Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2024

Final 2024 Statistics  

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2023

Final 2023 Statistics  

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2022

Final 2022 Statistics     

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2021

Final 2021 Statistics

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2020

Final 2020 Statistics

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2019

 Stats thru 8/11/2019

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2018

 Stats thru 7/31/18

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2017

Final 2017 Statistics

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2016

Final 2016 Statistics

Team Stats - Rochester Royals - 2015

Final 2015 Statistics


# - Player's Jersey Number
Name - Player's Name
Game Name - Game Name
G - Batting Games Played
SEQ - The Order in which the Player Batted
PA - Plate Appearances
AB - At Bats
R - Runs
H - Hits
B - Bunt Singles
1B - Singles
2B - Doubles
3B - Triples
HR - Homeruns
XBH - Extra Base Hits
TB - Total Bases
OB - On Base
RC - Runs Created
RBI - Runs Batted In
BB - Walks
BBi - Intentional Walks
Kc - Strike Outs Looking
Ks - Strike Outs Swinging
SO - Strike Outs (Kc+Ks)
BB/K - Walks per Strikeout(BB/K)
BB/PA - Walks per Plate Appearance (BB/PA)
HBP - Hit By Pitch
SB - Stolen Bases
CS - Caught Stealing
PK - Times Picked Off
SCB - Sacrifice Bunts
SF - Sacrifice Flys
SAC - Sacrifices
RPA - Runs per At Bat
OBP - On Base Percentage
SLG - Slugging Percentage
OPS - On Base Plus Slugging Percentage
AVG - Batting Average
1/RPA - Inverse RPA
CT% - Contact Percentage (AB-K/AB}
CT2% - Contact Percentage (AB-K/PA}
LOBi - Left on Base (Individual). Times the Player Left Runners on Base
LOB - Left on Base (Team). Times the Player was Left on Base
ROE - Reached on Error
FC - Reached on Fielder's Choice
CI - Reached on Catcher's Interference
GDP - Grounded into Double Play
GTP - Grounded into Triple Play
PA/RSP - Plate Appearances with Runners in Scoring Position
AB/RSP - At Bats with Runners in Scoring Position
BB/RSP - Walks with Runners in Scoring Position
HBP/RSP - Hit by Pitches with Runners in Scoring Position
SAC/RSP - Sacrifices with Runners in Scoring Position
CI/RSP - Catchers Intereference with Runners in Scoring Position
H/RSP - Hits with Runners in Scoring Position
BA/RSP - Batting Average with Runners in Scoring Position
GBs - Soft Ground Balls
GBm - Medium Ground Balls
GBh - Hard Ground Balls
LDs - Soft Line Drives
LDm - Medium Line Drives
LDh - Hard Line Drives
PUs - Soft Popups
PUm - Medium Popups
PUh - Hard Popups
FBs - Soft Flyballs
FBm - Medium Flyballs
FBh - Hard Flyballs
GB% - Ground Ball Percentage
LD% - Line Drive Percentage
PU% - Popup Percentage
FB% - Flyball Percentage
SH% - Soft Hit Percentage
MH% - Medium Hit Percentage
HH% - Hard Hit Percentage
Sc - Strikes Looking
Ss - Strikes Swinging
F - Fouls
Ball - Balls
Bi - Intentional Balls
BIP - Balls in Play
TP - Total Pitches
Ss% - Swinging Strike Percentage (Ss/TP)
Ot - Total Pitches Ouside the Zone
Zt - Total Pitches Inside the Zone
Os - Swings Outside the Zone
Zs - Swings Inside the Zone
Oc - Contact Outside the Zone
Zc - Contact Inside the Zone
FP - Total First Pitches
FS - First Pitch Strikes
FB - First Pitch Balls
FPSw - First Pitch Swings
FPSw% - First Pitch Swing Percentage
FPSs - First Pitch Swings for a Strike
FPF - First Pitch Swings for a Foul
FPBu - First Pitch Swings for a Bunt
FP1B - First Pitch Swings for a Single
FP2B - First Pitch Swings for a Double
FP3B - First Pitch Swings for a Triple
FPHR - First Pitch Swings for a Homerun
