2025 Registration Information

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Registration for 2025

August 1, 2024



Direct all registration questions to wpyb1960@gmail.com.

If you have questions about anything related to registration, including fees, please contact us via email so we can assist you.

We will not take team requests. 

ALL Registration is non-refundable!

Review our Player Placement Policy


Parents have several choices to register:

1. Register online

 (Please don't use the "electronic check" option. There is a $30 fee any NSF)

  • 2024 Registration fees are $125 per player and $300 for a family of three or more
  • Registration submitted before October 1, 2024 will be $100 per player and $225 for a family of three or more. 

2. Download a registration card HERE and mail it in with a check. 

3. Pick up a card from either concession stand and return it with a check for payment.

4. If you did extra fundraising, are a 2025 manager or acquired a 2024 sponsorship and didn't use your free registration this season, please complete a free registration form here.

  • Without this form submitted we will NOT place your child on a team for 2025. If there are concerns you will be contacted via email.

Once your registration check clears (form submitted and fee paid/free registration confirmed) your player will be officially registered.


******Parents of 2024 WPYB Player*****

This is just a reminder that any registration that is not completed before December 1, 2024 WILL result in that player being placed according to the "Player Placement Policy"

Players who miss the deadline will be placed in a manner that is in the best interest of the league and to ensure a competitive balance.

A card without payment is not a completed registration.


Deadline has passed for these two areas:

Playing Up Early NOTE: parent convenience is not a valid reason. Request are not automatically approved.

Parents who wish their player to move to the next level early, must complete the online form before July 1, 2024.

Playing Back NOTE: parent convenience is not a valid reason. Request are not automatically approved.

Appeals can be made to the board in rare and extreme cases. Complete the online form before July 1, 2024.



NOTE: There have been some issues with registering continuing players. Please note that we contacted League Lineup about this issue and this was their reply.

For returning participants, please ask the parents to check if their names are in the participants dropdown only and not in the parents/contacts dropdown. If so, please advise them to update their details under the participant dropdown adding a birthdate (must be 18 y.o and above). Once done, they should show in the parents/contacts dropdown.