The Pennsbury Field Hockey Team
Parent Volunteer Information
The PHS Field Hockey team has lots of opportunities for parents to become involved with the team and team events that occur in and off season. Below please find the events/projects that require parental volunteering. You’ll also see who is spearheading a project for the current year and any committee members. If you haven’t been involved anything yet, consider contacting any of the committee heads to find how you can get involved.
End-of-Season Awards Banquet
Every year the team comes together to recognize both the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams with a parent/player brunch, slideshow, and awards ceremony. This event occurs in November or early December. A senior parent serves as the coordinator with other senior parent volunteers. This role includes booking the event with a local country club or similar venue, meal selection, fee collection, table decorations, senior gifts, coaches gifts, and slideshow presentation.
2018 Coordinator: Jean Sharp
2018 Committee: Senior Parents
The Pink Game
Every October the team plays a PINK game to raise breast cancer awareness and to help former Coach Doto raise funds for the 3-Day Walk. Her personal goal is to walk in each of the 50 states. The team not only wears PINK for the league game this day, but also holds a bake sale on the sidelines after school. The PINK Game event manager organizes the bake sales, coordinates with the PHS Club “Wink4Pink” group, and organizes parent bakers and volunteers.
2018 PINK Game Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2018
2018 Event Manager: Mindy Martin
2018 Committee members:
Senior Recognition Game and Dinner
All senior players are recognized for their commitment to the team via a pre-game ceremony and special post-game dinner at an October home game. Historically, the Junior parents and players take on this event for the seniors. The Senior Recognition Coordinator works with parent volunteers to orchestrate the ceremony and dinner. In addition, one or two sophomore parents “shadow” the process in order to spearhead the event the following year.
2018 Senior Recognition Date: Tuesday, October 2
2018 Coordinators: Kathy Glynn
2018 Committee Members (Junior Parents):
2018 Sophomore Shadow Parent:
Each season the team orders fun sports clothing with the PHS FH logo. Typically sweatpants, quarter zips, sweatshirts, T-shirts, long sleeved shirts, and rain gear. The coordinator works with the coaches and vendor early in the season. Spirit-Wear also raises some funds for the team.
2018 Coodinators: Maya Geller & Samie Hackman
The role of the Fundraising coordinators will be to work with the coaches on ideas for fundraising and implement those ideas with parent and player volunteers. Fund raising events in the past have been: PHS FH Magnet sale, car washes, Chick-Fil-A and other restaurant fund raisers, goal-a-thon, etc. 2018 is set for another Pancake breakfast at Applebees.
Saturday, October 6
2018 Committee: OPEN
Website Management
The role of the website manager is to update and announce all pertinent information regarding the team via the website, including: adding the current season’s game schedule, practice schedule, tryout and preseason info, rosters, game stats, email lists and groups, summer camp, and outside opportunities.
2018 Website Manager: Jean Sharp (jhartsharp@gmail.com)
2018 Shadow: Traci Curtis
Photography Manager
The role of the photography manager is to take and collect photographs of each player throughout the season. In addition, work with other parent photographers to ensure everyone is captured for the banquet slideshow, senior recognition, and website.
2018 Project Manager: OPEN
2018 Photography Committee:
Anyone can submit photographs!
Club Hockey Liaison
The liaison helps answer questions about Mystx FH Club, Princeton FHC, USA Field Hockey, and other showcase opportunities.
Jean Sharp @jhartsharp@gmail.com
The team treasurer keeps track of all monies. This includes collecting the required Per Player Team Fee, collecting any fund raising monies, and writing checks for various team events. In addition, the treasurer coordinates all volunteer project managers to ensure someone is in place to take on the various projects for each year.
2018 Treasurer: Sue Hackman (shackman01@comcast.net)