FPH - First Pitch Swings for a Hit
FPCI - First Pitch Swings for a Catchers Interference
FPFC - First Pitch Swings for a Fielders Choice
FPROE - First Pitch Error
FPSF - First Pitch Sacrifice Fly
FPSCB - First Pitch Sac Bunt
FPO - First Pitch Out
FPSS% - First Pitch Swing Success Rate
QAB1 - Quality at Bat Type 1
QAB1% - Quality at Bats Type 1/Plate Appearance
QAB2 - Quality at Bat Type 2
QAB2% - Quality at Bat Type 2/Plate Appearance
QAB3 - Quality at Bat Type 3
QAB3% - Quality at Bat Type 3/Plate Appearance
P1 - 1 Pitch Plate Appearances
P2 - 2 Pitch Plate Appearances
P3 - 3 Pitch Plate Appearances
P4 - 4 Pitch Plate Appearances
P5 - 5 Pitch Plate Appearances
P6 - 6 Pitch Plate Appearances
P7 - 7 Pitch Plate Appearances
P8 - 8 Pitch Plate Appearances
P9 - 9 Pitch Plate Appearances
P10 - 10 Pitch Plate Appearances
P11 - 11 Pitch Plate Appearances
P12 - 12 Pitch Plate Appearances
P13+ - Plate Appearances with 13 or more Pitches
# - Player's Jersey Number
Name - Player's Name
Game Name - Game Name
G - Pitching Games
SEQ - The Order in which the Player Pitched
W - Wins
L - Losses
SV - Saves
HLD - Holds
SVOP - Save Opportunites
BS - Blown Saves
SV% - Blown Saves
ST - Starts
FIN - Finishes
CMP - Complete Games
GSc - Game Score
QS - Quality Starts
TL - Tough Losses
CW - Cheap Wins
ShO - Shutouts
IP - Innings Pitched
BF - Batters Faced
Ball - Balls
Str - Strikes
B/S - Ball to Strike Ratio
PIT - Pitches
R - Runs Allowed
GI - Game Innings Average
RA - Run Average
ER - Earned Runs
ERA - Earned Run Average
ERA9 - Earned Run Average (for 9 innings)
O - Outs
K - Strikeouts
H - Hits
BB - Walks
IBB - Intentional Walks
K/BB - Strikeout to Walk Ratio
K/GI - Strikeouts per Game Innings
BB/GI - Walks per Game Innings
H/GI - Hits per Game Innings
HB - Hit Batters
BK - Balks
WP - Wild Pitches
CI - Catcher's Inteferences
SCB - Sacrifice Bunts
SCF - Sacrifice Flys
BT - Bunts Allowed
1B - Singles Allowed
2B - Doubles Allowed
3B - Triples Allowed
HR - Homeruns Allowed
WHIP - Walk plus Hits per Inning Pitched
OBP - On Base Percentage
BAA - Batting Average Against
GIT - Game Innings
GO - Ground Outs
AO - Air Outs
GO/AO - Ground Out to Air Out Ratio
FPS - First Pitch Strikes
FPB - First Pitch Balls
FPS% - First Pitch Strikes Percentage
LOBB - Leadoff Walks
LOH - Leadoff Hit
LOHB - Leadoff Hit Batter
LOCI - Leadoff Catcher Interference
LOE - Leadoff Error
LOK - Leadoff Strikeout
LOO - Leadoff Fielding Out
123 - 123 Innings
FsO - First Strike Field Outs
FsK - First Strike Strikeouts
FsH - First Strike Hits
FsBB - First Strike Walks
GBs - Soft Ground Balls
GBm - Medium Ground Balls
GBh - Hard Ground Balls
LDs - Soft Line Drives
LDm - Medium Line Drives
LDh - Hard Line Drives
PUs - Soft Popups
PUm - Medium Popups
PUh - Hard Popups
FBs - Soft Flyballs
FBm - Medium Flyballs
FBh - Hard Flyballs
BIP - Balls in Play
GB% - Ground Ball Percentage
LD% - Line Drive Percentage
PU% - Popup Percentage
FB% - Flyball Percentage
SH% - Soft Hit Percentage
MH% - Medium Hit Percentage
HH% - Hard Hit Percentage
IR - Inherited Runners
IRS - Inherited Runners who Scored
LOB - Runners Left On Base
PK - Pickoffs Successful
PKF - Pickoffs Failed
Sc - Strikes Looking
Ss - Strikes Swinging
F - Fouls
S% - Total Strike Percentage
B% - Total Ball Percentage
Fb - Fastballs
FbS - Fastballs for a Strike
FbS% - Fastball Strike Percentage
Cu - Curves
CuS - Curves for a Strike
CuS% - Curveball Strike Percentage
Sl - Sliders
SlS - Sliders for a Strike
SlS% - Slider Strike Percentage
Ct - Cutters
CtS - Cutters for a Strike
CtS% - Cutter Strike Percentage
Ch - Changeups
ChS - Changeups for a Strike
ChS% - Changeup Strike Percentage
