12U Rules
12U Rules:
Straight 11U teams participating in the USABL League will be eligible to compete in the World Series NY Vs NJ
FORFEITS: You will be permitted 2 games to your schedule; if you need to change a game you must give the league at least 7 days notice; any teams that forfeits a game will get a loss in their playoff bracket schedule
Each team is required to have all ID cards complete before schedule starts; this includes managers and coaches; if a manager or coach does not complete a background check, sign his coaches conduct sheet, or complete his certification and present that certification to the league. If at anytime a league official asks to see your ID card you must present it, if not you can be asked to leave the field; managers are responsible to make sure their players and coaches cards are completed at with you at every game
I hour and 50 minute game duration. You cannot start another inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes
If a player comes to a game late; he is not permitted to enter the game after the 4th inning starts; which means after the first pitch is thrown of the 4th inning
Your lineup must be provided to the other team prior to game starting; it must include LAST NAMES of all players and if you have guys sitting on the bench please be sure to include them on the bottom of your lineup card
You can start the game and/or complete a game with 8 players. However the 9th players spot is an automatic out in the line up
In order for your players to be eligible to play in the playoffs they must have played in at least 1/3 of your scheduled games. Again, your books will be checked and you must be able to provide proof
You will be provided with 2 game balls at the start of the game; after that you must provide the umpire with any balls needed.
Official start time and umpire’s name along with the field you are playing on should be noted on your score sheet
You are permitted to use rotary line up, batting 9, or batting 9 with and EH (extra hitter) and a player leaves a game for anything other than injury it is an out in the batting order
10 run mercy rule after 4 innings; 4 innings is a complete game
If a team is caught with an illegal player on their team; it is an automatic ejection for the manager with the next immediate game suspended and the player is also ejected. If this happens a second time your schedule will be pulled from the league immediately.
If a player is caught on 2 rosters; managers of both teams are suspended for the next immediate game NO EXCEPTIONS; The player can also be removed from the league it will be brought before the board
You are permitted 1 manager and 2 coaches – 3rd coach MUST stay in the dugout. When your team is playing the field ALL coaches must stay in their dugout
You are permitted to run for the catcher with 2 outs; runner MUST be the last batted out and the catcher must be dressed and ready to go
Infield fly rule will be played
Dropped 3rd strike will be played
If a manager and/or coach is thrown out of a game it is an automatic suspension for the next immediate, the 2nd time you will be brought before the board – at that point it will be determined if you are allowed to stay in the league as a coach and/or manager
You are permitted 2 trips in an inning to the mound or 3 trips per game at that point the pitcher must be removed
When a pitcher is warming up in the bullpen area, the catcher must have a helmet and the spotter must be facing home plate also wearing a helmet
50/70 division will have 2 umpires – home team pays the home plate umpire; visiting team pays the base umpire, the 46/65 will have only 1 umpire for the regular season each team is required to pay $20 each but in the playoffs 2 will be provided.
Both teams are required to carry their bases in the event that one of your games is at a travel field, it is the responsibility for the home team to set up the bases. As a courtesy if you see the other manager is running late please have the bases set up so the kids can start their game on time
In order to discuss any rule with the umpire you must have the rules with you. Only the manager of the team can discuss with the umpire, COACH cannot!
46/65 will not play wit BALKS; 50/70 for the 1st half of the season will get a warning for a BALK for the 2nd half of the season BALK will be enforced
If you play in the 46/65 division and would like to play some 50/70 games you MUST play their rules and it must be noted clearly on your blackout calendar
If any of the 50/70 teams are interested in playing in the PREP division you must also make this notation on your blackout calendar
Both teams are required to send in your scores with your pitching stats ( last names and number of innings pitched) along with the opposing teams pitching stats. If your score is not reported before your next game, your team will receive a loss in your standings for that game
Rosters will be closed MAY 15th – NO EXCEPTIOS
June 1st will not be the mid-season cut off – where you stand as of Memorial Day is how your seeding will be set
If a player leaves a game for anything other than an injury it will be an automatic out in the batting of there is a protest in any given game both managers and umpire must sign the book with a brief explanation. You are not to argue the protest the league will handle it and make a ruling
You are not permitted to argue any judgment calls with the umpires EX; balls and strikes, safe or out – you can be automatically ejected by the umpire
Federation rosters must include players jersey numbers. If your USABL roster is different from your federation please submit both and have them marked clearly
You are permitted up to 15 players on your roster – this is to help prevent you from not having enough players to field a team during the little league season
