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Attention all Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Volunteer Helpers!

A Volunteer background screening is required for all coaches, assistant coaches and volunteer helpers prior to the beginning of any sporting activity associated with the Laurel Recreation Association herein referred to as the (LRA). This screening is mandated by the State of Pennsylvania under the Department of Human Services which states that: Beginning July 1, 2015, an adult applying for an unpaid position as a volunteer responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children will need clearances.
Which clearances are required? All prospective volunteers must obtain the following clearances:


·         Report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP); and

·         Child Abuse History Clearance from the Department of Human Services (Child Abuse).

·         Additionally, a fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) submitted through the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent is required if:

-          The position the volunteer is applying for is a paid position; and

-          The volunteer has lived outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the last 10 years.


Volunteers who are not required to obtain the FBI Clearance because they are applying for an unpaid position and have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years must swear or affirm in writing that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under §6344. A list of these offenses are included in the LRA’s Volunteer PA Resident Affidavit Form.  


Where can I go to pull the above listed reports? At the bottom of this document are hyperlinks for each report required to be ordered. Each hyperlink is highlighted in yellow and will take you to where you order the report from. Below each hyperlink are instructions on how to pull the report. Once all reports are pulled and printed you can give them to the Director of the sport you are volunteering to help, to the Registrar or to any other Director on the board. A list of directors can be found on the Contact tab.


Where can I find additional answers to my questions? Click on the Volunteer’s FAQ hyperlink at the bottom of this page. Additionally listed below is the LRA Volunteer Background Requirement Guideline which provides specific guidelines to each regulation and other


The Volunteer background screening is mandatory, no exceptions.
We intend to strictly enforce this policy as it leaves the LRA liable...more importantly, we don't want to endanger the welfare of your children!

LRA Acknowledgment of Volunteer



Which clearances are needed?

 All prospective volunteers must obtain the following clearances:

• Report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP); (click here) and

On the home page click on New Record Check (Volunteers Only) Tab

Then follow the directions from there, once complete print the report and submit to the Director of the sport you are volunteering for, or the Registrar or any other board member. A list of board members and their contact information can be found under the Contact Info tab.

• Child Abuse History Clearance from the Department of Human Services (Child Abuse) (click here).

On the home page click on Create Individual Account

Then follow the instructions to create an account. The account is not created immediately you will need to wait several hours before you are able to sign in.

Once the account is created sign in and order your report, when it asks what organization enter Laurel Athletic Recreation Association so the report is free to order.

After the report is ordered you will receive and email once it is has been completed sign back in and print the report. Submit the report to the Director of your sport you are volunteering for, or the Registrar or any other board member. A list of board members and their contact information can be found under the Contact Info tab.

Additionally, a fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) submitted through the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent is required if:

• The position the volunteer is applying for is a paid position; and

• The volunteer has lived outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the last 10 years.

Volunteers who are not required to obtain the FBI Clearance because they are applying for an unpaid position and have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years must swear or affirm in writing that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under §6344. (Click Here)


LRA Volunteer Background Requirement Guidelines 


Volunteer FAQ's


Concussion Training:

Concussion training is required on a yearly basis by all coaches and volunteers who have direct contact with youth players. The following link will take you directly to the beginning of the training program on the CDC's Website Heads Up to Youth Sports.