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Lincoln Park American:
Fields are located on LeBlanc between Gohl and River Drive –
Red Field is used primarily for Boys Baseball
White and Blue Fields are used for both Baseball and Softball

Lincoln Park North:
Fields are located on Dix/Toledo Rd. at Quandt Park, behind the Sears shopping center. Couch and Hite Fields are used for both Baseball and Softball. If you child is scheduled to play on Couch Field, it is recommended that you park behind the old Farmer Jack Building. If your child is playing on Hite Field, parking is in the main lot off of Dix.

Taylor South:
Fields are located in Heritage Park on Pardee between Goddard and Northline. Fields are not designated softball or baseball use. Use caution driving through the park and follow posted speed limit signs.

Taylor North West:
Fields are located on Wick Road one quarter mile west of Telegraph.

Taylor North East:
Fields are located at 21720 Wick Road. If you cross Telegraph, you have gone too far. Softball is played on Sicotte Field, which is located in the back of the park. Please observe parking signs as police do ticket during games played there.

Taylor North Central:
From Lincoln Park: Take Ecorse Road to Pardee and make a right. Fields are located on Pardee, just across the tracks on the left hand side. Softball fields are the two fields located adjacent to the park play area.

From Lincoln Park: Take Southfield to Allen Road and turn right. Continue northbound on Allen Road and cross Outer Drive and Oakwood. You will come to a stop light about a half mile past Oakwood. You will see DeLucca Fields on the right. Softball games are played on the back fields and baseball plays on the front fields during regular season play.