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This weeks interviewee is Sean Baran. Sean is an active member in Recreation, he is a member of the Any Given Monday Outdoor Basketball team, MHC Indoor Basketball Team, T.O.S. Adult Touch Football Team, and also plays some baseball, he's a member of the Bad News Bears in the Men's Baseball League. He has participated in several All-Star games, as well as outdoor basketball competitions. He is a great athlete and you can see "Barry" at all Recreation events.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview.
1. How long have you been a member of bayonne recreation?
"I have been a member of Bayonne Recreation since I was about 17 years old. When divison 5 summer league was played on Fridays."
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"Very Entertaining and Keeps the Competitiveness up for each game."
3. What is your favorite rec sport and why?
"My favorite is Summer League Basketball because of all the extra activites that go on with it and also the competition."
4. Who is your favorite rec official and why?
"Eddie Broderick. He's a good guy and does not respond back to recreationaers who make absurd remarks."
5. You played with TOS this past season in the Adult Touch Football League, do you feel you had a chance to win the title? Why or why not?
"Yea, I feel the league was open for any team to win the league thats what is great about the Adult Touch Football League. I felt that T.O.S. as a team got out of control for a while but later in the season we turned it up on some teams and almost made a nice run to the championship from being a low seed in the playoffs."
6. You play with Any Given Monday in the Outdoor Basketball League. AGM has had a tremendous run in league championship. Do you think you will win the 2010 outdoor title? Why or Why not?
"A.G.M. had a nice run winning 4 summers in a row. 1 down 1st street and 3 at 16th street. I cannot say we will be bringing the title back home for the 2010 because I do not want to jinx us, but I feel as a team theres not a combo of 7 or 8 people who play better together then A.G.M. does. Look out for us though cause we are coming for the title again."
7. Will you be playing Co-Ed Softball in 2010?
"Yes I would like too. I am not so good at fielding the grounders. So I am the outfielder or pitcher, sort of like 'Barry' Bonds or 'Barry' Zito."
8. Who do you consider to be Bayonne Recreation’s top athlete?
"I dont know if you can say there is a 'top' athlete in all of Recreation so I cannot really give you an answer. But I feel that Bayonne Recreation has plenty of good athletes all around no matter what divison or league you play in. "
9. It appears that MHC is amongst the top teams in the indoor league, can MHC contain James Turner?
"I don't know, I read the Morning Buzz and see he always has 40+, which at any level is alot of points. But I have some faith in John Daniels, he is always up for the defensive challenge."
10. Who’s a better outside shooter, Richard Sudimack or Pat Lioi?
"Rich "Murda Burga" Sudimack smokes Pat "The Cig" Lioi that battle."
11. Is Rob Kochanski the best Co-Ed softball player?
"Rob Jovi to me is the best player in Co-Ed softball. People like to argue stats but I feel he gets his team to win which proves enough."
12. What would you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Sean Baran?
"I would like the fans to know that I like to have fun and that it is Recreation, it should not be taken personal. I would also like to thank Pete Amadeo for running such a successful Recreation league and website. That guy deserves a raise."
This interview is with Dave Fleischman. Dave is a member of the R.O.D. Indoor Basketball Team, the Outlawz in Outdoor Basketball, and plays for WRB in the Men's Baseball League. He has particiapted in the HR Derby's and 3-Point Shootouts. He is well known throughout Rec and will be a competitor for a very long time.
1. How long have you been a member of Bayonne Recreation?
"Since the summer of 2002."
2. Whats your favorite Rec sport to participate in and why?
"Summer basketball because after playing in d2 for the passed 4 or 5 years we have developed some great rivalries and every game is fun and
3. What do you think of the Rec Website?
"It really is great being able to keep up with people's thoughts in the huddle, what's coming up in the morning buzz, as well as the record's of the other teams in your league and also since I have many friends that play rec I can keep up on their teams as well. That is just the basics, everything about the rec site is great."
4. Who's your favorite Rec Official and why?
"Basketball - Bruce Bigg and Baseball - Nick Brancatella
5. You've been a participant in the HR DERBY the past several years, but have yet to win it. Howmany homeruns do you predict you will hit this summer, and will you eventually win the derby?
"During the season I am always good for 2 or 3 homeruns and yes I think I will win the hr derby eventually."
6. Where do you rank yourself in hitting in the Mens Baseball League? Top 3? Top 5? Top 10? and why?
"It is tough to say considering rec doesn't keep individual stats, but I do consider myself a complete hitter and I have worked extremely hard on my hitting over the years so I would say top 5."
7. Whats your most memorable Rec moment?
"Making the game winning free throw in my first basketball championship."
8. You also play in the basketball leagues, who would win in a 3 pt shootout, you or Frank Ajosa?
"Haha good question, stirring up some debate. from 3 I am confident in myself so I will say I would win, but Frank is a great mid range shooter and will definitely beat me there."
9. Will you be playing Co-Ed Softball in 2010?
10. Who is your favorite rec player to watch? Why?
"Richie Sudimack because you never know what will happen next."
11. Who has been your best teammate over your rec career? and why?
"I have had a lot and really can't narrow it down to one."
12. Who do you think is Bayonne Rec's top athlete?
"Kenny Jaworski."
13. What would you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Dave Fleischman?
"My answer is fairly simple, I love to compete, I play to win, and
I love rec because it allows me to continue to play the sports I loved to play throughout grammar school, high school, and college."
This interview is with Richard Sudimack. Richard is a member of the Ty Rec Basketball Team, TOS Football Team, Bad News Bears Baseball Team, and Yardwork Co-Ed Softball Team. Richard can be found at most Rec events and is popular amongst players.
1. How long have you been a member of Bayonne Recreation?
"Since 2004. Winter basketball was my first league."
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"It think it is good because it lets other people know what is going on in the world of rec and it is also very entertaining. I think Pete does a great job with it."
3. Who is your favorite Rec official and why?
"I would have to go with Nick Gallo. I know Nick and I have had our differences in the past, but I still feel he knows the game the best and he is the most consistent."
4. What is your most memorable recreation moment?
" I would have to go with my huge 4th down catch in the Football Championship the year we beat Roccos. Our team was loaded with stars all over the field, but my QB and league MVP that season, Sean Vincent Devaney, found me over the middle on a 4th and long for a first down."
5. What is your favorite rec league and why?
"Well, I never thought I would say this, but I think I am going to go with the Co-Ed Softball League. I feel that it is the most fun and that is what Rec is supposed to be about, "fun." Also, Mr. Solari is very entertaining as an umpire."
6. Where would you rank yourself as a shooter in the Basketball League? Top 3? Top 5? Top 10? And why?
"In the entire league I'm going to go with top 10 because I feel that when I'm on, there's not too many people that can shoot better than me and the ones that can, know who they are and I have a lot of respect for."
7. TOS did not win the Adult Touch Football League this year. Going into this season, you were confident TOS will come out on top…knowing what you know now, would you have done anything different this season?
" Not at all. I felt that even though we lost some big players, we still were a better team than what our record showed. Also, I liked going down to the field knowing it was going to be a good game c ompared to last year when we knew were going to win except for the championship game where we lost to Roccos, due to key injuries and suspensions."
8. Who would win in a game of one-on-one basketball – Richard Sudimack or Pat Lioi?
"I don't think a one-on-one really means anything in basketball. I think it is what you do for a team throughout a game in a 5 on 5. So I would have to say me, and if anyone was at the Tech Gym last night they would know why. The game vs. nWo came down to free throws late and who did Ty Recs make sure had the ball to ice a victory? None other than yours truly."
9. You were named co-rookie of the year in the Co-Ed Softball League. What’s your prediction on Rich Sudimack’s 2010 Co-Ed Softball Season?
" This year in Co-Ed, if everything goes like it is planned, I should have a good team, so I will be focused on my team going far into the playoffs. It's not really what I do individually, but Pete, you already know one name you'll be announcing come all-star weekend, 'Rich Sudimack.'"
10. Will the Wicked Riders win Co-Ed Softball in 2010? Why or Why not?
"Highly doubtful they will win it in 2010, I'm hearing a lot of their big guns are heading elsewhere to play. So I'm unsure about the Wicked Riders future in Co-Ed Softball, and very unsure about Frank Ajosa, Sr.'s coaching future."
