BTSA Rules & Regulations/By-Laws
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Rules and Regulations
Bricktown Soccer Association, Inc Rules and Regulations Issue Date: August 1, 2009 Revision
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1.0 BTSA Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics sets forth expectations for appropriate behavior of individuals affiliated with this Association. Soccer belongs to the players. It provides many physical values, emotional satisfaction and even a spiritual uplifting to those that play. Coaches who choose soccer as an avocation must understand this and put the welfare of the game and its players above their own personal rewards.
Any Soccer association, regardless of how honorable it is deemed, is only as good as its members and the conduct they exhibit. Soccer coaches affiliated with this association must maintain the trust and confidence placed in them by the players, their parents, and the public. Only coaches who are willing to comply with the principles of the Bricktown Soccer Associations "Code of Ethics" are welcome to be affiliated with this organization.
1.1 Responsibilities to Players
1.1.1. The Coach must consistently place the safety and welfare of his players above the value of winning. Winning should be the result of preparation and discipline with considerable emphasis placed on the highest societal ideals and character traits.
1.1.2. The Laws of the Game were written to ensure a continuous flow of action. These laws have the safety of the players as their primary goal. Coaches should always play within these Laws and never seek unfair advantage by teaching deliberate unsporting behavior. Coaches have a responsibility not to tolerate this type of behavior from their players.
1.1.3. The appropriate medical personnel should handle the diagnosis and treatment on injuries. Coaches should direct players to seek competent medical attention and follow the physician's orders thoroughly and promptly. Under no circumstance should a coach authorize the use of drugs. Any use of drugs must be authorized and supervised by a physician.
1.1.4. Academic achievement shall take precedence. Demands on players should pertain only to achieving success on the field and should not interfere with academic progress.
1.2. Responsibilities to the Bricktown Soccer Association
1.2.1. The function of the coach is to contribute to intellectual growth of the player through participation in soccer.
1.2.2. The coach must behave in such a manner that the principals, integrity and dignity of the Association are not compromised.
1.2.3. Coaches shall be familiar with and support the policies, rules and regulations of the Association.
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1.3. Rules of the Game
1.3.1 Coaches must be thoroughly acquainted with the rules of soccer. Coaches must adhere to the letter and spirit of the Laws. Coaches shall not circumvent the Laws to gain unfair advantage.
1.3.2. Coaches are responsible for the actions of their players. They are responsible for ensuring that the players understand the letter and the spirit of the Laws.
1.3.3. Coaches must not permit their players to perform with the intent of causing injury. 1.4. Officials
1.4.1 The game of soccer cannot be played without impartial, competent officials. Officials must have the support of coaches, players, and the BTSA. Public criticism of officials by coaches demeans the game. Coaches must refrain from criticizing officials to their players.
1.4.2. Officials should be treated with respect. A coach's attitude towards the official should be controlled and undemonstrative. Criticism of a referee should be made in writing to the appropriate governing body and not addressed to the referee before, during and after a game.
1.5 Public Relations
1.5.1 The coach and officials of the association must remember that they represent the BTSA through the actions both on and off the field. These individuals must be careful not to make derogatory or misleading statements about other teams, coaches, players or officials.
1.5.2 Coaches have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner that enhances the game of soccer and presents a positive image.
1.5.3 A coach's behavior must at all times, be above reproach.
1.5.4 Soccer is a player's game. Coaches should be as inconspicuous as possible during the game. Coaches should exhibit a friendly attitude toward the opposing coach, officials and players. Coaches should not be involved in verbal dissent or physical contact with opposing coaches or players.
2.0 Coaches
2.1 Coaches, players, parents and spectators all represent the BTSA. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, assistants, parents and spectators. Alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are strictly prohibited on the fields or school property. The coach will be held responsible by the club for any infraction of these rules.
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2.2 Coach Selection
2.2.1 All coaches and assistant coaches shall submit a written request to the Executive Board stating their desire to become a travel coach within BTSA. The letter shall detail the coach’s background and experience with youth soccer and describe the individuals coaching philosophy and objectives for their career as youth soccer coach.
2.2.2 The prospective candidate shall be scheduled to appear before the executive board for an interview. After the interview and after reviewing all pertinent information, the Executive Board will vote on the acceptance of the new coach. A simple majority of those present will either confirm or deny acceptance.
2.2.3 New coaches from the pool of approved candidates shall be assigned to their team in each respective age group after tryouts for new teams are held. All appointments shall be made by the executive board.
