafford and, if assigned, any adjoining communities. The welfare of the children comes first and foremost, without adult ambition for personal glory.


Section 1:  Membership in the STYFCA shall be limited to any person who has a direct, unselfish interest in the Association and shall include Coaches, Parents and Adult Volunteers. To participate in the Organization you must meet all requirements of these by-laws.

Section 2: Eligibility

1.       Membership will run parallel to the fiscal year from January 1st to December 31st.

2.       Members in debt to the STYFCA may not be granted registration or Membership.  Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors (“The Board”) by a majority vote.

Section 3: Code of Conduct

The STYFCA has the right to impose one or more of the following sanctions toward any Parent(s), Legal Guardian(s) or Individual(s) who becomes verbally abusive (including the use of derogatory, discriminatory, or demeaning language toward a Board Member, official, coach, player or another parent) or becomes violent:

1.       Probation for one or more games and practices to include a “zero tolerance” policy for the duration of the probation and balance of the season.

2.       Suspension for one or more games in which the Parent(s) or Individual(s) is/are not allowed to attend games or practices for the duration of the suspension and to include a “zero tolerance” policy for the balance of the season.

3.       Refusal to register and/or to bar children of violent or verbally abusive Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) or Individual(s) only after the above sanctions have been followed or in extreme situations.

A child’s participation in the STYFCA is a privilege, not a Right.


Officers shall be nominated at the October general meeting.  Elections will take place by secret ballot, unless the position is unopposed, at the November Annual Meeting.  Officers will hold office for one fiscal year. As described below.

The Board of Directors shall, upon election, enter into the performance of their duties as described in Article [6] as of January 1st of the new season or sooner if an outgoing and incoming officer of the same position agree to transfer reasonability sooner and shall continue in office of a total of one (1) year ending December 31st. All positions on The Board shall be up for election each year:

1.       The outgoing officer shall transfer all records, files and materials.

2.       The outgoing officer shall communicate all practices and policies to the newly elected officers to ensure a smooth transition of the duties.

3.       Personally developed procedures, letters and records will also be helpful to this process.

4.       All Documents or personally developed materials bearing the STYFCA logo or name will be the sole property of the STYFCA, and cannot be used or reproduced unless otherwise approved by the Executive Board.


Section 1: The governing body of this League shall be the Board of Directors. The Board shall include an Executive Board.

1.       The Executive Board shall consist of the following positions: 

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Cheerleading Coordinator
  • Secretary
  • Football Coordinator

 2.       The Executive Board has the authority to make decisions for the Association that are in the best interest of the program. The Executive Board will only invoke this authority when it is not feasible to convene a meeting of the Board of Directors including but not limited to crisis during practices or games, confidential and personal events with Association Members, and other occasions that require an immediate decision.

3.       The President will preside over the Executive Board and is fully responsible to ensure that the Executive Board Members act in accordance with the STYFCA By-Laws, and State of NH regulations.

Section 2: The President shall have the power to appoint such standing and special committees as s/he determines, and delegate such power to them, as they deem advisable.

Section 3: If a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any regular or at any special meeting called for that purpose.

Section 4: Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings except where same conflicts with the constitution or By-Laws of the STYFCA.

Section 5:  Assistants

The following Officers may at their discretion request an assistant officer (assistant);

  • Football Coordinator
  • Cheerleading Coordinator
  • Field Coordinator
  • Equipment Coordinator
  • Secretary

Assistants if appointed shall be considered a non-voting board member, the exception will be during a board meeting when the appointed board member is not present.  Assistants will have all rights of other board members with the exception of voting right.

Section 6: Board Quorum

At any regular or special meeting called by the Board of Directors, there must be fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the voting officers present to constitute a quorum. For the transaction of official business of the Organization a majority vote of those present will be deemed official and binding. Once a Quorum is formed, Members leaving the meeting cannot break it. Should fifty percent plus one of the members not be present during a meeting where voting is necessary to conduct business the Executive Board shall become deciding vote.

Section 7: Removal from Office

An officer may resign from the Board of Directors by written resignation submitted to the President no later than 2 weeks prior to resignation, unless unforeseeable circumstances warrant immediate resignation For reasons not conductive to the objectives of the Organization, removal of an officer shall require the affirmative vote of a Board quorum of the Board of Directors (excluding said officer in question) and/or the President under the direction of a State Executive Board Representative.  Said officer removed may be reinstated by majority vote of the Board of Directors. An officer of the Board of Directors will not be considered absent if the President or designated presiding officer excuses said officer prior to the meeting.