11. Here’s a scenario – TOS down by a TD with 3 second left, who does QB Mike Rizzo throw the ball to in the endzone – Rich Sudimack or Ryan Maceluso? And why?
"Even though I dropped that pass vs. Venice, I would still have to go with myself and thats nothing against Ryan. I know you're supposed to be looking for the ball at all times no matter what and I wasn't, I thought for sure the ball was going to Kenny(Jaworski), but next time I'll be ready and I know Mike Rizzo knows that."
12. What would you like the fans of Bayonne Rec to know about Richard Sudimack?
"One thing I would like them to know is that outside of Rec, I am a pretty nice guy. I know I have some temper problems on the court/field, but it is nothing personal towards anyone. rec fans might think I am a little nuts because of what happens on the field/court but I'm really just a regular guy who is just a little too competitive at times in sports.
I would also like to give a special thanks to Pete Amadeo for what he is doing with Rec. He is the glue holding Bayonne Recreation together, so thanks Pete."
This interview is with Matt Dragone of Glory Road in the Men's Basketball League. Matt also plays in the Co-Ed Softball League and has played in the Adult Touch Football League.
1. How long have you been a member of Bayonne Recreation?
I believe my first year was winter 2006...My boy Elvis Morel ran the team but i ended up taking over and left over from that team are me Mike, Jay and Greg
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
I sometimes check the huddle before my work email...thats nah , but the site is has so many different aspects...I wish we could add some type of boxscore or tracking of scoring...
3. Whats your favorite rec sport? and why?
Definately basketball....its competitive and i've gotten to know most of the guys who get to keep the rivalries fun by seeing the same guys every season....
4. Who is your favorite rec official and why?
Nick aka Steve from jerry springer....Bruce Biggs....and Frank Ajosa....they probably call the fairest games
Who is my favorite scorekeeper? "the christina"
5. Do you think Glory Road can win the Indoor Championship this season? Why or Why not?
I didn't really know how would we fare in d1 but so far I think our newest addition KG (Kaylen Gregory) has fit well into the way we play ball...and I think we have a shot if we play to our potential.....Will it be easy? No
6. Who do you think is the toughest basketball player in rec? Why?
Thats a tough the summer there are so many good players especially in division 1....and even a couple of guys in d2 who can play in d1...theres a couple in the winter league....Kenny....Fabian.....Wayne....Conroy....A. Amadeo....Nick Allan if he ever decides to show up...B. Robinson..Dan Dejesus (i gotta plug my players in there lol)..Tarique Holmes
7. Will you be playing Co-Ed Softball this summer? and with who?
I would like to....actually i've been contacted by a few GMs.. but im gonna hold out for the best with me comes my Freak 98..Miken deal
8. Can you beat Dominic Christie in a one-on-one basketball game?
I'm not a one on one type player but I could probably take it to him on a good his brother ever comes out to play maybe we can get a 2 on the way his brother is 3-7 in my fantasy football league lol (Yours truly is 6-4)
9. Who do you think is the most underrated basketball player in rec? Why?
Obviously I think alot of people thought my pg Danny DeJesus was underrated last year...he does alot for our team ..hes gotten alot better since last winter ...and i think he has proved himself to be an elite person who kinda goes under the radar in my opinion is Mike Amadeo....hes a pretty solid big guy..
10. Will you make a comeback to the Adult Touch Football League?
I would love to....I had alot of fun on Sean Devanneys team last year....
11. What do you think of the new rec reversible mesh jerseys?
There reminds of me the days when i was in the Bobby hurley league in grammar school with the same color reversibles....I'm actually thinking about getting some shorts to go with them =-O
12. What would you like the fans of bayonne rec to know about Matt Dragone?
Matt loves to compete, he can get under your skin on the court, but off the court he is real laid back.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How Long have you been a member of Bayonne Recreation?
I have been a member of Bayonne Rec since 2005, so about four years.
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
I think the rec website is very entertaining & keeps people interested in not only their games but other people's games as well.
3. Who’s your favorite Rec official and why?
My favorite rec official would have to be Nick Galo. I feel he is the most consistent official with plenty of experience.
4. What was the best rec team you ever played for? Why?
The best rec team I have ever played for would have to be last year's TOS team. Even though we did not win the championship we put together a great team with superior athletes and talent. It was just unfortunate injuries & suspensions took place towards the latter part of the year.
5. Any Given Monday did not win the summer basketball championship this past summer, ending of streak of 4 titles, how do you think Any Given Monday will finish this upcoming summer?
I feel AGM will recapture the title in the upcoming summer. I feel that this past summer we just thought we were better than everyone else & would walk through the teams but we now know that we have to play every game hard. You will see a totally different team in 2010.
6. Is Slaughterhouse the best team in the Indoor League? Why or Why not?
Slaughterhouse is the best team in indoor basketball this year. I feel we have the best PG in the league in Justin Conroy as well as Derel Williams who is the best perimiter defender in the league and a great team player. Joey Jerz is capable of going off for 20 on any given night and Rich Sudimack can hit the outside shot plus Anthony Smith brings intangibles to the game like no other.
7. You play for TOS in the Men’s Adult Touch Football League, how do you see TOS finishing the season? championship? Is this TOS team better than last season’s TOS team? Why or why not?
I can see TOS being in the championship this year in football. However, it will be difficult because every team is evenly matched this season. Right now we are on a little slump but look to break out of it this upcoming Sunday against Yung Money who is the most athletic team in the league. But I do feel if we play smart & up to our capability we can make a run for it. As far as comparing this TOS team to last year's team I feel last year's team was better. We lost the best reciever in the league as well as the fastest player & Duval Cheatum is a very good player in which we lost.
8. You’ve played with numerous QB’s…who is the best QB you’ve played with? Mike Rizzo? Sean Devaney? Or Duval Cheatham? And why?
The best QB i have ever played with was Sean Devaney. No disrespect to the other Qb's I have had because they are all very good I just feel most comfortable with Sean because he gets me the ball where I am most dangerous & that is down the field.
9. Will you be playing in the COED Softball league in 2010?
I am not sure if I am playing COED softball yet. But I am a free agent & willing to listen to offers. But if I did play in the league, I will win MVP.
10. In your opinion, who is the best athlete in Bayonne Recreation?
People describe "athlete" in different ways ranging from most athletic or person who can pay the most sports well. My definition of the best athlete is a combination of both so I would have to say the best athlete in rec would have to be Bryan Smith.
11. Do you know who Rec Spy is?
I believe I know who Rec Spy is but you can never be sure. But I feel Rec Spy is Ant Yurchek.
12. Is Richard Sudimack a better roommate or teammate? Why?
Rich Sudimack is a better roommate I would say because on the floor/field as a teammate he is out of his mind. He means well but cannot control his temper. At home he tends to have his outbursts but is more sain in the friendly confines of East 40th street.
13. Whats your favorite rec sport and why?
My favorite rec sport is basketball but only when Bayonne plays Audobon. It would be football but I do not feel the league is realistic enough so I would have to go with basketball because real basketball is played 5 on 5.
This weeks interview is Alan Walsh. Alan is a member of the Filthy Irish Basketball Team, the Swamp Donkeys Baseball team, and the Polk High Football Team. You can catch Alan at all Rec events and check him out in the Huddle.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant of Bayonne Recreation?
"Going on about 5 years now. I can remember starting out as a fill in for baseball games every now and again, now I'm starting behind the dish for the most beloved franchise in all of recreation sports. I've had a great time in all the sports, it's been really fun."
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"Absolutely love it. Usually one of the first sites I visit the morning after a game, and everyone gets a kick out of it. The Huddle is a nice addition as well, gives everyone a chance to chime in on whatever's going on in the league. It's a five-tool website."
3. Who is your favorite recreation official and why?
"All of them of course! But if I had to pick one I guess it'd be Joe Hurley since he lived on my block growing up, having history always goes a long way in my book."
4. You are a member of the Filthy Irish Basketball team. This past summer, FI lost a heartbreaker to the Swamp Donkeys in the East Division Championship, if you could go back in time and play that game over, who would win? and why?
