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2017 Board Minutes

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Meeting held on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 @ 7pm

People in attendance: Brenda, Leslie, Rick, Kathy, Yelson and Noel

Items discussed:

In person registration on Friday, December 29th 5:30-7:30 pm

Try-outs on Saturday, Feb. 3rd @ 9:00 am and Tuesday, Feb. 6th @ 6:00 pm

Banners for East Alhambra Little League

Lock 6 players per team/coach

Cancel PO Box

Snack Bar


Next meeting January 10th @ 7:00 pm

Meeting Of The Board Of Directors Of The East Alhambra Little League

October 23, 2016

The following individuals attended the meeting:


1.  Guillermo A. Frias              7.  Dolores C Hesse

2.  Diana Castro                        8.  Young Song

3.  Reyneiro Castro                   9.  Lisa Guzman

4.  Noel Loya                           10. Francisco Guzman

5.  Yelson Martinez                 11. Kathy Silva

6.  Ron Hesse


The following actions were undertaken and matters approved:


1.  A new nonprofit corporation shall be established in compliance with little league requirements.  President Guillermo Frias will incorporate the non-profit and advance the required costs, which shall be reimbursed from league funds.  He will also inquire about having the local UPS store be the league's address.  He will name himself as the agent for service of process at his home address.


2. President Guillermo Frias will meet with Oscar Ponce to discuss snack bar contribution amounts and report to the Board.


3.  The Board discussed the issue of Board benefits.  Three suggestions were made: a) $25 registration fee discount; 2) one full registration discount per family; 3) one full registration discount per family member on Board.  It was also suggested that rather than have a discount upon registration, that it be a reimbursement subject to Board approval.  No decision was made and the issue was tabled for future discussion and to determine how many volunteer positions eligible for the benefit will be required.


4.  President Guillermo Frias proposed the elimination of picture day.  The Board discussed the matter but did not reach a conclusion.  The matter was tabled to permit Yelson Martinez and Ron Hesse to seek information about having a vendor take pictures and picture day and make them available for families to purchase.


5.  The Board approved requiring those seeking a hardship exemption to complete a request form.  The issue of capping the number of hardship cases and imposing a volunteer requirement was discussed but no decision taken.  The matter was table so as to see how many forms are submitted. 


The next meeting of the Board shall be Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at the DogHaus Restaurant located at 410 E. Main Street, Alhambra (next to the LA Fitness).


Guillermo A. Frias, President  



Meeting Of The Board Of Directors Of The East Alhambra Little League

October 2, 2016


The following individuals attended the meeting:


1.  Reyneiro Castro              7.  Ralph Olguin

2.  Diana Castro                   8.  Lisa Guzman

3.  Guillermo A. Frias          9.  Francisco Guzman

4.  Adam Avila                   10.  Noel Loya

5.  Ron Hesse                      11.  Sergio Guzman

6.  Yelson Martinez             12.  Young Song 

The following actions were undertaken and matters approved:

1. Minutes of the September 25, 2016 minutes were confirmed.

2. President Guillermo A. Frias is authorized to negotiate uniform contract with Zeeni and M&M. No other vendor bid was presented.  Current bid includes hat, socks and jersey. Some members suggested approaching All Around Sports. However, a bid and a tour of production facilities would need to be completed ASAP if they are to be considered.

3. President Guillermo A. Frias is authorized to look for snack shack volunteer/operator.

4. Diana Castro granted discretion to operate web page. Some board members requested that a ribbon indicating when the website was last updated be placed on the website.

5. All financials, statements and minutes shall be posted on the League's web page by Diana Castro.

6. The Treasurer and Diana Castro shall have authority to sign checks.
7. Noel Loya appointed head of opening day committee.

8. On-line registration shall commence on December 1, 2017.

9. In-person registration shall be held on January 21, 2016.  It will take place at Alhambra Library in order to provide computers so families can register online.

10. Tryout Day shall be Saturday, February 4, 2017. Those that do not attend shall be randomly assigned. There will be no T-ball tryouts.

11. Opening Day celebration and games: Saturday, March 4, 2017.

12. The League shall host a Memorial Day Tournament.

13. Registration fees for the Spring 2017 season for T-Ball shall be $125 and $150 for all other divisions. The registration will be a flat fee and the sponsorship fee and raffle tickets will be eliminated.

14. The League shall offer a $10 discount for each sibling registered.

15. The League shall offer an early-bird registration discount of $10 for each player registered during the period of December 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

16. As an incentive to participate as a Board member, a registration fee discount shall be offered to Board members. The amount and/or nature of the discount is to be determined.

17. Members of the Board shall meet at AlmansorPark to review and inventory League assets on Sunday, October 16, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Yeslon Martinez agreed to contact current coaches to inquire about any league equipment they may have in their possession. Ralph Olguin suggested that board members be available on 1 or 2 Saturdays to collect this equipment from coaches. Ron Hesse volunteered to retrieve equipment from coaches that are not able to make the designated Saturdays.

18. Any discussion regarding having a Picture day was tabled for another meeting.


The next meeting of the Board shall be Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at AlmansorPark.


Guillermo A. Frias, President 



Meeting Of The Board Of Directors Of The East Alhambra Little League

September 25, 2016


The Board held elections for Board positions for the 2017 Season.  The following individuals were elected:


President:  Guillermo A. Frias

Vice-President: Noel Loya

Secretary: Faith Larson

Treasurer: Young Song

Player Agent: Francisco Guzman

Safety Officer: Reyneiro Castro

Coaching Coordinator:  Ron Hesse

Information Officer: Diana Castro


The next board meeting was scheduled for October 2, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at Almansor Park.


Faith Larson, Secretary General