Section 8: Code of Conduct

All Board of Directors will sign and follow the STYFCA Code of Conduct as listed on the “Commitment Form.” All Members will conduct the STYFCA business with professionalism and refrain from the use of derogatory, discriminatory, or demeaning language/behavior toward other Board Members, Officials, and Coaches, Players or Parents or risk immediate removal from the STYFCA Board of Directors for the remainder of the season.

General Board Requirements

1.       All Board Members must make a commitment to serve on the Board and be easily available via telephone, cell phone and e-mail and respond to messages in a timely manner.

2.       Per league requirements, all Board Members must submit to the Secretary or Assistant Secretary a volunteer application, provide a copy of their driver’s license and be subject to a background check.

3.       All Board Members shall exhibit good sportsmanship on and off the field in any capacity while representing the STYFCA.

4.       All Board Members will make best efforts to attend all Board Meetings and STYFCA events, or provide reasonable advanced notice to the President of absence. Board Members are permitted 3 unexcused absences per fiscal year.

5.       All Board Members will work together to coordinate a schedule for game coverage that is both reasonable and adequate for Board representation at the fields, with a minimum of 1 Board Member at every game

Section 1: President
Responsibilities Include

Preside at all meetings.

2.       Preside over Executive Board.

3.       Oversee all Organization activities.

4.       Act as the official representative for the STYFCA at all League and official functions or appoint a representative.

5.       Fill by temporary appointment any elected office that becomes vacant for any reason until the Board of Directors can vote.

6.       Arbitrate all conflicts that may arise between Members of the Organization, Coaches, Parents and Players.

7.       Designate all meetings, their time and place.

8.       Call a special meeting and notify all Members at least 48 hours in advance.

9.       Shall be responsible for imposing and enforcing any League disciplinary action voted on by the Board.

10.     Conduct the Board meetings, sets the agendas and keeps the meeting moving quickly and efficiently. Responsible for scheduling EMT’s (must be at the field for entire game day) Referee’s and other personnel as necessary

11.     Shall be responsible at all times for the actions of Board Members/coaching staff  on or off the field or in any capacity while representing the STYFCA

Section 3: Football Coordinator

Responsibilities Include

1.       Oversee all aspects related to the Football Program for the Seacoast Titans including, but not limited to acting as a liaison between football teams and the Board of Directors

2.       Visit each team as needed or within a reasonable time frame if so requested by any Head Coach

3.       Create detailed descriptions, and provide instructional material  for all new/returning Head Coaches and Assistants as needed

4.       Nominate Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches to the Board for Approval

5.       Provide information to Coaches relative to rules and regulations to both New Hampshire Youth Football and Spirit Conference, hereinafter referred to as “NHYFSC”, and American Youth Football, hereinafter referred to as “AYF”.

6.       Approve Practice Schedules submitted by Coaches

7.       Approve Football Rosters, submit schedules to be uploaded to STYFCA website.

8.       First in Line to resolve Parent/Coach issues and escalates to President when necessary. If such occasion arises, the Football Coordinator will submit an incident report to the Executive Board for further review. Copies should be kept with the Football Coordinator and the President.

9.       Assist Equipment Coordinator as needed to develop a pre-season budget for all Football needs.

10.     Submit budget to Board for approval

11.     Football Coordinator may request the position of “Assistant Football Coordinator” at his/her discretion.

12.     Maintain a seat on the Executive Board.

Section 4: Cheerleading Coordinator

Responsibilities Include

1.       Oversee all aspects related to the Spirit/Cheer Program for the Seacoast Titans including, but not limited to acting as a liaison between Spirit/Cheer squads and the Board of Directors

2.       Visit each team as needed or within a reasonable time frame if so requested by any Head Coach.

3.       Create detailed descriptions, and provide instructional material for all new/returning Head Coaches and Assistants as needed

4.       Nominate Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches to the Board for Approval

5.       Provide information to Coaches relative to rules and regulations to both NHYFSC and AYF.

6.       Approve Practice Schedules submitted by Coaches

7.       Approve Spirit/Cheer Rosters

8.       First in line to resolve Parent/Coach issues and escalates to President when necessary. If such occasion arises, the Cheerleading Coordinator will submit an incident report to the Executive Board for further review. Copies should be kept with the Cheerleading Coordinator and the President.

