PeeWee and Midget Football
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Upcoming Reminders and Events:
Our Banquet will be held on November 8th in the High School cafeteria. Doors Open at 5:30 we will be eating at 6:00. Midgets are asked to bring a side dish and Pee Wees a dessert.
Check out our Facebook page at Mercer Midget and PeeWee Football. Feel free to post any questions, comments, or concerns.
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Contact Information:
President: Mike Sagulla (724) 372 - 4969
Vice President: Bill Priester (724) 877 - 5559
Treasurer/Head Midget Coach: Joe Burk (724) 977 - 4751
Secretary: Melanie McEwen (724) 977 - 2000
Board Member: Justine Ferguson (724) 977 - 9310
Board Member: Tom Poorbaugh (724) 877 - 9818