North Hunterdon Junior Lions Cheer


Article I - NAME

Section 1: This association shall be named and known as the North Hunterdon Junior Lions Cheer (NHJLC) and be composed of an executive board located in Clinton Township.

Article II - PURPOSE

Section 1: NHJLC is a non-profit and shall operate exclusively for education and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future tax code. 

Section 2: The purpose of NHJLC shall be to provide cheerleading to residents of Clinton Township and neighboring districts. 

Section 3: To promote sportsmanship, self-confidence, and team skills in girls grades K-8. 

Section 4: To cheer for our North Hunterdon Jr Lions Football Association, engage in community activities, and participate in competitions. 

Section 5: To teach the fundamentals and basic techniques of cheerleading (jumps, chants, dance, and stunts) and incorporate those elements into sideline cheer and competitive routines. 


Section 1: Membership of the NHJLC Board will be comprised of adults including parents and/or guardians of the cheerleaders that participate in the program that calendar year or in prior years. 

Section 2: The “year” for the purposes of membership shall begin at the spring registrations. 

Section 3: A member in good standing shall be a parent and/or guardian of a NHJLC cheerleader that has met the following requirements: (1) paid all applicable membership fees; (2) is in compliance with the NHJLC By-Laws. 


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be the chief policy making and executive arm of the NHJLC. They have the responsibility of carrying out the purpose of the association. 

Section 2: The Board of Directors is to assure that open and positive communication exists between itself and the North Hunterdon Jr Lions Football Association and Cheerleading families. 

Section 3: The Board of Directors will approve all fundraising activities. 

Section 4: The Board of Directors shall: a. Have the authority to deny participation, suspend, discharge, or discipline a member, coach, or cheerleader whose conduct is in violation of the Cheerleader or coaching guidelines and considered detrimental to the best interests of NHJLC. b. Establish the association structure, defining all Board positions, responsibilities, and duties. c. Arbitrate any differences of opinion that may arise. d. Determine registration fees and requirements. e. Determine community activities in which NHJLC will participate. f. Enforce and interpret the By-laws set forth. g. Establish temporary rules and regulations for specific cases not provided elsewhere, but deemed necessary. 


Section 1: The President shall: a. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer. b. Preside over all board meetings. c. See that all orders of the Board of Directors are carried out. d. Create committees as needs arise. e. In an emergency, act on behalf of the entire board. f. Coordinate and/or oversee registration, cheer camp, parent meetings, practices, pictures, game schedules, competition schedules, and community events. g. Oversee selection of coaches with input from the board. h. Prepare for approval of board suggested revision pertaining to the By-laws. 

Section 2: The other Board members shall: a. Assist the President in all association matters. b. Assist the President with coordination/overseeing registration, cheer camp, parent meetings, practices, pictures, game schedules, competition schedules, and community events.