"Oh man, I'm still having nightmares about that one- that was heartbreaking especially because we're all really good friends on both teams so of course our side never hears the end of it. But that was a great game- probably one of the best I've been involved in on any level of sports. I don't know that you can go back and play that game over, win or lose in that game it was just great to be a part of. You have to give the SD's credit for the way they played that night, but rest assured- we are fired up and ready to actually win a championship game for once. But to answer your original question of course we would, I just would have made sure Fisher wasn't standing under the basket for Bodson's airball in the final seconds."
5. You play for the Swamp Donkeys in the Men's Baseball League, this past season was never concluded due to the rain, amount of rainouts, etc. Do you feel the Swamp Donkeys would have won the championship? Why?
"It's hard to say. Yes on the hand that I think we were the best team, but really not sure because I wasn't able to see all the teams that were in it this year. The fans came out in mass numbers this season and I think we definitely exceeded spring training expectations. We have already made some major upgrades by getting verbal commitments from Dave Bodson, Pete/Mike Visone so we're definitely ready for next season."
6. Who do you think is the most under-rated player in Bayonne Recreation? Why?
"I feel like this question was made just for me. But yeah, I would have to say me. It gets old hearing it from a couple people, especially Pat Lioi, who play in the higher divisions saying that they're better than me because that's the division that they're in, my bad but Polk High is who picked me up . Steve McNair went to Alcorn St. and he was better than Danny Wuerfuell who went to Florida so that's that. I know what I'm capable of and if Polk High wins the East Division for football, I'll show whoever in D2 we're playing exactly what I mean by that. We may not win, but at the end of the game you'll agree that Alan Walsh is the most under-rated player in Bayonne Recreation."
7. Whats your favorite Rec sport to participate in and why?
"Tough call. I think right now football is it. Football is just the best sport on the planet but to play it is 10 times better. Getting up isn't always easy as I'm sure everyone can relate to, but it has made me become a more civilized human being on the weekends. Thanks Bayonne Recreation!"
8. You also play touch football for the Polk High in the Touch League, how do you rank yourself amongst the leagues best?
"Right now I'd have to say for the East Division I'd have to be #1 in Heisman voting. Dazzling footwork, acrobatic catches and 8 TDs in 3 games is good but all that can improve. In terms of the 'leagues' best? I know I can go up and get the ball, I can break the long route, I got the hands, I can do it all. I guess we won't know until I go up against the leagues best. We have a good team and my main goal right now is to win this division so that we can take on one of the teams from the next division. If not then I have to go show my strength at the Sunday morning game down Hudson County Park."
9. Who do you think is Bayonne Recreation's most dominating athlete? and why?
"This town is filled with great athletes, we should probably have our own country in the next Olympics. I wouldn't say most dominating but best all-around I'd go with Frank Ajosa, Jr., the guy's on every field every season. He showed me he can also play a damn good shortstop in the Co-Ed Championship. It takes a lot to impress me without bribing me with money, guy gets my vote."
10. How would you go about guarding Wayne "The Wayne" Colegrove on the basketball court?
11. Whats your most memorable rec moment?
"That one has not happened yet, hopefully soon."
This weeks interview is Pat Lioi. Pat is a member of HQ Crew in the Adult Touch Football League, a member of NWO in the Men's Basketball League, and also plays in the Men's Baseball League. Pat is a fan favorite and can be seen at all Recreation events
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant of Bayonne Recreation?
"I've played in recreation for the last 5 years."
2. What is your favorite rec sport and why?
"I would say football because I have the most fun playing it,its the most competitive,and I feel I peform the best in it as an individual."
3. Who is your favorite recreation official and why?
"My favorite official is Bruce Bigg, he always seems the most fair and accurate on his calls in all of the sports he refs in."
4. What do you think of the recreation website?
"The website is great I like checking the morning buzz and running my mouth on the huddle."
5. You're a member of HQ Crew in the Adult Touch Football League, do you feel your QB, Nino Leto, has what it takes to lead your team to a championship? Do you feel you get the ball enough during the game? Where would you rank yourself as a receiver in the league, Top 3? Top 5? top 10?
"I feel that this season we put together a team that could win it all.As reling on Nino to take us there ,sure he a receiver I consider my self top 5 in my divison.. my teams offense performs better when the ball is being thrown my way... I feel I do get the ball enough but there are times I think there should be more thrown my way but we have a team with good athletes were it doesn't bother me."
6. You played a big role in NWO's outdoor basketball season, will NWO have the same team next season and where do you predict NWO to finish the season?
"nWo will have the same team maybe with 1 addition maybe 2...last summer we lost a couple of very close games and made the playoffs...this upcoming season look for those close loses to change to wins and at least nWo making it to the championship.
7. Who would win in a game of one-on-one basketball at 16th St. Court, Pat Lioi or Rich Sudimack? Why?
"We have this argument all the time and it seems to be the same answer everytime..he can shoot the jump shot better then I can but I am the more physical player so the only way to tell who would win is to actually have the game."
8. You also play in the Men's Baseball League for Hookey Pawlatsos, will you be returning to that team next season? and do you feel you could compete on a more competitive team?
"I will not be returning to that team unless there are some major adjustments all around its tough to play on a team where u basicly are the only person playing for real....if given a chance I'm sure I could help a better team i would consider my self a strong outfielder."
9. What is your favorite recreation moment?
"My favorite moment in rec is the 2005 touch football season even though my team lost to damage inc. in the championship...I was first team all recreation that year which backs up why I considered myself top 5 in my divison."
10. Many consider you to be Recreation's Fan of the do you feel about being labeled Fan of the Year?
"Im happy to be considered that its not a bad honor I like being a part of whatever bayonne recreation has to offer."
11. Who do you consider to be Recreation's top athlete? Why?
"My boy kenny jaworski he is always concidered the threat on any team he plays for."
12. What would you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Pat Lioi?
"Pat Lioi comes to play."
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant of Bayonne Recreation?
"Since I was a Junior in High School so going on 6 years."
2. What do you think of the Bayonne Recreation Website?
"The morning Buzz is great and very entertaining at times. The Recspys, I like to read the sunday convos. Over all, The commish does an excellent job with it."
3. You were a member of the back-to-back champions Underdawgs in the Co-Ed Softball, and you've decided to leave them this season, to play with the Big Apple Bruisers. How do you feel about leaving your old team, and what do u think of the Bruisers chances to win the title this season?
"The Underdogs were a great team to play with, they are a very talented team but I was out to prove something last season to a certain team and I had to play with the best team and thats what they were. Plus Chris Otero was an old teammeate of mine at BHS. They are still a power house in this league. But I must say my team the Big Apple Bruisers should not lose a game. I KNOW we are a championship caliber team. We will have one of the best lineups in the league if not the best lineup in the league.With girls like Kristy Bonner , Sharon Buzinki, and Jess Macri and guys like Anthony Mackow, Dave Lewendoski, Gary Parlatti, the Brancatella bros myself and we will be adding Dave Hoffmann to the roster you can't go wrong. We will just have to go out and show it. I expcect nothing less the a championship."
4. It seems that you bounce from team to team each season in the Adult Touch Football League. Where do you want to play and what was your favorite team you've played on?
"Well I enjoyed playing with all the teams I played on. I like to win, and I like to score. So I go to the team that I have the best chance of doing both of them on. My favorite team had to be the team i was on in the leagues first year. Just because you went out and played and had fun. This year we have put in team. Slaughter House with QB Mike Rizzo, Ken Jaworski, Brandon Smith, Rich Sudimack, Mike Colucci, Sean Baran, Brian Brandefine and Myself."
5. You also left the Savage Banchees in the Men's Baseball League, and are now planning on playing in the AA division. What's your reasoning for leaving the Banchees to play in what some consider to be a less competitive division.
"Just to play with some friends and have a good time. I played with the Banchees for 4 years, The Banchees were alot of fun. We were a great team every year but I just wanted a change. However I do plan to return to the Banchees. Next season."
6. What's your favorite Recreation Sport? And why?
"Well I enjoy all of them the football is fun but the Coed softabll league to me is alot of fun."
7. Who's your favorite Recreation official? and why?
"Mr. Nick Brancatella, the guy never misses a call."
8. Who do you consider to be Bayonnes top athlete? And why?
"Well I have the go with one of my best buds, Ken Jaworski. The guy just dominates a game and makes the other players on his team that much better."