9.       Work with President as needed to develop a pre-season budget for all Cheerleading needs.

10.     Submit Budget to Board for Approval.

11.     Fit and distribute to/ collect from all players /coaches any and all Spirit/Cheer equipment prior to and at the end of the season.

12.     Cheerleading Coordinator may request the position of “Assistant Cheerleading Coordinator” at his/her discretion.

13.     Maintain a seat on the Executive Board.

Section 5: Secretary

Responsibilities Include

1.    Shall keep a book of minutes of all meetings of the Organization with the time and place of holdings, whether regular or special, the name of those present and the proceedings thereof and to include all motions and votes.

2.    Shall give notice of all meetings of the Board and other meetings provided for under these By-Laws.

3.    Accomplish those administrative assignments assigned by the Board/President.

4.    Maintain all official records required by NHYFSC and AYF (i.e. rosters, birth certificates, academics, etc.)

5.    Prepare general discussion agenda, in coordination with the President for upcoming meetings and distribute to the Board at meetings.

6.    Responsible for overseeing and coordinating registration of all Members in the football and cheerleading program.

7.    Responsible to maintain all paperwork for football players and cheerleaders required for certification and ensure each child is paid in full prior to becoming a STYFCA Member and taking the field.

8.    Maintain a complete roster of all Members in football and cheer for the STYFCA.

9.    Provide necessary rosters to Equipment Coordinator and any other Board Member who may need it to complete their job.

10.     Maintain and distribute all League Communication as requested by Board Members.

11.     The Secretary may request the position of “Assistant Secretary” at his/her discretion.

12.     Have By-Laws available to reference at any and all meetings.

Section 6: Treasurer

Responsibilities Include

1.       Shall keep and maintain correct amounts of the properties and business transaction of the Organization, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, and income of any sort and kind derived by the Organization from any of its activities.

2.       Shall promptly deposit all monies and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the Organization with such depositories as shall be designed by the Board, and shall render to the President, bi-monthly (during the off-season) monthly (during the season), an account of all transactions as Treasurer, and of the Organization.

3.       Shall reimburse any Board Member for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties only with an itemized receipt, or invoice.
Note:  All money transactions regardless of amount will require an itemized receipt or invoice for reimburse and must be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement no later than the final day of November of the current year.

4.       Shall be responsible for securing funds for the Organization and collecting funds as required.

5.       Shall keep detailed records of inflows/gains and outflows/losses for each STYFCA event with assistance from other Board Members if appropriate.

6.       Shall coordinate with the Concession Coordinator and Secretary, and/or designee, a time to collect all monies for deposit.

7.       Shall be responsible for maintaining the highest ethical business standards to ensure all costs are captured and accounted for properly. Shall directly report to the President on official duties.

8.       Shall seek the advice of the President on any questionable financial matter before acting upon if uncertain.

9.       Shall arrange an end of year audit with independent accounting firm to file appropriate annual IRS Tax Returns, the cost of which shall be expensed to the STYFCA.

10.     Annual budgets must be submitted from the Fundraiser Coordinator, Secretary, Football Coordinator, Cheerleading Coordinator, Field, Equipment, and Concessions/Apparel Coordinators by February to the Treasurer and presented and approved at the March meeting so that all Organizational requirements can be agreed upon in a timely manner and executed as such.

11.     In lieu of a Treasurer position, the Board may contract a Bookkeeper to fulfill all such duties.

12.     If a Bookkeeper is contracted, the President and Vice President may become designated signatories on the checkbook so long as signatures are required for any transaction.

Section 2: Fund Raiser Coordinator

Responsibilities Include

1.       Responsible to form and coordinate all fundraising activities on an annual basis.

2.       Develop a fundraising plan and submit to the Board for approval.

3.       Execute the fundraising plan, which may include but not be limited to distribution and collection of fundraisers and associated money, providing information to update the website, gathering materials and soliciting sponsors/donors.

4.       Work with the Treasurer, Secretary or any other designated Board Member to collect and maintain accurate fundraising financial records

Section 7: Equipment Coordinator

Responsibilities Include

1.       The Equipment Coordinator is responsible for the, fitting, distribution and collection of all equipment and apparel for the football players, and coaches at the beginning and end of each season.

2.       The Equipment Coordinator will work closely with the Football Coaching Coordinator as needed.

3.       Inventory all uniforms and equipment at the beginning of the season.

4.       Co-ordinate Parent/Coach Volunteers to help with uniform distribution and collection if needed.

5.       Collect deposit check from each player for deposit on uniform and equipment or designate volunteers/Board Members to assist in this effort. Forward the deposit check to the Treasurer for safe keeping.