2.2.4 Once accepted/appointed, the new coach shall: Obtain a USYSA or NJYSA approved “F” license, complete the appropriate “Kids Safe Form” and undergo a successful background check. Approval is contingent on successfully obtaining the license and passing the background check. All new coaches shall serve a one (1) year probationary period during which a coaching mentor shall be assigned by the Executive Board to assist and help oversee the operation of the team. At the end of the one year period, the mentor will report to the Executive Board on the progress of the coach. After receipt of the report, the Executive Board shall vote to accept the individual as a permanent coach.
2.2.5 Each coach is expected to attend the monthly general membership meetings. If the coach cannot attend, his assistant(s) or team manager may do so. It is, however, the head coach’s responsibility to attend regularly. A team must be represented at the last 6 of the previous 9 meetings in order to travel and maintain the team’s good standing within the club.
2.2.6 In case of the resignation of the head coach of a BTSA travel team, the assistants will be given first consideration.
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3.0 Teams
3.1 There is no limit to the number of travel teams in each age group as long as there are enough players and coaches available. Every BTSA team with the exception of Division 1 and 2 teams will have tryouts on an annual basis. It is the responsibility of the club to schedule and advertise tryouts for all newly formed travel teams. A newly formed travel team is defined as one that has not played travel soccer together for the previous two (2) consecutive seasons.
3.2 A travel team is defined as one that plays in a recognized New Jersey Youth Soccer or US Club carded league requiring players to have a validated pass/card. The Ocean County Recreation League is not considered travel soccer.
3.3 Teams will be organized based on the recognized age groupings as defined annually by NJYS/USYSA.
3.4 All carded players must play in their appropriate age bracket and be residents of Brick Township. The following exceptions apply:
3.4.1 U-8 teams may not have any players playing up;
3.4.2 U-9 through U-14: A maximum of two players may play up one age level. A maximum of five non-Brick residents may be placed on the team;
3.4.3 U-15: No limit on non-Brick Residents. Any number of underage players may play up one age level;
3.4.4 U-16 and up: No limit on Brick residents or underage players. However the underage players must be no younger then the U-15 age bracket; and
3.4.5 A coach may apply to the Executive Board for a waiver of the above rules if circumstances warrant. The request for waiver must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and will be considered at the next meeting of the Executive Board.
3.5 Try-Outs
3.5.1 All non-Division 1 & 2 teams must hold a tryout in June of each seasonal year. All tryouts must be completed by June 30th. Candidates should be notified within 48 hours of their acceptance.
3.5.2 Existing teams are responsible for arranging their own tryouts. They may request the assistance of the Executive Board to be a neutral party/evaluator at any try-out.
3.5.3 Division 1 & 2 teams may elect to hold a tryout to fill out the roster for the upcoming season. These tryouts may be held in the fall or winter if the team is only playing in the spring. The coach shall make all the necessary arrangements to complete the tryout.
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3.5.4 New Teams Tryouts for newly formed teams, as defined in 3.1, shall be administered by the Executive Board. Neutral observers selected by the Executive Board shall serve as the evaluators. The selection of the team is at the sole discretion of the appointed evaluators. Once the team has been selected, each player in order of their ranking will be offered a slot on the team. Each player will have 24 hours to decide. If no decision is made, the next player on the list will be offered the spot and the undecided player will be placed at the bottom of the list. As stated in 2.2.3, the coach for the new team will be appointed after tryouts have been held.
4.0 Fees
4.1 All teams shall be charged a Fair Share Payment in the fall and spring which shall help offset the operating costs of the Club. These costs include, but are not limited to appropriate league registrations, pass packet fees, insurance and field maintenance. The amount of the Fair Share shall be set by the Executive Board each year prior to the start of the Fall season.
4.2 All fees shall be paid prior to the start of the applicable season.
4.3 Teams only playing in the spring will only pay fees for that season. They will not be eligible for any financial reimbursement from the club.
4.4 All teams are responsible for paying any other fees incurred by them. These include but are not limited to referee fees, tournament fees and paid training.
4.5 Depending on the financial health of the club, the Executive Board shall decide prior to the coming fall season what fees, if any, will be reimbursed to the teams. These fees shall be announced to the club at the first General Membership Meeting before the opening of the fall season, usually the first meeting in September. These fees can include, but are not limited to:
4.5.1 One Tournament per seasonal year (August 1 – July 31) up to $400;
4.5.2 One-half the cost of paid training up to a total of $375 per season (fall and spring); and
4.5.3 Pins/Patches for a maximum of 4 games at one designated tournament the team may attend.
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4.6 All reimbursements will be paid out at the end of the seasonal year at the June General Membership Meeting.