Sp - Splitters
SpS - Splitters for a Strike
SpS% - Splitter Strike Percentage
Kn - Knuckleballs
KnS - Knuckleballs for a Strike
KnS% - Knuckleball Strike Percentage
Dp - Dropballs
DpS - Dropballs for a Strike
DpS% - Dropball Strike Percentage
Rs - Riseballs
RsS - Riseballs for a Strike
RsS% - Riseball Strike Percentage
Sw - Screwballs
SwS - Screwballs for a Strike
SwS% - Screwball Strike Percentage
Dc - Dropcurves
DcS - Dropcurves for a Strike
DcS% - Dropcurve Strike Percentage
Or - Other Pitches
OrS - Other Pitches for a Strike
OrS% - Other Strike Percentage
3P - 3 Pitch Innings
4P - 4 Pitch Innings
5P - 5 Pitch Innings
6P - 6 Pitch Innings
7P - 7 Pitch Innings
8P - 8 Pitch Innings
9P - 9 Pitch Innings
10P - 10 Pitch Innings
11P - 11 Pitch Innings
12P - 12 Pitch Innings
13P - 13 Pitch Innings
14P - 14 Pitch Innings
15P - 15 Pitch Innings
16P+ - Innings with 16 or More Pitches
GT - Pitching Games Totals
OIT - Outs per Inning multiplied by Games
GScT - Total Game Score
# - Player's Jersey Number
Name - Player's Name
Game Name - Game Name
G - Fielding Games
ST - Games Started
Et - Throwing Errors
Ef - Fielding Errors
ERR - Errors
PO - Putouts
A - Assists
SBA - Stolen Bases Allowed
CS - Caught Stealing
DP - Double Plays
TP - Triple Plays
PB - Passes Balls
PKF - Pickoff Failed
PK - Pickoff Succeeded
OP - Outs Played
FP - Fielding Percentage
FP1 - Fielding Percentage at Pitcher
FP2 - Fielding Percentage at Catcher
FP3 - Fielding Percentage at First
FP4 - Fielding Percentage at Second
FP5 - Fielding Percentage at Third
FP6 - Fielding Percentage at Shortstop
FP7 - Fielding Percentage at Left Field
FP8 - Fielding Percentage at Center Field
FP9 - Fielding Percentage at Right Field
FP10 - Fielding Percentage at Other Field
IP - Innings Played
AP - Innings Appeared
PO1 - Putouts at Pitcher
A1 - Assists at Pitcher
Et1 - Throwing Errors at Pitcher
Ef1 - Fielding Errors at Pitcher
AP1 - Innings Appeared at Pitcher
OP1 - Out Played at Pitcher
PO2 - Putouts at Catcher
A2 - Assists at Catcher
Et2 - Throwing Errors at Catcher
Ef2 - Fielding Errors at Catcher
AP2 - Innings Appeared at Catcher
OP2 - Out Played at Catcher
PO3 - Putouts at First
A3 - Assists at First
Et3 - Throwing Errors at First
Ef3 - Fielding Errors at First
AP3 - Innings Appeared at First
OP3 - Out Played at First
PO4 - Putouts at Second
A4 - Assists at Second
Et4 - Throwing Errors at Second
Ef4 - Fielding Errors at Second
AP4 - Innings Appeared at Second
OP4 - Out Played at Second
PO5 - Putouts at Third
A5 - Assists at Third
Et5 - Throwing Errors at Third
Ef5 - Fielding Errors at Third
AP5 - Innings Appeared at Third
OP5 - Out Played at Third
PO6 - Putouts at Shortstop
A6 - Assists at Shortstop
Et6 - Throwing Errors at Shortstop
Ef6 - Fielding Errors at Shortstop
AP6 - Innings Appeared at Shortstop
OP6 - Out Played at Shortstop
PO7 - Putouts at Left Field
A7 - Assists at Left Field
Et7 - Throwing Errors at Left Field
Ef7 - Fielding Errors at Left Field
AP7 - Innings Appeared at Left Field
OP7 - Out Played at Left Field
PO8 - Putouts at Center Field
A8 - Assists at Center Field
Et8 - Throwing Errors at Center Field
Ef8 - Fielding Errors at Center Field
AP8 - Innings Appeared at Center Field
OP8 - Out Played at Center Field
PO9 - Putouts at Right Field
A9 - Assists at Right Field
Et9 - Throwing Errors at Right Field
Ef9 - Fielding Errors at Right Field
AP9 - Innings Appeared at Right Field
OP9 - Out Played at Right Field
PO10 - Putouts at Other Field
A10 - Assists at Other Field
Et10 - Throwing Errors at Other Field
Ef10 - Fielding Errors at Other Field
AP10 - Innings Appeared at Other Field
OP10 - Out Played at Other Field