Colford Division Rules
The Colford Division plays according to the same rules governing the Rivera Division, with the following exceptions:
1) Whenever the written rule (as stated below) is in conflict with the intent of the rule, the intent will be enforced.
2) Teams must have eight players for an official game to begin; if a ninth player arrives he must be inserted into the game immediately and must be added to the batting order in the ninth spot. If a team has less than eight players at game time a 15 minute grace period will be allowed, if at the end of the 15 minutes the eighth player has not arrived the game shall be deemed a forfeit.
3) Each manager will be able to bat as many players as he desires, with a minimum of nine. A manager may add batters to the bottom of his lineup at any time. Batters cannot be deleted or skipped over, regardless of their batting position or when they were added to the lineup. If a player is removed from the lineup he may re-enter the game only after his team has completed one rotation through its lineup and one defensive 1/2 inning. It is a manager's option to use an A/B alternating line-up.
4) It is a manager's option to use an A/B alternating line-up. Batter's must alternate AB's during the course of the game, but either batter may run for the AB slot.. Player's 70 years old or older may not be thrown out at first base on a batted ball that reaches the outfield grass, but may be thrown out at first as part of a double/triple play. These batter's must be part of an AB slot.
4A) A/B runners are able to steal, advance on a PB/WP and in every way play as any other base occupant. In the event a Courtesy Runner is required for a player that is injured during the game the CR will be the last recorded out and he may lead from the base, but he may not steal or advance on a PB/WP.
4B) Each team is allowed 2 courtesy runners who must be identified before the game begins. The CR must be the last batted out (pitchers and cathers are excluded). The CR may not steal or advance on a wild pitch or passed ball.
5) Pitchers do not have to bat regardless of when they enter the game (i.e. a Relief Pitcher enters the game, the preceding Pitcher remains in the game at EH or assumes a defensive position - the RP does not have to be added to the batting order). If a pitcher assumes another defensive position and is not already in the batting order he must now be added. Relief Pitchers do not have to pitch to three batters before being replaced in the game.
6) All games shall be 7 innings with a 2 hour-45 minute time limit (or shorter where other imposed time limits exist beyond the league's control; no inning can start 2 hours-45 minutes after the scheduled starting game time). An official game shall be called if the game has completed 4 innings (or 3 1/2 if the home team is leading). The umpire fees for games is $90.00 per team per game per umpire .
7) To be eligible to participate in post-season play a player must be registered on a team’s roster by August 1, 2024, and the player must appear in 8 of that team’s games (an appearance is one full half inning played at a defensive position or one AB or one batter pitched to until the completion of the batter's AB ). Players who do not qualify for post season play due to extended illness or injury may seek a waiver from the league.
8) Initial team rosters are due by May 1, final rosters are due by July 15.
9) Immediately after each game, each manager is required to post the final score and lineup for his team of the game just played to the website (these will be used to record player participation for post-season play). Managers must give their opponent a lineup including players last names... Each manager is responsible to maintain an accurate recording of his team's player appearances on the website.
10) A player is eligible to play in the Boston Amateur Baseball League Colford Division if he is 52 years old or older on or before December 31, 2024. All players are required to submit a copy of a photo ID, as proof of age, along with a waiver form before being allowed to participate in a BABL League game (proof of age is verified by a government issued photo ID – i.e. driver’s license, passport, etc.).
11) Each team is allowed three underage players - these players must turn 50 by Dec. 31, 2024 and are not allowed to pitch.