Pitching Rules; 6 innings over 2 games, violation of this rule is an automatic suspension
9U and 10U Rules
9U and 10U Rules:
9U teams that are participating in the USABL are eligible to compete in the NY vs NJ World Series. Reminder if you are a Ripken team it is included in your cost. If you are an independent team the cost is $1200
If your USABL roster is different from your federation you must submit both rosters to the league. Please clearly mark at the top of your roster which league is roster is to be applied
Federation rosters must include jersey numbers for all players – in the spring / summer season you are not permitted an alternate players
No leading for both the 9U and the 10U
Ball must cross the plate in order to advance and as always it is done at your own risk
If a player leaves early he is out for both 9U and 10U division
You are permitted to tag up at your own risk
Your 2 game balls for the game will be provided by the league any balls after that must be provided by the teams to the umpire
NO BALKS – this applies to both the 9U and 10U
Official start time and umpire’s name along with the field you are playing on should be written on your score sheet
Even in a rotary line up if a player leaves for any reason other then injury it is an automatic out in the line up. You have the option to bat rotary or 9 plus an EH ( extra hitter) This applies to both the 9U and 10U
In order for the manager (not a coach) to question any rule with the umpire – you must have a copy of the rules – you have the burden of proof – NO judgment calls can be argued – example: balls and strikes
No pitcher is permitted to wear white sleeves or wristbands on their arms
If a team is caught with an illegal player on their team the manager is automatically suspended for the next game – if you are caught a 2nd time your schedule will be pulled from the league
If a player is caught on 2 rosters – the manager of both teams will be suspended for the next immediate game – NO EXCEPTIONS
In order for your player to be eligible for the playoffs ; the player must have played in 1/3 of your scheduled games. Please make sure you keep an accurate book they will be checked and you have the burden of proof to verify his eligibility. Managers please not you must be keeping track of the opposing team you are playing.
9U will be pitching from 43 feet for the 1st half and 46 feet for the 2nd half
10U will be pitching from 46 feet for the entire season
9U Pitching Rules: 6 innings for the week; maximum 4 innings per game; days rest is required in between games; I pitch thrown is equal to 1 inning pitched
10U Pitching Rules: 6 innings over 2 games; 9 innings maximum per week; day’s rest required in between games; I pitch thrown is equal to 1 inning pitched
The league will provide 1 umpire per game until playoffs
You are permitted 2 trips to the mound per inning before the pitcher must come out or 3 trips in a game before the pitcher must be removed
If a pitcher hits any 3 batters in an inning or 5 batters in a game he must be removed from the mound
No drop 3rd strike rule – this applies to both the 9U and 10U divisions
9U NO infield fly rule
10U will play with an infield fly rule
You are permitted 1 manager and 2 coaches – 3rd coach must stay in the dugout.
When your team is playing the field ALL coaches must stay in the dugout
When a player arrives late to the game he can only be entered into the game before the first pitch of the 4th inning – no player can be entered after this point
If a player leaves a game early for any reason other then an injury it is an automatic out in the line up
You can start a game and complete a game with 8 players; however the 9th spot is an automatic out every time
NO SLASHING – if a player is caught slashing it is an automatic ejection for the player AND the manager NO EXCEPTIONS
You are permitted to run for the catcher with 2 outs – runner must be the last batted out and the catcher must get dressed and be ready to go
No head first sliding is permitted into 1st base – this is an automatic out. You are only permitted to slide going back to the base
Must avoid contact at home and MUST slide – the call is the umpires discretion
NO 10 year old is permitted in the 9U division under ANY circumstances; However the 9s’s are permitted to play up in the 10U division
If a 9U team decides to play up in the 10U division or take any games in the 10U division you MUST play the 10U rules Please note: If you want a mixed game schedule please make notation on top of your blackout calendar
You are NOT permitted to start a new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes
10 run mercy rule is in effect for both the 9U and 10U divisions after 4 complete innings; an official game is after the 4th inning in complete
7 runs maximum per inning for the 9U division – this does NOT apply for the 10U
9U will NOT be permitted to steal home; 10U will play regular baseball rules
If a manager and/or coach is thrown out of a game it is an automatic suspension the 1st time; if it happens a second time that manager and/or coach will be brought be before the board
Team are required to send in the scores of your game along with your pitching stats ( last name of player and number of innings pitched) and the opposing teams pitching stats as well books will be checked, so please make sure you can keep and accurate and legible scorebook
If you forfeit a game you will be giving a loss in your playoff bracket – NO EXCEPTIONS; you can only make 2 game changes to your schedule and it must be done with no later than 1 weeks notice; please make sure your blackout calendars are accurate. Check with parents on CCD days, other sports schedules, communions, confirmation etc…