6.       Ensure Parents sign form provided acknowledging receipt of uniforms and equipment and understanding of return policies. 

7.       Have equipment available at practices and games and keep accurate records as to what Coach/Player equipment goes out.

8.       Keep detailed equipment records of both players and coaches- Report to the Board outstanding uniforms and equipment from players/coaches Prepare and collect medical kits at the beginning and end of each season. Redistribute medical supplies/ ice packs as necessary. Submit needs for additional items to Board for approval.

9.       Work with Football Coaching Coordinator to put together a pre-season budget for all Football needs. Including a list of items in need of purchase.

10.     The Equipment Coordinator may request the position of “Assistant Equipment Coordinator” at his/her discretion.

11.     Work with Football Coordinator to create and maintain a lifecycle schedule for all STYFCA equipment to plan when each will need to be replaced.

12.     Collect and submit football/cheer equipment orders to President for authorization/approval and ensure delivery to proper facility on behalf of League delivered in a timely fashion, or designate suitable representative   to complete this task.

Section 8: Concessions/Apparel Coordinator

Responsibilities Include

1.       Shall be responsible for ordering all foods at reasonable prices and maintain accurate receipts and inventory of such goods.

2.       Shall be responsible for making sure there are enough parent volunteers to run concession operations of home games.

3.       Prepare an order form to distribute at registration and equipment pick up/fittings, so that Members can place special orders for personalized merchandise and distributing orders.

4.       Will work hand-in-hand with Team Parents from both NHYFSC and AYF to ensure a smooth line of communication to Parents concerning the working on game days.

5.       Take an inventory of current merchandise available for sale and submit a budget to Board for approval.

6.       Will be responsible for an accurate record of all expenditures and income from concessions and apparel sales and turn over all financial records and monies collected to Treasurer BEFORE next game or event. In the absence of a Treasurer, provide such records to the President.

7.       Will provide the Board with a pre-season budget of all concessions and apparel needs.  

8.       Work with all Members of the Board to assess the volunteer needs of the Organization and ensure that Volunteers are readily available when needed.

9.       Will be responsible for communications to Team Parents to form a schedule for working the Home Games.

10.     Work with Team Parents to:

A.      Assign Parents from the volunteer pool to each shift needed.

B.      Inform Parents of their volunteer assignment and remind them of their assignment the week before.

C.      Have a schedule available for any Board Members who may need Volunteers one week prior to home game.

NOTE: No Board Member, Coach or Team Parent should be called upon to fill any of the other volunteer commitments as they are already committing to the program all year long.  Ideally, all volunteer shifts should be pulled from the “volunteer pool.”

11.     The Concessions/Apparel Coordinator may be shared by two (2) individuals.

12.     Additionally, the Concession Stand may be outsourced at the discretion of the Board should membership in the Organization not support appointing a representative.

Section 9: Field Coordinator

Responsibilities Include

1.       Oversee all aspects of the STYFCA needs for fields, including, but not limited to: Practice Fields, Location, Traffic control, Portable bathrooms, and General Field maintenance (including mowing and lining.)

2.       Will be responsible painting of game field(s) prior to home games

3.       Shall be responsible for maintaining field equipment including but not limited to: Game chains, Scoreboards, the PA system, Field markers and Announcers Shed

4.       Will at a minimum be available at the first game for set up and the last game for field breakdown and will ensure all equipment is put away properly.

5.       Will provide the Board with a pre-season budget for all field needs.

6.       The Field Coordinator may request the position of “Assistant Field Coordinator” at his/her discretion.

Section 10: Scholastics Coordinator

Responsibilities include

1.       Shall understand, enforce, and adhere to the requirements as submitted by NHYFSC to fulfill this office.

2.       Shall work with the Team Parents as needed on the players’ report cards to calculate GPA

3.       Shall ensure all players receive the proper forms for the Scholastic Program well before deadline set by NHYFSC

4.       Shall submit forms and ensure completed properly for those who qualify for the Scholastic Program within the deadline set by NHYFSC

5.       Shall submit names of qualifying players, final reports and calculations to the President for records.

Section 11: Advisor

Responsibilities Include

1.       Will serve as general advisor to the Board.

2.       Shall represent both the interests of Football and Spirit/Cheer equally.

3.       If called upon, will be available to assist other Board Members as needed in lieu of “Assistant” and/or “Co” positions.