9. Whats your favorite Recreation Uniform color?
"I would have to go with black."
10. What woud you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Robert Kochanski?
"That I always come ready to play, to win, that I give me all."
This weeks interview is Pete Amadeo, Supervisor of Recreation for the City of Bayonne.
Director Gary S. Chmielewski, conducted the interview
1. How long have you been working for the City of Bayonne in the Recreation Division and why did you want to work here??
“I began working for the City of Bayonne in the Recreation Division as a camp counselor when I was 14 yrs old, so I’ve been working in Recreation for thirteen years. I have worked the past seven years in the Recreation office in City Hall. I’ve always enjoyed working with youth and with sports. In college, I was actually going to go for my teacher’s certification, but switched majors instead to Business Administration & Sport Management, and I’m glad I did. “
2. Since becoming Supervisor, what has been your most difficult task and what has been your most rewarding??
“Since becoming Supervisor, I haven’t really had a particularly difficult task; I have had my share of “headaches”, but nothing I was not able to handle. Regarding any rewarding experiences, I can’t say that I have had just one, because I have had numerous rewarding experiences. Anytime I deal with the community is rewarding, especially with the youth of this city. I can honestly say I enjoy waking up each morning and going to work. I don’t think too many people can say that, so I consider myself lucky. “
3. What sports are you active in and what is your favorite one to either play or watch??
“I am active in several sports and I participate in several of the leagues that the Department of Recreation offers. I play in the Men’s Baseball League, the Men’s Outdoor Basketball League, the Adult Touch Football League, and the Indoor Co-Ed Volleyball League. I also play in a Men’s Wooden Bat Baseball League in Staten Island on Sunday mornings. My favorite sport is baseball; I have been playing it since I was 6 years old. I actually played in the Bayonne Recreation Tee-Ball League, and I have a video from my first tee-ball game played at the 11th St. Oval. Every time I drive past that field, I can remember my first hit and how big the field was to me back then.”
4. What programs or activities would you like to see added to Recreation??
“There are many programs that I would love Recreation to start. I would like to have a Spring Touch Football League. I would also like to offer an Open Gym to the youth on Saturday mornings. In Hoboken, they have an organized dodge ball league, and I think dodge ball in Bayonne would be successful and popular. Consideration of an outdoor roller rink was discussed, and I think that would benefit the Recreation Department and everyone involved. This spring, the Recreation Department will be hosting an “Easter Egg Hunt.” We have always had an Easter egg roll, but we are trying something new and I think it will be a great event.”
5. You have set up a great Recreation website. What is the most difficult part of running the site and what do you think could be improved??
“The most difficult part of running the site is making sure everything is constantly updated. One of the most important aspects of the site is the game results, so I usually have them posted on the same night as they were played. I also need to make sure the schedules are up-to-date. Secondly, I think photos are a great way to include all Recreation participants and show the interest everyone has for our events and leagues. So I always try to capture as many photos as possible. However, I still believe there’s always room for improvement. I plan on adding many more video interviews come spring time. And something I really would love to see on the site is having live game statistics, and perhaps, showing live games on the website.”
6. How does your Director treat you??
“This is a great question. I must say the Director treats me very well. He respects me as a person, and respects my work, as well. I will always be so grateful that he gave me the opportunity to become Supervisor of Recreation. Director Chmielewski has taught me so many things and I appreciate everything he has done. So, I would like to say thank you.”
7. Since becoming Supervisor, what is the most important thing you have learned??
“The most important thing that I have learned in my new position is that you cannot please everyone. I have to do what is right for the Department and what is right for the community. I believe that you have to really trust your staff and make sure that they instill a sense of pride and commitment into their work, which is what we believe in as a Recreation Department.”
8. We know that you recently became engaged and will get married this year. How do you think this will change your life and all the time you spend in Recreation??
“This is another good question. I am getting married August 21, 2009 and, honestly, I am not sure how being married will change my life. I guess time will tell. I do know that I am marrying a great person who is very understanding about my work and what I love to do. She loves sports and she loves kids, so I’m very lucky to have her. Of course, Recreation does take up a lot of my time, but I am positive that I will at least have enough time to cook dinner! Finally, my fiancée is an amazing woman and I cannot wait to start the next phase of my life with her.”
9. What would you like the residents to know about yourself and why do you think it is important that they know this information??
“I would like the residents to know that I am an extremely hard-working individual and I am completely dedicated to my job. I am easy to talk to and I am always willing to listen to new ideas to make Bayonne a better and richer community. I love my job and I enjoy coming to work each day. I think this is a real important question because I would like everyone to know that my main motivation is to provide Bayonne with fun, safe, and successful Recreation programs.”
10. What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
“Well, this is an easy question. I am confident that in five years from now, I will be supervising many Rec. programs that are on their way to being the best in the country. I believe in five years that Bayonne Recreation will have even more programs to offer its citizens of all ages, and I hope, by that time, we will have the ball rolling on getting our very own Recreation Facility. The sky’s the limit when it comes to this department, and I will do my absolute best to ensure high quality activities for everyone.”
This weeks interview is Marc Percella. Marc is the scorekeeper for the Adult Touch Football League, an umpire in the Men's Baseball league, and also an official for the Men's Basketball League.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been involved in Bayonne Recreation?
"If you would like to count summer camps, then I have been involved since the summer of 2003."
2. What is your favorite Recreation Sport?Why?
"Adult Touch Football because it is the most exciting to watch. The games can be extremely competitive, and it can all come down to one big play or one big mistake."
3. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"It is very informative and user friendly, especially with all the Recreation emails I receive, thanks!"
4. What do you think of the level of play in the Adult Touch Football League? What team do you enjoy watching the most?
"The level of play, like I said before, VERY COMPETITIVE at times. One team I like watching the most?hmmm I always enjoyed watching the Starting point and Roccos."
5. You are also an umpire in the Men's Baseball Legue. Do you like the pressure of umpiring AAA Games?
"Quite frankly I do. It builds character to deal with some of the people in that league. In addtition, it is always a more exciting game to umpire. No one likes long, boring, drawn out baseball games."
6. Who do you think is the best pitcher in the Men's Baseball League? Why?
"I would have to say Jeremy Ives. When he's in control of all his pitches he is one hard person to defeat, TRUST ME."
7. Do you think the Savage Bancees will repeat in the AAA Division in the baseball league?
"To be honest, you never know, it depends on what new additions come into the league this year."
8. Is Ken Kopacz the best hitter you have seen hit in the Baseball League?
"He is one of the best, but my man Jonathan Thomas is always going to hold the diamond down."
9. What is your favorite Recreation Uniform color?
"Navy Blue."
10. What would you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Marc Percella?
"Well I would have to say that I am an achiever. I work hard at everything I do and I perform to the best of my ability. I know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Don't picture me as just a serious individual, because yes I like to have fun too, but when it comes to working I make sure everything goes as smooth as possible. I am a fun-loving college student who works hard with a smile."
This weeks interview is Christina Conti. Christina scorekeeps the Men's Basketball League, the Men's Baseball League, the Co-Ed Softball League and also the Jr. & Sr. Women's Softball League.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
How long have you been a member of Bayonne Recreation?
"I’ve been an on and off member of Bayonne Recreation for about 12 years, making my debut in the Bunny Hop race at Hudson County park when I was in grammar school. I remember I picked a pink sponge and had to hop with the sponge between my knees to the finish line. I finished first and beat all the boys."
You are a scorekeeper for the Men’s Basketball League (indoor and out), the Men’s Baseball League, the Co-Ed Softball League, the Jr. Women’s Softball League, and the Sr. Women’s Softball League. Which league do you enjoy scorekeeping the most and why?
"Baseball is my favorite professional sport to watch, and I love scorekeeping for the Men’s Baseball League. I enjoy being outdoors, especially on a warm summer night, when most of the Men’s Baseball games are. It’s also the least confrontational. Sometimes the players in the Men’s Basketball League become emotional about a specific play and it can get rowdy. With the Men’s Basketball League, from a scorekeeping perspective, it’s also the most statistical. I can keep track of the steals, which isn’t allowed in the softball leagues, and batting, pitching, and fielding statistics. I would love to help enhance the Bayonne Recreation website with individual player statistics per sport that I scorekeep."
