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Information on postponing games

Although different towns/programs may vary their responsibilities, typically it's the field coordinators job to declare the fields available or unavailable

If your fields are underwater and not playable, normally the field coordinator would be the final decision maker and the person communicating the field closures.     

Let's talk semantics; "Canceling" and "Postponing" are two completely different things in the system and cause two different actions by the system.  

These are league scheduled games - they are not to be "Canceled", they are to be "Postponed".

"Postponed" leaves the game in the schedule and allows for a simple reschedule to occur. 

"Cancel" in the system removes the game from the schedule, un-assigns the officials, requires a manual rebuild of the game in the schedule, and requires all new assignments to occur.

In the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen emergencies, use the following procedure to "Postpone" the game: 

1) Whenever possible, the decision to "Postpone" a game should occur at least 4 hours prior to start time.

2) Log on to ZebraWeb and enter into " Sports Officials Assigning System"

3) Hover your mouse over "Games" in the green pull down menu and select "Postpone Game(s)" from the pull down. 

4) Select your town and enter the date and hit submit - the schedule for all you games will appear

***NOTE- make sure you look at where the games are being played and not to postpone a game that's not on your field

5) Check the postpone box next to the games you are postponing, enter the reason and any additional comments and hit postpone

****At this point all coaches and officials that are affected by this game should get a text and an email showing the postpone and your reason***

 6) If the "Postpone" was made with 24 hours, a phone call to the officials and coaches is to be made.   Email should be sufficient with more then 24 hours notice.

7) Work out the details of the new date, time, and location (if necessary) with the other teams and email those details to:

    ***BoysLee Robledo (, Ryan Coleman (, and CC Dennis Jablonoski ( 

     ***Girls Steve McKinney (, Jackie Kelty (, and CC Roz Gill (

8) Once the schedulers confirm that the officials can be assigned according to the new game details, the change will be made to the "Postponed" games