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Information on Sponsorships

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It's Sponsorship Time!

WCFL 2016 Cheerleading Sponsorship Information

Each cheerleading squad is required to make a team goal of $1,500 if not more in Sponsorships for the 2013, don't wait get started now! We need every cheerleader to bring in one sponsor in 2013!

The WCFL is seeking the communities financial support as League sponsors. There will be several different levels of sponsorship: your tax deductible donation to the WCFL, a non-profit organization, will be used to help pay for equipment, insurance, uniforms, competitions, transportation and special events during the season. We are asking businesses and individuals to sponsor a team to help with the expenses to run this youth football league.

Go to our Handouts Section to download the Sponsorship Documentation

For Our Corporate Sponsors

The different levels of Sponsorships...

Platinum:  Sponsors will receive a cheer “Sponsor of the Month” area on our WCFL Cheer Website which also includes your company logo on our welcome page as well as on our sponsor page, a Company Banner to be displayed at our WCFL field facilities during the season, a 9 X 12 Sponsorship plaque of the cheer squad your company is sponsoring plus a link from our WCFL Cheer Website to your company.$5,000.00

Gold: Sponsors will receive a Company Banner to be displayed at our WCFL field facilities during the season, a League t-shirt from WCFL Cheer, an 8 X 10 Sponsorship plaque of the cheer squad your company is sponsoring plus a link from our WCFL Cheer Website to your company.


Silver:Sponsors will receive a Company Banner to be displayed at our WCFL field facilities during the season, an 8 X 10 Sponsorship plaque of the cheer squad your company is sponsoring plus a link from WCFL Cheer Website to your company.


Bronze:  Sponsors will receive a Company Banner to be displayed at our WCFL field facilities during the season, a 5 X 7 Sponsorship plaque of the cheer squad your company is sponsoring plus a link from our WCFL Cheer Website to your company.


Pewter: a 5 X 7 Sponsorship plaque of the cheer squad your company is sponsoring plus a link from our WCFL Cheer Website to your company.