What’s your favorite part of the Recreation Website? Why?
"The welcome page is the most enjoyable section on the website. It gives you a general idea of everything going on in the Bayonne Rec world, from the photo of the week, to upcoming events, to the current weeks schedule. The website is also a great place to go as a player to see if games are cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons. "
"You played on G.S. Bank in the Co-Ed Softball League, and Outkast in the Sr. Women's Softball League. Do you think G.S. Bank or Outkast can win the championship in ’09? Why? Why not?
"Every team has a strong potential, depending on the weather, the calls, and the day. With G.S. Bank, we fell one game short from the championship game. There was never any pressure, yelling, or negative attitudes on the team that made for a great season. With Outkast, we lost in a close championship game. Our team has strong capabilities with a tremendous amount of talent. With both teams, we have to remember that we can never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams."
What’s your favorite Recreation uniform color?
"Highlighter neon yellow/green is a great color for a uniform. It’s the type of color that’s love/hate."
What would you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Christina Conti?
"I believe your attitude is key in your performance both on and off the field. A positive attitude is a magnet for positive results and outcomes. Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you. Attitude determines how well you do it."
This weeks interview is Gary S. Chmielewski, the Director of Public Works, Parks & Recreation.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. What do you think of the Recreation website? What is your favorite segment on the website?
"Thanks to you, your enthusiasm and constants updates, I think it is one of the best sites in the country. The photos are my favorite site. I cannot make all the activities so it is nice to see all those who participate."
2. Since becoming Director of Public Works, Parks & Recreation in 2007, what have you learned about the programs Recreation offers?
"I don’t even know where to begin. I could not believe all the activities that we have; from our ability programs, summer camps and all our sports programs. I could not have imagined the dedication that the coaches and their staffs have and the quality of the programs that we offer our citizens."
3. Did you play any Recreation Sports when you were younger?
"Are you insinuating that I am now old??? I can still get around pretty good you know! I played basketball in the PAL league, football in the CYO league (catholic youth organization) and football at Bayonne High School. Well I might not have played much, but I was on the team. I can also remember playing football at Gorman Field and spending many hours playing stickball. Right now I play less strenuous sports as bowling and bocce."
4. Are there any programs you would like to see Recreation start?
"Yes. I would love to see roller hockey and I am trying to convert one of our tennis courts into a rink. I think it would be a good addition to our recreation program. "
5. Bayonne has great parks and playgrounds throughout the city; do you have any future plans on any new playground equipment or possibly any new facilities?
"As I stated above a roller hockey rink is in the works. I would also like to see an outdoor ice rink and a water park facility. For this coming year we already had installed two new playgrounds for 3-5 year olds near Zabriskie Avenue and 1st Street. We also need to upgrade Cottage Street Park, Slootsky Park and Bradys’ Dock."
6. The Mini-Golf Course is quite successful, especially the mini-golf tournament, have you played the 9 holes and would you like to see another 9 holes be put in?
"Yes, I have played a few holes and we are ready to expand to 18 holes this year. I hope to award a contract in March or April and have construction completed in time for our opening on Memorial Day weekend. "
7. What would you like to let the citizens of Bayonne know about yourself?
"This could get me in trouble, but here it goes. I love the beach and BBQ ing and sipping my favorite beverage down at the Jersey Shore. I like the Giants (we’re there every game), the Mets and best of all the New Jersey Devils.
I think it is important that you never forget where you came from, your never better than someone else and you should be grateful for what you have. Things are never as bad as they seem; and you have heard me say many times; I’m breathing, walking and its’ better to be 6 feet up instead of 6 feet under. You should have all the fun you can for you never know what tomorrow will bring."
8. What would you like to let the citizens of Bayonne know about the Department of Recreation?
"I think we have a great team that cares about our community and strives to make our programs the best they can be. The time, effort and planning that goes into our programs can be seen in the results. We have over 5,000 residents who participate in our programs and I have to believe that they appreciate all the hard work that goes into running all our programs. There are many people to thank, but you Pete is the one reason that our Recreation Programs are some of the best around. My recommendation for you to replace Buddy was one of the better decisions that I have made. Thanks for making our programs top notch!! "
This weeks interview is Anthony Carrano. Anthony is a member of Roccos Football, Roccos basketball, and Roccos Baseball. He was named MVP of the Adult Touch Football League.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
How long have you been a participant in Bayonne Recreation?
"Umm jeez I have no idea, I think I met you at NJCU in 2001, so prolly abouy 6 or 7 yrs I'd say."
Whats your favoritre Recreation sport? Why?
"I dont really have a favorite sport, growing up it was baseball that was all I ever did, I never knew how to play basketball or football til I got a little older and played neither sports in H.S. just a little bball, but in the spring and summer I usually get fired up for basketball and baseball and then when the first couple weeks in September roll around I'll start getting fired up for Roccos football."
What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"I think its great, it gives the outside world a vision to peek into Bayonne and see whats goin on in the town recreation wise, I'll go on once in a blue moon, but Firpo loves it he prolly goes on ever day and more than the average Bayonne person. Congrats on the websites award as well."
You have just been named MVP of the Adult Touch Football League? How does it feel to win the MVP award?
"Ha it feels great, Im sure Ken (Jaworski) was just as deserving as me (I think we split it 2 yrs ago), but the team I was on came out on top and its only fair from there on. But of course the award isn't possible without my teammates, and of course Toca keeping my stats."
How is QB Steve Stiller as a teammate?
"Stiller has been a teammate of mine and a close friend since '98, we've played basketball and baseball together all through H.S. and Roccos football since pretty much day 1. He should win "QB of the yr" every year because he throws for close to 100 td's every yr, thats a video game stat, but hes a great teammate always fired up and talkin to the other team and he made all the throws he had to against TOS and thats why we won."
What defender gives you the most trouble on the footballfield? Why?
"To be honest I think the only time we saw man was against the lower division champs, we've seen zones alot this year and usually the safety is always on my side giving that side of the zone over the top help but im sure theres alot of people in the league capable of covering me."
You’ve also been a member of the Men’s BasketballLeague. After sitting out the 08 season, do you plan on ever returning to the league?
"I gotta see whats going on with my towns bball league, if it doesn't happen then you'll see me in orange again this summer trying to get Roccos another ship."
You’ve also played for Roccos in the Men’s Baseball League, and have connected for a homerun during the regular season. Do you feel you can contribute to the Roccos Baseball team in ’09?
"Yea sure i hope i can, as long as my softball schedule doesnt conflict I'll be there, but I'll leave all the homerun talk to my mans J tweezy (Jonathan Thomas)whos the best player in rec baseball hands down."
Who is your favorite Recreation sports official? Why?
"There all my favorite, now can they officiate?? I'll leave that to the players, but if i had to pick its prolly Brucey, Why u ask? cause hes the only guy whos name i know......"
Will Roccos repeat as football champions in ’09? Why or Why Not?
"Well I'll tell you this much I can't say yes or no, but what I will tell you is we'll go prolly 7-5 or 8-4, and just turn it on in the playoffs cause thats what we do, its tough to field a competitive team throughout the season people have kids and full time jobs (were all old men) but come playoff time ur gonna get 10-12 rocco-ites that are coming to play."
Whats your favorite Recreation uniform color?
"Well Pete you screwed up like 5 years ago making Roccos navy blue and I let u know the main reason why we didn't win in 2 years was because we weren't orange, crayola should make a color called "Roccos orange" but now everything is where it should be and 2 ships later here we are again. Everyone look out for the new alternate white and orange Roccos jerseys with the commemorative 2009 championship patch that will be unleashed opening day."
What do you think of Michael Tully and the intensity hebrings on the playing field?
"Tully is hilarious hes like that little brother that screws up all the time but you can get mad at him, he comes to every game and gives 110% and thats more than I can say for alot of people, every sack our defense gets is dedicated to tully aka tulla-more-dew."
What would you like the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Anthony Carrano?
