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Listed below are tournaments available to our competitive league teams.  RVSC is proud to host to several seasonal tournaments that compliment the wide range of events offered locally, regionally, and nationally.  The "Classic" tournaments provide entry-level thru excellent competition attracting more local and some regional teams.  The "Premier/Showcase" tournaments provide for top-level competition attracting some local teams but is mostly participated by regional and national teams.

The above directories provides a list of the more popular events in our area, however, it is not meant to be a complete list of all available tournaments.   For additional tournaments, browse one of the other Tournament Directory Services listed below:

Tournament play provides for excellent team-building and skill development, and allows teams to compete with teams outside the normal seasonal game league.  While encouraged, participation in tournaments is optional and is determined by each team and our technical directors.
Be sure to check out our Tournament Planning Tips for helpful planning information.