Coach Shannyn Talks

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Coach Shannyn Talks

Coach Shannyn Talks is a 30-day video based program that can be used on the go via your phone or at home via your personal computer.  Please click links to watch videos.  

Unleash your power!

High Performance Training videos for wrestling coaches.




Coach Shannyn Talks: Intro

The CST intro describes where, why, & when the information in this
series was developed plus how this media can be applied for daily
long term athletic development.

Coach Shannyn Talks: Competition stress

Doubt, fear, & stress are all forms of competition stress that can be
managed then channeled into usable, productive energy.  In this vid-
eo, learn strategies to consistently control your nervousness for HPT.

Coach Shannyn Talks: Self-Talk

This first discussion about self-talk covers the basics.  This video
assist athletes, coaches to become more aware of how to consis-
tently & productively apply this fundamental psychological skill.


Coach Shannyn Talks: Imagery

This initial imagery talk shows how the imagination can assist & con-
trol the pictures you see in your head.  These pictures can either help 
or hurt your ability to flourish in athletics, academics, & life. 


Coach Shannyn Talks: Cutting Weight

Why do wrestlers and other weight class sports cut weight?  The an-
swer could be to gain a strength advantage.  In this video, learn how
to maintain your weight consistently while strengthening your skills.




Coach Shannyn Talks: Goals

Goals are the cornerstone of planning.  Learn this important skill and 
apply it daily, then you will always be in control of your tasks. Some-
times goals change, which means you must change, adapt, adjust...



Coach Shannyn Talks: Periodization

The structure and organization of any training plan will largely deter-
mine the results, outcomes of your program.  Learn the system the
Russians have been using for decades to prepare their athletes.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Pre-competition Routine

Not only should you prepare your body for competitions, you should 
also prepare your mind.  It may be wise to also plan for obstacles or
the unplanned.  Learn, master this skill and be ready for anything.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Recovery

How much recovery time is optimal between training sessions? When
should you use breaks to optimally recovery during training?  Here,
about applying recovery in the periodization model for HPT.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Media Training

Media training can help athletes, coaches, & programs get more ex-
posure as it relates to building a successful team.  Everyone can help
our wonderful sport grow with the right methods and processes.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Flexibility

After this video, you will be more able to apply flexibility with your 
mind and body.  Dealing with the pressures of wrestling, training, 
bad calls, & more are the focus of this talk.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Drugs & Alcohol

Coach Shannyn's personal stories about alcohol and performance en-
hancing drugs.  Everyone has a choice to make in life and many good 
choices may help you attain the goal of High Performance Training.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Motivation

Where does motivation come from?  Who can give it to you and take 
it away from you?  What is inner drive?  These topics will give you 
the basics of why you are doing what you are doing in sport & life.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Vision

Envision the big picture and your goals for next week, year, or de-
cade with this practical psychological skill.  After this video, you will
be more ready to paint your picture for success everywhere.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Set-ups

In this video, discover how to more effectively disguise your wrest-
attacks & counter attacks.  Telegraphing your wrestling moves
will be 
a thing of the past when you master & apply set-ups. 



Coach Shannyn Talks: Strategy & Tactics

Wrestling skills and movements also need a plan plus an adjustable 
plan so your opponent is more likely to guess what you are doing.  
If you opponent has no idea what you are doing, you are better off.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Strength & Conditioning

In this video, discover three of the most important areas that you be-
gin to strengthen and then condition via an ongoing basis.  This 
philosophy is the crux of High Performance Training.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Creating your own library

Professional development, continuous education, & constantly and ne-
ver ending learning are phrases that describe and prescribe the crea-
ting your own library idea.  This concept is also the crux of HPT.  



Coach Shannyn Talks: Measuring your own success

Tests, progress reports, & report cards are forms of measuring your 
success in the classroom.  Here, learn several other ways to eval-
your effectiveness using High Performance Training tools.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Positive habit pattern

Using your mind power to continuously think, plan, & act in ways to 
increase your productivity is what can be described as a positive ha-
bit pattern.  Here, discover how you can use this secret to success.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Overcoming adversity

Another secret to success is learning how to channel upsets, losses,
& discomforting things in your life into powerful motivators.  You
have the ability to use everything in your life to enhance yourself.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Social media

Harness the power of social media and also learn ways to safeguard
yourself from the power this entity has.  Networking is a skill that
be learned and mastered using social media.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Empowering questions

This advanced version of self-talk will help you increase your poten-
tial and fortify your positive habit patterns.  Once you being to use
empowering questions consistently, you no longer have limits. 



Coach Shannyn Talks: Energy management

In this video, learn how to consistently control your energy as it re-
lates to being too nervous, excited, sluggish, & more.  Managing your
levels is another key to successful, constant performances.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Variety

Variety can make the difference between very boring practices, train-
ing, & competing.  Variety has the ability to make everything more 
stimulating.  Here, discover ways & means to add variety to your life.

Coach Shannyn Talks: Practice, patience, & persistence

Greatness times time.  After viewing this video, you will be under-
stand the concepts that it takes to be exceptional in any particular do-
main.  Change your skill set(s) with practice, patience, & persistence.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Confidence

This skill is what it takes to believe in your self.  After this video, you
will begin to have the tools it takes to strengthen all of your abilities.
With time, your confidence will begin your quest for greatness. 



Coach Shannyn Talks: Video analysis

Becoming a student of sport leads to becoming a master of sport.  Be-
fore either of those ideas can happen, you must learn how to study vi-
deo and which videos to actually study.  This skill is a must for HPT.



Coach Shannyn Talks: Focus

How do you avoid, minimize, lessen distractions?  What ways can you
strengthen your ability to have a laser beam focus?  The answers to 
those questions are the topic of this Coach Shannyn Talks. 



Coach Shannyn Talks: P R I A

Your perception is your reality and your reality impacts your actions.
This neat acronym can help you control and direct your future.  De-
cide to use your skills, tools, mind to constantly strive for excellence.




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