"No one has to now anything about me im a nobody, but what every one should know is Roccos has been together from day 1 and its the same core group of guys every single year and we always come to bring it, no fighting no yelling just 12 guys that come out every sunday with one thing in mind to go win a football game. All the fighting in the league is ridiculous, people have to realize 2 things: number one is its "2 hand touch football" and number 2 if everyone is as good as they
say they are, why the hell are they playing bayonne touch football?? I go down there on Saturdays and Sundays to get a nice workout run around a little and compete and its nothing more or nothing less. Everyone else needs to realize that to."
This weeks intervieww is Tom Montagne. Tom is a member of the All Day Adult Touch Football Team, a member of the Outlawz of the Men's Summer Basketball Team, and also a member of Murderer's Row Baseball team.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a member of Bayonne Recreation?
"About 7 years ..since I was in 8th Grade."
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"I think its a great informative website. Its a great way for the people and the athletes of Bayonne to keep track of one another. It really makes the leagues feel real. To be able to go online and look at the schedule, stats, and standings is great."
3. What's your favorite Recreation sport to participate in? Why?
"That's an easy question. Football is my favorite because it's very competitive. Bayonne has alot of great athletes."
4. You're a member of the All Day football team, will you win the championship? Can the Grasshoppers give you a game?
"I dont like to make predictions because any team can win any game. As a member of All Day, I'd have to say Yes i think we will win it all. It won't be easy though. The Grasshoppers can definately give us a game, they showed that our first game of the year. We lost to them the 2nd time but we only had 5 people and didnt have our Qb. If we both get to the championship it will be a good game with , hopefully, All Day coming out on top. All Day wanted to make a statement this year and the only way to do that is to win it all convincingly."
5. Is Damian Vasquez the best QB in the league?
"Damien is definately the top Qb in our division, no question about that. He hardly makes bad throws and when he does he takes credit for it. He's never rattled and whenever we need to drive down the field with time running down to win it, he gets the job done. All of our WR's are hit in stride and I would have to credit him with making our WR's as good as they have been."
6. You're leading the league in interceptions, are you the best defensive player in the league?
"Thats the thing about football. Last year i wasn't, this year it seems as if i am the best defensive player, and next year i might not be. It definately helps to have someone like Joe Olmo playing the other safety position. We grew up together and we know how to talk and work together. I don't know if I am the single most talented defensive player, but i do know that we are the best safety tandem. All Day has alot of talent on defense and that helps me out alot. I have alot of interceptions but they werent all created by just myself."
7. You're also a member of the Outlawz basketball team, you've made a run for the title the past 3 years, will you win the 09 summer basketball league? Who's a better outside shooter, you or Dave Fleischman?
"The summer league is crazy. Every game seems to be close and decided by a call here or a call there. I think we can make a run for sure. We had the Bad News Bears last year in the championship. Taylor got hurt, he actually wound up in the hospital bleeding internally. His injury didn't seem so serious but it turned out to be. With that ,we still came within a basket of winning. So it can be done.
Speaking about that game last summer, I want to publicly acknowledge Taylor's toughness. He kept battling down in the post against a tough opposition while he is bleeding internally. There were quite a few people during the game laughing and mocking his injury. I just want that to be known.
Dave is a better outside shooter. I am streaky. I will either hit nothing or hit like 4 in a row. Dave is consistent with it. His big shots kept us in quite a few games last year. "
8. Who's your favorite Recreation official? Why?
"My favorite Rec official would have to be Mr. Hurley. He is fair and a great guy. I have known him the longest out of all of the officials."
9. You also play baseball in the AAA Division for Murderer's Row, do you think Murderer's Row can win a championship? Reason?
"Out of all of the three sports that i talk about, baseball would put me in the worst mood. The events that have happened involving this team are just bad. I dont even know if there will be a Murderer's Row next year. Guys sign up for a team and dont pick up their phone or show up. You can't win like that. We have good players on our team, but we just cant seem to put it together. "
10. Can All Day compete in the top division in Adult touch Football? Reason?
"Pamrapo Savings Bank dominated last year, and they seem to be struggling up in the top division. That would be a good game to set up though. Last years Division 2 dominance against this years Division 2 dominance.....The top division is no joke. I think we have players who can compete up there, no doubt about that. As a team, I still think we have alot more to work on. All Day is not yet at our full potential."
11. What do you want the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Tom Montagne???
"I just want them to know that i just like to compete. i love to have fun playing and sometimes it gets intense and people get into it. no matter how much talking is going on, nothing between me and another player is meant to be personal or disrespectful."
This weeks interviewee is Gary Parlatti. Gary is a member of the Joosey Guys Baseball team and is also an employee for the Department of Recreation
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a part of Bayonne Recreation?
"8 years, since I was a sophomore in High School."
2. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"Considering its an important part of what we do here, I just want people to know we load it up with information and work hard at keeping it very up to date and informative and also fun."
3. What is your favorite Recreation moment?
"Obviously winning the 2007 Men's AAA Baseball Championship."
4. What is your favorite Recreation Sport? Why?
"The Men's AAA Baseball. I like playing with and against the same guys I did in High School, its still competitive."
5. You recently began working in the Recreation office, since working here, what have you learned about Recreation and how it works?
"It is very different from the other side of the desk, even though we work hard, seeing how much people enjoy our programs it is very rewarding."
6. Who is the toughest pitcher you faced in the Men's Baseball League?
"Dan Sweeney, he mixes it up like no one else in the league, that being said, I have never faced our guy, Jose Pinto."
7. Do you consider yourself the best 3rd Basemen in the Men's Baseball League?
"There's a lot of good 3rd basemen in the league. I'm still learning the position but back to back gold gloves is a confidence booster for sure."
8. It's the bottom of the 7th inning, your team is down by 1 run, you have bases loaded with 2 outs, who do you want at bat on your team?
"Myself, I love the pressure. I think any good athlete would say the same."
9. What's your favorite Recreation Uniform color?
"Light Grey, we won it in light grey. I'm still trying to figure out why Tim Yurchak picked that ugly green this yr."
10. What do you want the fans of Bayonne Recreation to know about Gary Parlatti?
"Before I was anything else(all county baseball for Bayonne or Recreation employee) I was a Recreation Athlete and that is where my heart is! "
This weeks interviewee is Brian Brandefine. Brian is a member of the Pamrapo Savings Adult Touch Football Team, and the Cowboys from Hell Baseball Team.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a part of Bayonne Recreation?
"I have been a part of Bayonne Recreation since 1999, playing baseball with JP O'Donnell's."
2. What do you think of the Recreation Web Site?
"I like it. The photo albums are cool, and the addition of the stats really adds to the site. It seems like every few months there is a valuable upgrade. I would love to see some more game shots though."
3. You were a member of the 2007 Adult Touch Football Division Champs, Pamrapo Savings, how do you feel about playing in the upper division this year? and do you think Parmrapo has a legitimate shot at making a run for the title?
"The upper division isn’t much different. There are clearly more talented and athletic players in this division, but the games are still the same. Everyone can score a touchdown. It comes down to defense, which we need to work on.
Of course I think we can make a run for the title. We have a talented team, led by a great QB … we have all the ingredients; we just need to put them all together."
4. Whats your favorite rec sport to participate in ? and why?
"I love baseball, but football is more exciting for me. I feel like with baseball, it’s a marathon. With football, it’s a sprint. You have strike as quickly as possible and make a statement early in the game. It really allows players to give it their all and go all out for the W."
5. On the football field, who was your toughest opponent?
"We have only had 2 games so far, so I couldn’t say. As of right now, I don’t have a toughest opponent. I go out there and do what I have to do, regardless of who is standing across from me. "
6. You have a game coming up against Roccos. Michael Tully, who plays defense, will most likely match up against you. How do you feel about this match up?
"Tully is a good friend of mine. He is an athlete who leaves everything on the field. It should be a great match up and I look forward to the game. "
7. You have participated in the Home Run Derby. Do you think you can win it next year?
"I have never really been a home run hitter. I was always more of a line drive guy. I've hit a few HR's in the last few seasons, and hope to hit some more next season. It would be great to win the HRD but who knows. Win or lose I'll have a great time."
8. Who is your favorite Recreation official?
"I think Hurley is my favorite. He seems to make the most reasonable calls."
9. Are there any sports you would like to see Recreation start?
"I would like to play more football. Maybe a league that extends past November."
10. Whats your favorite recreation uniform color?
"My baseball team has pretty serious colors: black shirts, black Cincinnati Reds hats with the red brim."
