B - Select
Subscribe to our NewsletterB-Select Announcements:
Tryouts :Thursday 8/2/2018
Time: 5:30 pm (sign-ups), 6:00pm (try-outs)
Where: Majestic upper fields
B-Select try-outs for the 10U, 12U, and 14U teams will be held Thursday August 2nd at the Majestic upper fields. Sign-in will start at 5:30pm and try-outs will begin at 6pm. All girls who want to try out must have registered for the 2018 Fall regular season and paid registration fees.
This first season of B-Select will run from August until December. Girls must be age-eligible for the B-Select team they are trying out for (even if they are playing up an age-level during regular season play).
The cost for Fall 2018 B-Select season will be $100.00 (this will change in the Spring). The fees will cover 2 uniform tops, practice fields/lights, and 3 tournaments. Girls will also participate in friendlies and may attend additional tournaments. Additional fundraising activities or sponsorship money will be required for extra events.
NWGS is pleased to announce that Rex Noble will be the 10 B-Select coach, Nick Livreri will be the 12 B-Select coach, and Eric Nichols will be the 14 B-select coach.
For more information, please contact Mindy Johnson, mindyjohnson@northwestgirlssoftball.com
Now Accepting B-Select Coach Letters of Interest
The B-Select Committee is now accepting letters of interest from all experienced coaches for the upcoming B-Select League. Please send an email to mindyjohnson@northwestgirlssoftball.com, and include your name, the age-level you are interested in (10U, 12U, and 14U), and a brief description of your experience, and a statement of how you plan to develop your team within the B-Select League. The B-Select teams for this year will begin with the conclusion of the All-Star season, and play through the end of December 2018. The B-Select league is an opportunity for seasoned and talented players to get additional experience playing, beyond regular recreational league play. Every girl must be rostered to an NWGS team to participate in the B-Select league. Teams will hold additional practices during the regular season and may participate in tournaments that do not conflict with regular league play. Feel free to email me with any additional questions. Letters of interest DUE BY 1/31/2018.
Mindy Johnson
NWGS B-Select
B-Select is coming to NWGS!
The Northwest Girls Softball League is proud to announce that we will begin our B-Select Program starting next year for 10U and 12U divisions.
For our initial season - we will be holding tryouts at the end of our Spring Season, and the season will run until the end of December. We will begin the process to fulfill our coaching vacancies in January.
More information will be communicated leading up to the season.
Here is your NWGS Select Committee:
John Halas
Mindy Johnson
Scott Telford
For NWGS Select inquiries, please reach out to: