2012 Fall Ball Registration is now open! Get your neighbors, classmates, and friends together now. Our Fall Ball is open to all leagues, sign-up as individuals or teams. Registration closes on August 18th.
Dates: Starts September 8th, end date TBD based on # of teams.
Cost: $25 per person
Major League: Ages 9-11, Games on Saturdays. Major League rules and umpire.
Minor League: Ages 6-8, Coach pitch, games on Tuesday or Thursday evenings. Minor League rules and coach's umpire.
No pressure, No score = Pure Fun!
Fall Ball T-Shirt for everyone.
Fall Ball Managers Kick Off Meeting: August 29 @ 6:00 at Centennial.
Dates: Starts September 8th, end date TBD based on # of teams.
Cost: $25 per person
Major League: Ages 9-11, Games on Saturdays. Major League rules and umpire.
Minor League: Ages 6-8, Coach pitch, games on Tuesday or Thursday evenings. Minor League rules and coach's umpire.
No pressure, No score = Pure Fun!
Fall Ball T-Shirt for everyone.
Fall Ball Managers Kick Off Meeting: August 29 @ 6:00 at Centennial.
Fall Ball MAJOR League Rules
AIYBL Major League Fall Ball Rules & Regulations
1. Centennial Field is located on Altoona Area School District Property. The following rules are in effect and enforced by the school district::
• No alcohol is permitted on the property
• Smoking is only allowed in the smoking area designated on the first base side near the parking lot
• No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc are permitted on the property
2. Coaches are responsible for collecting the $25 registration fee per player by opening day. Checks should be made payable to “AIYBL”, you are also responsible to ensure all NON AIYBL players have the parental permission slips signed and turned in prior to the start of the first game. Permission slips can be printed from the website @ www.aiybl.com
3. Playing Time – Each game will have a 2 hour time limit, games must begin on time. Even if a game begins late it will end at the designated time to keep things moving on time. There will be no warm-ups between innings except for the first inning. Due to the press box being closed, the National Anthem will not be played.
4. NO score will be recorded.
5. Must play rule – The AIYBL “Must Play” rule will remain in effect. Each player on the roster must play a minimum of two defensive innings. All players will remain in the batting order the entire game. There is a 10 batter maximum per inning regardless of the number of outs recorded.
6. Pitching Rule – Pitchers may only pitch 2 innings per game.
7. Umpires – One umpire will be provided to call balls and strikes. If agreed upon prior to the games start, one coach from either team may be asked to call the bases on the honor system.
8. The MUST SLIDE RULE is in effect for any play at home plate. If the player does not slide they will be called out.
9. There will be NO rain make ups.
10. Other than the rules listed here, all major league rules will apply.
11. Both teams are responsible for grooming the field in preparation for the next game, even if it is the last game of the day.
12. This League is intended for instructional play, safety must remain the number one concern.
1. Centennial Field is located on Altoona Area School District Property. The following rules are in effect and enforced by the school district::
• No alcohol is permitted on the property
• Smoking is only allowed in the smoking area designated on the first base side near the parking lot
• No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc are permitted on the property
2. Coaches are responsible for collecting the $25 registration fee per player by opening day. Checks should be made payable to “AIYBL”, you are also responsible to ensure all NON AIYBL players have the parental permission slips signed and turned in prior to the start of the first game. Permission slips can be printed from the website @ www.aiybl.com
3. Playing Time – Each game will have a 2 hour time limit, games must begin on time. Even if a game begins late it will end at the designated time to keep things moving on time. There will be no warm-ups between innings except for the first inning. Due to the press box being closed, the National Anthem will not be played.
4. NO score will be recorded.
5. Must play rule – The AIYBL “Must Play” rule will remain in effect. Each player on the roster must play a minimum of two defensive innings. All players will remain in the batting order the entire game. There is a 10 batter maximum per inning regardless of the number of outs recorded.
6. Pitching Rule – Pitchers may only pitch 2 innings per game.
7. Umpires – One umpire will be provided to call balls and strikes. If agreed upon prior to the games start, one coach from either team may be asked to call the bases on the honor system.
8. The MUST SLIDE RULE is in effect for any play at home plate. If the player does not slide they will be called out.
9. There will be NO rain make ups.
10. Other than the rules listed here, all major league rules will apply.
11. Both teams are responsible for grooming the field in preparation for the next game, even if it is the last game of the day.
12. This League is intended for instructional play, safety must remain the number one concern.
Fall Ball MINOR League Rules
AIYBL Minor League Fall Ball Rules & Regulations
1. Centennial Field is located on Altoona Area School District Property. The following rules are in effect and enforced by the school district::
• No alcohol is permitted on the property
• Smoking is only allowed in the smoking area designated on the first base side near the parking lot
• No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc are permitted on the property
2. Coaches are responsible for collecting the $20 registration fee per player by opening day. Checks should be made payable to “AIYBL”, you are also responsible to ensure all NON AIYBL players have the parental permission slips signed and turned in prior to the start of the first game. Permission slips can be printed from the website @ www.aiybl.com
3. Playing Time – Each game will have a 1 ½ hour time limit, games will begin @ 5:30pm and end @ 7pm. If the first game starts late it will still end @ 7pm regardless of a late start, make you’re your players are there on time. There will be no warm-ups between innings except for the first inning. Due to the press box being closed, the National Anthem will not be played.
