West Hills Football Wish List

This list is a resource for those interested in donating to the WHHS football program.  Below, you will find items that we would love to have in our program, but are currently outside of our budget.  Oftentimes, we are happy to accept a used item.


Contact Booster President Barbara Dill at whfootballbooster@gmail.com if you'd wish to make a tax deductible donation.


Thank you to those of you who have assisted us with the purchase of previous Wish List items.


Leadership Curriculum ($25 each, $250 for set of ten)


Jeff Janssen's book, The Team Captain's Leadership Manual, features a 10-week leadership development program.  We'd like to purchase ten copies of the book to work through with a group of our student-athletes this offseason.


Mini Fridge ($150)

We are looking to add a mini fridge to our nutrition station where athletes can grab a drink or snack during the school day.

Big Old Bell ($250)

DRH - 11

The bell is to be used in the weight room during our testing phase to celebrate successful lifts.  The bigger and older, the better.

Golf Cart ($4,000+)

It's time for a new one.  It would be nice to have a bigger bed for hauling equipment as well.

iPad ($350)

Our new sideline replay system allows us to use iPad to watch replays on the sideline.  The more devices we have, the more efficient we can be.