Mission Statement
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Our mission is to provide a safe and fun environment for players to learn and enjoy the game of fast-pitch softball in San Luis Obispo.
We aim to build self-esteem, friendships and team spirit through good sportsmanship and positive coaching.
We will value sportsmanship over all else.
We treat each other with dignity and respect at all times.
We shall know and play by rules as provided by the league.
All umpires, coaches and players shall be treated in a professional and respectable manner both on and off the field.
We are committed to the team and will attend every practice and game that we can and notify coaches when we cannot.
Any displeasure with a coach or umpire’s action or conduct shall be addressed through the proper channels at the appropriate time.
We will respect the property of other players, the league, and the fields at which we play.
We value the emotions and physical well-being of our players above all else.