Coaches Corner
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For the protection and safety of our players, ASA requires all board members, managers, coaches, and other volunteers who provide regular service to the league or/and who have repetitive access to or contact with players to annually fill out the ASA Background Check Form and provide a government-issued photo ID. Additionally, the City of Claremont requires all volunteers to be Live Scanned as well.
ASA Background Check Forms and LiveScan forms can be found in the Handouts section.
ASA Background Checks must be completed each year, whereas the Live Scan requirement is a one time only process. If you have been Live Scanned with another Claremont Recreational League, this does not satisfy the Live Scan requirement.
Each team must also have two coaches who have successfully completed the CDC HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports training.
For more information regarding these requirements, please contact:
Jason Fisher (Secretary) - ASA Background Checks & Live Scan