Blackout calendars will be do once all little league schedules are released
1st half schedule will go up until Memorial Day; this is due to all stars being announced earlier this year June 1st
Please make sure that you make an appointment to have your ID cards complete; manager and coaches MUST hand in background check, coaching certification, and coaches conduct form if order to obtain your card. If at anytime a league official requests to see your card you MUST present if not you can be removed from the field; manager is responsible for all their players ID cards, coaches and manager
8U Rules
8U Rules:
Each team is allowed 1 manager and 3 coaches – when your team is batting you are permitted 1 coach for 1st base and 1 coach for 3rd base – other coaches MUST stay in the dugout behind the fence
Official start time declared by the umpire and must be noted on your score sheet, along with the umpires name and the field you are playing on
If a manager or coach is ejected from a game you are automatically suspended for the next immediate game (even if it is a break in the season or the start of playoffs). If you are ejected from a game a 2nd time you will be brought before the board for a hearing
All kids must have cages helmets
An ejected player is an automatic out in the line up – NO exceptions
Your baseball week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday
Pitching Rule: each pitcher is permitted to pitch 6 innings per week; no more then 3 innings pitched per game; each inning pitched it equal to 1 days rest; 1 pitch thrown is equal to 1 inning pitched – Violation of any of these rules results in an automatic suspension for the manager for the next immediate game
2 trips to the mound per inning or 3 per game the pitcher the manager must remove the pitcher
3 batters hit by a pitch in any one inning or 5 batters hit by any one pitcher in a game – pitcher must be removed – he can play any other position
Once a pitcher is taken out of the game as a pitcher he cannot re-enter that same game as a pitcher – he can play any other position
On an overthrow only 1 base is permitted
All outfielders ( you are permitted 4) must be 10ft off the the infield dirt
40/60 base dimensions
No donuts permitted on the fields for warm up swings
There is no such thing as an on deck circle – players are not permitted to swing the bat in the dugout or outside the dugout
NO SLASHING – AUTOMATIC EJECTION – both manager and player are ejected and the player is an automatic out in the line up
1 hour and 45 minutes game duration
Courtesy runner for the catcher is permitted with 2 outs and the last batted out will take his place on the base however the catcher must get dressed and ready to go
5 runs mercy per inning – 10 run per game after 4 innings
At 1 hour 45 minutes the umpire MUST declare FINAL INNING – you are permitted to score as many runs as you can before 3 outs
Only the Manager is permitted to speak to an umpire: if you are going to argue a rule you must have a copy of the rules with you – you have the burden of proof. If a coach is caught arguing a call he can be ejected.
Outfielder must throw the ball in – they cannot run the ball in
Cannot steal home – runner must be batted in
You cannot score on an overthrow to 3rd – runner must be batted in
You are permitted to tag up at 3rd at your own risk
No leading in this division
If the runner leaves early – the runner is OUT no warning
NO drop 3rd strike rule
A ball hit to the outfield (tag up) is permitted at your own risk – ball must be hit to the outfield grass
Rotary lineup ONLY
Can only steal 2nd to 3rd NOT 1st to 2nd
No sliding into 1st base it’s an automatic OUT you are only permitted to slide when you go back to the base
If a batter bats out of turn it will result in an instant out – This MUST be brought to the attention BEFORE the next pitch
Homeruns will NOT be taken away from the kids – if a home run or ground rule double is hit in any inning and you exceed the 5 run mercy rule – those runs will count
A ball hit on a fly to outfield grass – can take “3” basses at your own risk – no side the park home runs
You can start a game and play a game with 8 players – your 9th batter will NOT be an out
No player can be listed on 2 federation rosters – if a player is caught on 2 rosters both managers will be given a suspension along with the player
You will be provided 1 umpire paid by the teams $20 per team
If a manager cannot make a game he must declare of his coaches as acting manager for that specific game
It is the responsibility of the home team to set up bases if you are playing at an outside field location. If you see the other manager is running late please set up the bases in his place , we want to try to make sure all games start on time
Both teams are required to send in the score of every game along with the pitching stats of YOUR team and the OPPOSING team to federationhelper@aol.com Please make sure you send in last names and number of innings pitched NOT first names
If a manager is caught cheating for any reason it is an automatic suspension – NO EXCEPTIONs
No infield fly rule
No pitcher is permitted to wear white sleeves and no wristband on permitted on the pitching arm – NO EXCEPTIONS
Bat rules are the same as little league
All players, coaches, and managers will be provided with photo ID cards – you must have them with you at every game if it is requested you must present your card – it is the managers responsibility to make sure the team has their cards
If manager and/or coaches do not fill out your background check, coaches code of conduct is not signed, and your certification has not been presented to the league – You will NOT be permitted to coach. You can also be pulled off any field if you are caught on the field without being approved by the league