Coach's Corner
Subscribe to our NewsletterRecreation Rules - Coaches please read rules regarding your age level prior to the season. Contact Rec. Director with any questions. **Last updated 03/23/17**
Softball Field Dimensions - Please note, pitching circle radius is 8 ft and the batter's box is 4 ft forward & 3 ft backward from the point where the plate breaks on the angle. When using league painting equipment, there is a string set for scribing the circle. For the batter's box, place the handle of the frame parallel to and touching the straight side of the plate with the shorter side of frame marked "front" facing towards the pitcher's mound.
Raritan Township Parks & Rec Rules - This for reference only. All field reservations are to be made through the Rec Director or League President.
Rec Pitching Distances - Pitching distance is measured from the back point of the plate to the front edge of the rubber. If a player was designated as a travel pitcher at the draft, they must pitch from the appropriated distance below. A 10U travel pitcher will use 35', a 12U travel pitcher will use 40', 14U and over use 43'.
Level | Rec Only Pitcher | Travel Pitcher |
Grades 3 & 4 | 30' | 35' |
Grades 5 &6 | 35' | * 35' or 40' |
Grades 7 to 12 | 40' | * 40' or 43' |
FRB Field Info - The table below provides you with some info on the field at FRB. Reminder that softball uses 60' bases. See table above for pitching mound distances.
Field | Base Pegs | Baseball Mound | Softball Mound | Location |
FRB #1 | 60' & 70' | 46' & 50' | Up to 40' | main field |
FRB #2 | 60' & 70' | 46' & 50' | Up to 40' | lower field, across parking lot |
FRB #3 | 60' | 46' | Best for 35' OK for 40' | upper field, behind center field of Field 1 |