4. NO score will be recorded.
5. Must play rule – The AIYBL “Must Play” rule will remain in effect. Each player on the roster must play a minimum of two defensive innings. All players will remain in the batting order the entire game. Each team will bat 8 players per inning. After recording three outs all players will clear the bases and play will continue until the eighth batter has finished his turn at bat at which time the sides will change.
6. Coaches will pitch for their own team. Coaches must pitch from the dirt area of the pitchers mound.
7. Each player will be allotted 4 strikes or a maximum of seven pitches. After the forth strike or the seventh pitch, the batter will be called out.
8. Sides will change after 3 outs are recorded or 10 batters have batted.
9. No walks will be awarded.
10. Teams may use 4 outfielders as long as they are all in a true outfield position. All infield players must remain in the dirt portion of the infield. The player in the pitcher position may not be in front of the pitching rubber prior to the pitch. The pitcher must be aligned to the left or the right of the pitching rubber with one foot in the dirt until the ball is in play. All play will end when the pitcher has possession of the ball.
11. Bunting will not be allowed.
12. Base stealing will not be allowed.
13. Overthrows – Only one base will be awarded on an overthrow, even if the ball is still in play. Under no circumstances will home be awarded on any overthrow, regardless of where the overthrow is made.
14. Infield Fly Rule will not be in effect.
15. Coaches - On defense, teams will be allowed three adult coaches which includes two outfield coaches and one infield coach. On offense, four coaches may be used. This includes two base coaches, the pitching coach, and if needed a coach to help provide instruction to a batter.
16. Umpires – No umpires will be provided. Coaches will be expected to make all calls based on the honor system.
17. The MUST SLIDE RULE is in effect for any play at home plate. If the player does not slide they will be called out.
18. There will be NO rain make ups for any games.
19. Both teams are responsible for grooming the field in preparation for the next game, even if it is the last game of the day.
20. This League is intended for instructional play, safety must remain the number one concern.
1. Centennial Field is located on Altoona Area School District Property. The following rules are in effect and enforced by the school district::
• No alcohol is permitted on the property
• Smoking is only allowed in the smoking area designated on the first base side near the parking lot
• No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc are permitted on the property
2. Coaches are responsible for collecting the $20 registration fee per player by opening day. Checks should be made payable to “AIYBL”, you are also responsible to ensure all NON AIYBL players have the parental permission slips signed and turned in prior to the start of the first game. Permission slips can be printed from the website @ www.aiybl.com
3. Playing Time – Each game will have a 1 ½ hour time limit, games will begin @ 5:30pm and end @ 7pm. If the first game starts late it will still end @ 7pm regardless of a late start, make you’re your players are there on time. There will be no warm-ups between innings except for the first inning. Due to the press box being closed, the National Anthem will not be played.
4. NO score will be recorded.
5. Must play rule – The AIYBL “Must Play” rule will remain in effect. Each player on the roster must play a minimum of two defensive innings. All players will remain in the batting order the entire game. Each team will bat 8 players per inning. After recording three outs all players will clear the bases and play will continue until the eighth batter has finished his turn at bat at which time the sides will change.
6. Coaches will pitch for their own team. Coaches must pitch from the dirt area of the pitchers mound.
7. Each player will be allotted 4 strikes or a maximum of seven pitches. After the forth strike or the seventh pitch, the batter will be called out.
8. Sides will change after 3 outs are recorded or 10 batters have batted.
9. No walks will be awarded.
10. Teams may use 4 outfielders as long as they are all in a true outfield position. All infield players must remain in the dirt portion of the infield. The player in the pitcher position may not be in front of the pitching rubber prior to the pitch. The pitcher must be aligned to the left or the right of the pitching rubber with one foot in the dirt until the ball is in play. All play will end when the pitcher has possession of the ball.
11. Bunting will not be allowed.
12. Base stealing will not be allowed.
13. Overthrows – Only one base will be awarded on an overthrow, even if the ball is still in play. Under no circumstances will home be awarded on any overthrow, regardless of where the overthrow is made.
14. Infield Fly Rule will not be in effect.
15. Coaches - On defense, teams will be allowed three adult coaches which includes two outfield coaches and one infield coach. On offense, four coaches may be used. This includes two base coaches, the pitching coach, and if needed a coach to help provide instruction to a batter.
16. Umpires – No umpires will be provided. Coaches will be expected to make all calls based on the honor system.
17. The MUST SLIDE RULE is in effect for any play at home plate. If the player does not slide they will be called out.
18. There will be NO rain make ups for any games.
19. Both teams are responsible for grooming the field in preparation for the next game, even if it is the last game of the day.
20. This League is intended for instructional play, safety must remain the number one concern.
Fall Ball Permission Form
Click Here To Download
This form is required to be signed by the parent of any non-AIYBL major or minor Fall Ball participant.
This form is required to be signed by the parent of any non-AIYBL major or minor Fall Ball participant.