Section 12: First At- Large

Responsibilities Include

1.       Will serve as general advisor to the Board.

2.       Shall represent both the interests of Football and Spirit/Cheer equally.

3.       If called upon, will be available to assist other Board Members as needed in lieu of “Assistant” and/or “Co” positions.


Section 13: Second At- Large

Responsibilities Include

1.       Will serve as general advisor to the Board.

2.       Shall represent both the interests of Football and Spirit/Cheer equally.

3.       If called upon, will be available to assist other Board Members as needed in lieu of “Assistant” and/or “Co” positions. 


Section 14: Head Coaches

Responsibilities Include

 1.       Each Head Coach shall designate an Assistant Head Coach, with approval of the Football Coordinator, who will succeed him/her for the duration of his/her term and fulfill his/her duties should s/he not be able to carry on during the football/cheerleading season.

 2.       Shall ensure that at least one member of their coaching staff holds a current CPR/AED certification.

 3.       Coaches are required to familiarize themselves with local, HLA and National Rules. Any violation of the Code of Conduct may result in suspension or removal, and may be subject to League Sanctions by NHYFSC or AYF.

 4.        Shall be responsible at all times for the actions on the field or in any capacity while representing the STYFCA.

 5.       Shall be responsible for their Assistant Coaches actions on the field or while representing the STYFCA.

 6.       Shall be responsible for their players/cheerleaders actions on the sideline.

 7.       Shall be responsible for controlling Parents’ behavior on the sideline.

 8.       Shall always exhibit good sportsmanship and refrain from criticism both on and off the field to any referee, coach or other volunteer of NHYFSC or AYF.


Section 1: Annual Meetings


The Annual Meeting of the STYFCA shall be held no later than November 30th for the purpose of electing Officers, Directors, and other Board Members. At such time any addition or amendments to the By-Laws may be acted upon by the full Membership. Annual financial report and other transactions of such business may also come before the Membership.

Section 2: Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Members will be held at least monthly during the year, or as needed with Executive Board approval. Place, date and time will be set by the President. If a Member would like to be added to the agenda they must notify the President.


Section 3: Special Meetings

Discussions of a Special Meeting will be limited to the subject that caused the necessity for the meeting. A Special Meeting may be called for by either two-thirds (2/3) vote of the STYFCA Board of Directors or two-thirds (2/3) vote of the registered Membership, or complete Executive Board. President will notify all Members at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of such meetings, indicating the time, place and agenda. Meeting must be held within 48 hours of notification. A majority of the voting Members present will be required to carry any motion.



Amendments to these By-Laws may be presented in writing by any Member 30 days prior to the first meeting of the fiscal year (January). A majority vote by the Members present is required to ratify the amendment. The amendment shall become effective immediately upon acceptance.

If the January deadline is missed, any Board Member may request revisiting Amendments at the next Board Meeting to be resolved no later than the first practice of that year’s season.


Any possible conflict of interest on the part of any Member of the Board, officer or employee of the Corporation, shall be disclosed in writing to the Board and made a matter of record through an annual procedure and also when the interest involves a specific issue before the Board. Where the transaction involving a Board Member, trustee or officer exceeds five hundred dollars ($500) but is less than five thousand dollars ($5000) in a fiscal year, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the disinterested Directors is required. Where the transaction involved exceeds five thousand dollars ($5000) in a fiscal year, then two-thirds (2/3) of the disinterested Directors and publication in the required newspaper is required. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made, the abstention from voting, and the actual vote itself. Every new Member of the Board will be advised of this policy upon entering the duties of his or her office, and shall sign a statement acknowledging, understanding of and agreement to this policy. The Board will comply with all requirements of New Hampshire law in this area and the New Hampshire requirements are incorporated into and made part of this policy.


Upon dissolution of the Corporation, the Members of the Corporation, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, shall dispose of all of the assets of the Corporation by distributing them to a local charitable or governmental Organization with similar purposes which is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS or the corresponding section of any subsequent federal tax code or due to its status a governmental entity. The Superior Court of Strafford County, New Hampshire shall dispose of any assets of the Corporation not so disposed of, in like manner.

Instituted January 2014, amended June 2018, and super cedes any other constitution and by-laws of the Seacoast Titans Youth Football and Cheerleading Association.

Date Accepted:

June 29, 2018