4.7 In order to be eligible for the reimbursement, the team must be in Good Standing with the club.
4.8 Good Standing
4.8.1 It is the intent of BTSA to support its travel teams financially whenever possible. In order to be eligible for this financial support, each team must demonstrate its commitment to the club by supporting it through its various functions and activities. A team which fails to live up to its obligations to the club will be considered “Not in Good Standing” and will be ineligible for club financial support. Teams are considered to be in Good Standing when: All fees have been paid (fair share, fines, ref fees); The team has been represented at 6 of the previous 9 General Membership Meetings; The team has worked its required field duty activities for the intramural program; and The team has participated in each club sanctioned function: Club Tournament (team plays in tournament and provides field duty coverage); and Any other specified fund-raisers sponsored by the club. 4.8.2 A coach whose team is not in good standing is ineligible to vote and hold office. 5.0 Player Pass Packets
5.1 Player Pass Packets shall be completed and submitted for review by the club registrar no later than August 31 (March 1 for Spring only teams). The registrar will review the roster for compliance with BTSA team rules and then forward to the District Commissioner for validation. Teams using US Club passes will submit a copy of the roster to the Registrar for review of compliance with BTSA rules.
5.2 Player Pass Packets will not be returned to a coach until all fees for the current season have been paid.
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5.3 Player Transfers
5.3.1 All players must obtain their pass through the club registrar. Players are making a one-year commitment to the team they are carded to. Any player requesting a release from a BTSA team must be released and must complete the appropriate paperwork and submit it to the club registrar for processing. A BTSA coach does not have the right to refuse to release a player. Additionally, under no circumstances shall a BTSA coach sign a player release form.
6.0 Equipment
6.1 All BTSA travel teams shall wear an identical club uniform of Kelly Green and White. The specific brand and design shall be determined by a majority vote of the eligible voting members of the membership.
6.2 A committee appointed by the club President shall select various patterns and designs and bring them before the General Membership for a vote on approval.
6.3 Once a design/uniform has been approved, all teams must purchase the new uniform. The only exception to this is a team which has just recently purchased a new uniform (the uniform is ≤ 1 year old). These teams will be permitted to play keep their current style and will have 1 extra year’s grace to purchase the new kit. For example, the team purchases new uniforms in the Fall of 2009. The club votes to go to a new uniform for the Fall of 2010. The team will not have to purchase a new uniform until Fall of 2011, in essence, giving the team a full year’s grace.
6.4 U-15 teams and above, may at their discretion, substitute a t-shirt for the uniform jersey, but must wear Kelly green shorts. 6.5 All U11 travel teams or higher may put the players last name only on the back of their uniform. U8, U9 & U10 teams are not permitted. 6.6 Club Uniforms shall be worn for all indoor and outdoor league games and tournaments.
7.0 Training
7.1 Any paid trainer used by the club or any individual team must be approved by the Club Director of Training prior to working with the team. Each trainer must have obtained and presented a non-volunteer membership card from NJYS to BTSA prior to working with any BTSA team. Any trainer failing to obtain this card shall not be paid and will not be permitted to work with BTSA
7.2 All newly formed travel teams coming out of the intramural program shall receive 8 – 1-hour training sessions (maximum cost to be set by the Executive Board) at no cost to the team for the first fall and spring seasons the team plays. The Club Director of Training will make appropriate arrangements and payment shall be made directly to the trainer by the club.
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8.0 Club Fund Raisers
8.1 Club Tournament
8.1.1 BTSA sponsors an annual club tournament, usually Memorial Day Weekend. All travel teams are required to work and play in the Tournament. U-17 and above teams wishing to participate in college showcases must receive written permission to skip the club tournament in order to participate in the showcase. This permission must be received from the Executive Board prior to the application being submitted to the showcase. Teams that are not participating due to a lack of teams in their specific age group are not required to work or play in the tournament. However, if they chose not to work, they will not be eligible for any disbursement of funds from the tournament back to the teams.
8.1.2 To offset the cost of BTSA teams playing in the tournament, all U-8 thru U-16 teams shall sell ads to be published in the tournament booklet which will be sold at the tournament sites. A percent of the monies collected above the designated amount will be refunded to the individual teams.
8.1.3 The amount of ads required to be sold by each team shall be determined by the Tournament Director and communicated to the membership at least two months prior to the tournament date.
8.2 Club Tagging
8.2.1 Each year the club attempts to obtain a “tagging” permit from the Township of Brick. Usually the tagging is run in the late winter and late summer.