11. What's your prediction on Pamrapo's final record for the season?
"I would like to say that well pick it up from here and finish strong. I would love to see 10 – 2, but 7-5 or 6-6 is more realistic."
12. How many touchdowns do u think you will finish with for the season?
"My personal goal for this season is to break 20. As long as I keep with what I've been doing, I should be able to. I think I only had like 15 last year."
13. Is there anything you would like to let the fans know about Brian Brandefine??
"I play hard and I think everyone knows what I'm capable of on the field. I play to win, and I play cause I love the game."
This weeks interviewee is WAYNE COLEGROVE. Wayne is a member of the Outlawz Basketball Team, Polk High Football team, Culprits Baseball Team, and Boder Patrol Co-ED Softball Team. Wayne also captured the AA Division Baseball Home Run Derby.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant of Recreation?
"I have been playing in Recreation for about 11 years, since I was a freshman in High School."
2. What is your favorite Recreation Sport and why?
"I would say Co-Ed Softball because it's a lot of fun and very competitive."
3. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"I love it, I go on it everyday."
4. You recently won the AA Division Baseball Home Run Derby, will you repeat next year and who has the best shot of beating you?
"Of course I will repeat. Mike Gillette has the best chance to defeat me."
5. Border Patrol came very close to the league championship in Co-Ed Softball falling to the Underdawgs. What is your prediction in '09.
"We will make some upgrades. The Underdawgs will not 3-peat."
6. Who is your favorite Rec Official? Why?
"Bruno Brancatella. He's just cool and he's awesome, gotta love Bruno."
7. How will Polk High do in the Adult Touch Football League this year?
"Hoping to make the playoffs."
8. Who do you consider to be the Division 2 Basketball MVP?
"Who else, but me."
9. If your bball team, Outlawz, were to play Bad News Boys tonight, who would win?
"It would be another nailbiter. If Taylor doesnt get hurt, we got them."
10. Who was the toughest person you guarded in Basketball this summer?
"The center from PR's Finest."
11. What is your favorite recreation uniform color?
"Navy Blue."
12. Can anyone stop "The Wayne?"
"100% absolutely not."
This week's intervieww is Mike Rizzo. Mike is a member of the GOATS basketball team, as well as the starting QB for the Pamrapo Savings Touch Football team.
1. How long have you been a participant of Recreation?
"I’ve been playing rec about 6 or 7 years now; starting in high school when I played summer basketball, baseball, and even volleyball back in the day."
2. Whats your favorite rec sport?
"I enjoy basketball, but after playing in the football league this year, that is definitely the best and most competitive rec league."
3. What do you think of the recreation website?
"It’s great, the commish does an excellent job with it."
4. Give me a predicition of Pamrapo Savings record in the 2008 Football Season?
"Even though some don’t give us credit cause we weren’t in the upper league, another undefeated season seems to be the only answer I can think of right now. If Vinny Oszmanski decides to play with us, then it’s no contest."
5. Can Tim Yurchak be stopped in football? Why or Why Not?
"Umm no, the Timbot creates mismatches for everyone who covers him…plus he’s crazy."
6. Who's your favorite rec official? Why?
"I like all of them, but I would have to say Eddy because he is a solid ref and has fun with it…the Ajosa combo is okay too."
7. Who do you consider to be Bayonne Who's Now? Why?
"Despite what anyone says, Kenny Jaworski. The kid is an athletic freak and is basically the best athlete I’ve seen…enough said."
8. Will the Goats ever win a basketball championship? and who will lead that Goats team in the championship?
"Yes, give it 2 or 3 weeks and the GOATS will have their first championship in winter league…As for who will lead them, well they’re point guard averages 19 and 12; he’s pretty good."
9. What did you think of the 2007 Co-Ed Softball Season? Will anyone dethrone the Underdawgs in 08? and who?
"For my first season playing softball I enjoyed it, but I probably should have seen more playing time. If that were the case you’d be asking, who is going to dethrone Big Apple? And yes, next year we will win the title."
10. You were the 1st base coach for the Joosey Guys during their championship run, who do you consider to be the leagues most clutch player? and will the joosey guys repeat in 08?
"From what I saw Jose Pinto was the definition of “clutch” with his back-to-back wins in the title series. Next year could be more of the same…if Mike Colucci is back from Italy pitching, it isn’t even close."
This weeks interviewee is Frank Ajosa, Jr. Frank is a member of the Starting Point Mustangs in the Adult Touch Football League, a member of Starting Point Indoor & Outdoor Basketball teams, a member of the Big Apple Brewers in the Co-Ed Softball League, a member of Mickey Manna's Marshals in the Co-Ed Outdoor Volleyball League, and also the starting catcher for the Joosey Guys in the Mens Baseball League. Frank also officiates in the Youth Flag Football League, Jr & Sr Womens Softball League, Elementary Basketball League, and Indoor Basketball.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant in Bayonne Recreation?
"About 7 years."
2. What is your favorite recreation sport? and why?
"Football because of how competitive it is each week..I look foward to every game being challenging."
3. What do you think of the rec website?
"Its extremely informative and up to date on standings and stats. I visit it quite frequently."
4. Will Starting Point win the Adult Touch Football Championship within the next 3 years?
"Yes, we've been close on a couple occasions. In the league's first year we lost in the last second to damage inc. and since then have come up short in the semi-finals. I think we are just one player away from getting to that point."
5. Will the Joosey Guys repeat in the Baseball League in '08?
"Yes, hopefully we will repeat as champs...that league comes down to pitching and defense and I think we have both...Last year the pitching level was at an all time high with guys like Reagan, Sweeney, and Bilak...its just that Jose Pinto came up huge in the playoffs and championship where he pitched 11 innings in a 24 hour span to beat the Banchees."
6. What is your all-time fav rec moment?
"I have a lot of great Rec moments in the past, like winning the winter league basketball championship twice, softball a couple summers ago, but the one that stands out is last years playoff run to the championship with the Joosey Guys because we started playing in that league about 6 years ago and won the A league championship down 16th Street when I was a sophmore in High School, than as a team we moved up and eventually won AA...We finally reached AAA and took our lumps for a few seasons, but eventually got the right pieces in place and timely pitching and hitting from guys like Jose and Timmy...even Bobby Bedara came up huge defensively at short for us...We beat a team in the Banchees that has won the league championship 3 or 4 times on back to back nights to take the crown...nothing beats that moment in the summer."
7. Who is the most difficult player to guard in the Mens Basketball League? and why?
"Thats a real tough question...guards like Callaway and LaBruno are tough covers in the summer league, but in the winter I would say Justin Conroy."
8. You've been an all-star numerous times...what was your favorite all-star game to play in? why?
"I would say the softball all-star game, because its usually a very competitive game and a lot of fun at the same time."
9. Who do u consider to be Bayonne's NEXT premiere athlete?
"I think that Rodney and Mark Wilson are the best basketball players in the grammar school league, but all around 3 sport athlete I would have to give to Brandon Walsh...I think he is the most complete and up and coming athlete."
10. There's 2 seconds left on the clock in an Adult Touch Football Championship game, you're the QB,on the 10 yrd line, who do you look for to make the big td catch? Anthony Carrano or Ken Jaworski?
"First off I think both these receivers are exceptional and can really go up and get it, but in that situation I would have to say Kenny because he is the most reliable and complete receiver in the league...Plus he runs precise routes and has great hands."
This weeks interviewee is Tim Yurchak. Tim is a member of the 2006 Touch Football National Division Champions, Pamrapo Savings; a member of the 2006 Mens Baseball Champions, the Joosey Guys; a member of the Big Apple Brewers Co-Ed Softball team; and also a member of the Goats basketball team.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant in Recreation?
"My first rec game was played illegally when I was still in 8th grade, so 9 years I've been been playing."
2. What is your favorite recreation sport? why?
"I had a TON of fun playing in the football league, buuuut baseball is my favorite. It's great playing hard and finally winning games with my best friends."
3. What do you think of the Rec website?
"I love it. It's now mixed in with my daily rotation of websites. Except the music on the page is too much for my slow computer and it takes roughly 3 minutes for the page to load."