8.2.2 Teams will be chosen to participate by a lottery.
8.2.3 All carded travel teams will be included in the lottery with following exceptions: Teams that are not in Good Standing are ineligible; and Teams that were selected in the previous year are not eligible.
8.2.4 Tagging permits are non-transferrable. If a team is selected and chooses not to tag, they must return the permit to the club and the Executive Board, using the criteria established in
8.2.3, club shall select the next eligible team(s).
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8.3 Other Club Fundraisers
8.3.1 From time to time, the club will sponsor other fundraisers for the benefit of the club. All travel teams will be required to participate. Any team not participating shall be deemed not in Good Standing may face other sanctions specified by the Executive Board.
8.3.2 BTSA holds a NJ State Games of Chance License. This license shall only be used for club-wide fundraisers.
9.0 Club Accounts
9.1 BTSA shall maintain all club accounts. The treasurer and President shall be signatories to all BTSA accounts.
9.2 A balance report showing expenses and income shall be made available by the treasurer at each General Membership Meeting. All paperwork must be reviewed at the Executive Board Meeting prior to the General Membership meeting for completeness.
9.3 BTSA shall maintain bank accounts as necessary to accurately keep track of club income and expenses.
9.4 Each Individual Travel team shall maintain a BTSA account for that particular team using the clubs tax exempt ID number. This account is the property of the club and shall only be used to support the activities of that team. If that team shall fold, the account for that team must be turned over to BTSA and will be placed in the General Fund of the club. Alternatively, if players on the disbanded team transfer to an existing BTSA travel team, portions of that money may be transferred to the existing BTSA team to help offset the costs incurred by that player. The Executive Board shall have the final say on the disbursement of these funds.
10.0 Disciplinary Action
10.1 All members of BTSA must understand that as a member of this (or any) organization they are bound to comply with these rules and regulations. Any person affiliated with BTSA who violates these rules and regulations may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the club.
10.2 Members violating these rules shall present themselves to the Executive Board at a hearing and will be given a chance to explain the circumstances surrounding the situation. The Executive Board will set disciplinary action based on the results of the findings of the hearing. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to fines, suspensions and/or removal from the club.
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10.3 Any BTSA coach who receives a red card, or is otherwise ejected from a game or a tournament, must notify their respective league representative (either MOSA Rep, Jersey Coast, in cases of JAGS or MAPS – the club President) within 24 hours.
10.3.1 The coach, in addition to any league sanctions, must present themselves before the Executive Board at the next scheduled meeting to explain the cause. Based on the results of information received from the coach and others who may have been involved (referee report, league report, witnesses), the coach may be subject to further sanctions imposed by the club (above and beyond league sanctions). These sanctions may include but are not limited to fines, suspension or removal from the club.
11.0 Policies
11.1 Team Fundraising Teams are permitted to hold fundraisers specifically for the benefit of their particular team(s). These fundraisers must be submitted in detail to the Executive Board for approval. The Executive Board will approve any team fundraiser that does not conflict with any Association sponsored event and is legal, ethical and would not damage or jeopardize the reputation of BTSA. The Executive Board will not approve any fundraiser that requires door-to-door solicitation or jeopardizes the safety and well being of the players.
11.2 Playing Time In accordance with the policy of the United States Youth Soccer Federation, all players up to age 12 (U-12) are to play in half of all games unless disciplinary action is being meted out against the player.
11.3 Complaints All complaints concerning referees, coaches, spectators, etc., must be submitted in writing to the board for investigation. Any member of the board can accept a complaint. The board will not respond to verbal accusations and complaints.
11.4 Referees Only the official league assignor can assign officials to travel league matches (this includes scrimmages). If a club assigned referee officiates a travel league match, a forfeit will be declared in favor of the visiting team and the offending club will be subject to further disciplinary action. Additionally, if a referee is assigned, the game must be played. Refusal to play will result in a forfeit.
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11.5 Make-up Games Arrangements to play make-up games must be made in accordance with your leagues rules (example – MOSA is two weeks). Contact the field coordinator first to find out what fields are available and when, then contact the visiting coach. Once a day has been selected – contact the referee assignor for referees. Do this as far in advance as possible. Do not expect to get referee the day after you request to play. If a date for the make-up cannot be agreed upon, contact your league representative as soon as possible to resolve the situation.
11.6 Pre-plays Pre-plays are a courtesy extended between coaches. The only acceptable reason for having to play a game before its scheduled date is that one of the involved teams is in a state cup game also scheduled for that date. If a date can be agreed upon, contact the field coordinator to determine field availability, and then contact the ref assignor for referees. A least one month’s advance notice is required to schedule a pre-play. Any requests less than 1 month may or may not be honored.