4. You were chosen League MVP in the Adult Touch Football Leauge. Besides yourself, who do u feel is League MVP?
"Mike Rizzo 88 touchdowns, 3 interceptions in 11 games.. and if not him then Brian Brandefine."
5. Is Mike Rizzo the best QB in the league?
"without a doubt."
6. How did you feel when you defeated your older brother and the Savage Banchees in the AAA Baseball Championship?
"My favorite championship of my life. Not only because we beat Steve, but because the odds were stacked up against us big time and it felt good to finally be the champion in the Yurchak house."
7. Was Jose Pinto's pitching performance in the championship series the best you've ever seen in rec?
"I can't believe the guts this kid has. 11 innings in back to back days."
8. Who do you consider to be Bayonne's "Who's Now?"
"Someone I know very well was on the AAA baseball championship team, was the homerun derby champion, made it to the co-ed softball championship, won the MVP award in his football league and won the championship, and his basketball team is currently 6-2. Coincidence? I think not."
9. Will the Joosey Guys repeat in 08?
"That's a silly question."
10. Will you repeat as Homerun Derby Champion? Who will give you the most competition?
"Yes.. Vinny Oszmanski."
This weeks interviewee is Recreation Official and Supervisor of the Handicapped Program, Ed Broderick. Ed officiates the Elementary Basketball League, Indoor & Outdoor Basketball, Womens Softball, & Adult Touch Football.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been involved in Recreation?
"I actually started in Rec in 1968 with the Ability Day Camp. Went to Golf in 1996 and back as Supervisor of the Handicapped in 2004."
2. What is your favorite rec sport to officiate and why?
"Basketball without a doubt. The offical is always in the game & I enjoy the excitement of the bang, bang plays."
3. Who do you consider to be todays premier athlete in Bayonne?
"If you're talking about Recreation I would have to say Kenny Jaworski. I honestly believe he should be in a college program and could do very well."
4. What's your favorite Rec moment of all-time?
"Probably playing in the Rec basketball league in 1970 for the Venice with people like Leo Smith, Tom Bullwith, Bill Folger, & Bill Wagner. We were down about 13 points in a championship game with 3 minutes to play and we called a time out to set up a press and we won that game by 5 points in regulation, it was an unbelievable finish."
5. Do you think the "Takeover" will repeat in '08?
"The Takeover is a unique team with a lot of talent and it was will take a strong team to beat them."
6. Who do you think will win the Mens Indoor Basketball?
"The two teams that come to mind are Real Estate Boys & Runnin Rebels, both have experienced players.
7. Have you played in any Rec leagues when you were younger? Which Sport? What was your game high?
"Yes, for many years in the Baseball & Basketball league. My high point game was 40 points with a team called Go-Go Boys."
This weeks interviewee is Michael Tully. Mike is a member of the Roccos Football & Basketball Team, Duck Boys Baseball Team, & Team Intensity in the Co-Ed Indoor Volleyball League.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
How long have you been a participant in Bayonne Recreation?
"It's been 13 years already...I've been playing in Bayonne Rec since I was a freshman in high school. I'm getting old...but I can still play."
What is your fav rec sport?
"Gotta go with Adult Baseball...I never played Little League, so I am reliving my youth through the Men's Baseball the Ducky Boys are the 2007 "AA" Champs."
How do you feel about the Rec Officals?
"All of the rec officials are great guys. There isn't another place around that has such an organized and dedicated group of individuals."
Who is Bayonne Rec's who's now???
"Rich Mercier...he has the ability to change the outcome of the game in every sport he plays. We'll see if we can get a football back in his hands next season."
What did you think of the 07 football season??
"The 2007 football season was an exciting one with a disappointing ending for Rocco's. The Takeover is a great team and well deserved champions."
Who will win the '08 football season?
"Tough question...I think its going to come down to another shootout between Rocco's and The Takeover...possibly with a different finish to the game. My prediction Rocco's 49- Takeover 48."
What do you think of the rec website?
"There's a reason that the rec website is ranked Top 100 in the's AWESOME! When I log on to the site EVERYDAY...there's always something new and exciting that grabs my attention."
What did you think of the Joosey Guys Baseball championship run?
"They had some run at the championship. I was at the final game and was quite impressed at the performace the Joosey Guys put together. The Ducky Boys will be gunning to dethrone the champs in the AAA division this year."
Who's your fav. rec official?
"Gotta go with Chief Joe Hurley...great guy and tells it how it is on the playing field."
Who is Bayonne Rec's most underated player?
"I haven't played against him too much, but Mike Rizzo has the ability to make big plays at any point in the game. "
What is your favorite rec uniform color?
"Kelly Green of's the color of the Ducky Boys."
Name one sport you would like to see recreation start?
", dip, dive, duck, and dodge!"
This weeks interviewee is Kenneth Drago. Ken is a member of the Roccos baseball and football team. He also umpires Mens Baseball.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant in Bayonne Recreation?
"8 Years."
2. What is your fav rec sport?
3. How do you feel about the Rec Officals?
"They are a group of dedicated individuals."
4. Who is Bayonne Rec's who's now???
"Sean 'Big Daddy' Devaney."
5. What did you think of the 07 football season??
"I wish it would have ended different with Roccos winning the championship again but my hat goes off to the Takeover. "
6. Who will win the '08 football season?
"Of course I am going to say Roccos. "
7. What do you think of the rec website?
"Its everything you ask for in a website, its updated daily, and everything you want to know you can find it on there."
8. What did you think of the Joosey Guys Baseball championship run?
"Brilliant, those guys have heart, they left everything they had on the field every night. "
9. Who's your fav. rec official?
"Gary Parlatti."
10. Who is Bayonne Rec's most underated player?
"Wow, that’s a tough one, but I would have to say the Kip Finley from Roccos Football."
11.What is your favorite rec uniform color?
"I see no other colors besides the Roccos Orange and Black"
12. Name one sport you would like to see recreation start?
"Adult Lacrosse and you can count it!"
This weeks interviewee is Michael Colucci. Mike is a member of the Pamrapo Savings Football Team. He also plays for the Goats in the Mens Basketball League and for the Joosey Guys in the Mens Baseball League.
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been a participant in Recreation Sports?
"7 Years."
2. What is your favorite Recreation Sport?
3. You played professional baseball in Italy this past summer, how was the experience? Do you think there are any baseball players in Bayonne who can possibly play ball in Italy?
"My experience in Italy was amazing. I got to play baseball with players who had Major League and Minor League experience. I think there is talent in Bayonne to play in Italy, but not sure about the desire."
4. You're a wide receiver for Pamrapo Savings, your team is undefeated, will you win the championship?
5. Is Mike Rizzo the best quarterback in the league?
"We're undefeated."
6. Who is the best official/umpire in Rec?
"The Ajosa Family."
7. You're also a member of the Joosey Guys Baseball Team, will the Joosey Guys repeat as champions next year?
"Joosey Guys are the next dynasty of Bayonne Recreation."
8. Who in your opinion is Bayonne Recreations "Who's Now?"
"Ken Jaworski"
9. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
"Its terrific and I look forward to new additions."
This weeks interviewee is Nicholas Brancatella. Nick participates in the Mens Baseball League, and Adult Touch Football League, and also officiates the Youth Flag Football League and the Indoor Floor Hockey League. Below are questions Nick answered:
Pete Amadeo conducted the interview
1. How long have you been involved/participated in Recreation Sports/Activities.
“Ive been involved with Recreation for 13 yrs, dating back to when I played in the tee-ball league.”
2. What is your favorite Recreation Sport/Activity?
3. Why is baseball your favorite Rec. Sport?
“I always get to the championship.”
4. How do you think the Recreation Department can improve?
“ The Rec Department should add a Mens Floor Hockey League. I would also like to see my name in the Recreation word search game.”
5. What do you think of the Recreation Website?
“ I think the Rec Website is a nice addition to the Department and I look forward to see what will be added in the future.”
6. Who do you consider to be “Bayonne Recreation Who’s Now?”
“Kenneth Jaworski”
7. On a scale 1-10, with 10 being good, how would you rate the Recreation Officials?
8. Who is your favorite official?
9. What team will win the Adult Touch Football League?
“HQ Crew”
10. Who is the best quarterback, in your opinion, in the league?“Sean Devaney”