SPRING 2024 - Submit NOM

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CISAA - Submit Your Notice of Motion

Track and Field -

Notice of Motion


From: Brian Bridal, Bearspaw Christian School


The following NOM was passed in the Spring 2019 CISAA league meeting. However, it is not yet updated in the CISAA Policies manual. I assume it is referenced as below.

I wish to amend one small part of the NOM, in regards to Triple Jump at the Jr. High age categories. You will see it in italics and bolded below. I have included a rationale at the bottom of this document.

6. TRACK AND FIELD Senior High

a) The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all zone competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) CISAA representatives at city Zone Championships are the first and second place finishers in all events. Competitors unable to attend the City Zone Championships or provincial competitions must leave a notice of intent with the CISAA competition host to avoid financial responsibility for costs incurred by the Calgary ISAA at further competitions (with exceptions for 3rd place in events designated by ASAA). d) CISAA competitions will be governed by ASAA regulations with the exception of those mentioned above.

Junior High



International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all ISAA competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the senior high parent organization, the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) A competitor may enter a maximum of 4 events plus relay. An athlete may enter 3 track events which do not include the relay. d) These shall be race classifications for both boys and girls: Bantam: Under 13 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7. Midget: Under 14 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7 or 8. Juvenile: Under 17 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7, 8 or 9. A competitor may enter only one race classification. e) The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition:

The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition: Boys          Girls

100 metres    100 metres

200 metres    200 metres

400 metres    400 metres

800 metres    800 metres

1500 metres  1500 metres

80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm)      80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm) 100 metre hurdles (Juvenile boys)

4 x 100 metre relay   4 x 100 metre relay

4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)  4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)

1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)        1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)

600 gram javelin       600 gram javelin

High Jump    High Jump

Long Jump   Long Jump

Triple Jump  Triple Jump

Open 4 x 400 metres Open 4 x 400 metres

Open 3000 metres    Open 3000 metres



Proposed: ***THIS HAS BEEN PASSED***


These proposed changes are for junior high specifications only.


Boys & Girls Track Events

80 metres (bantam)

100 metres (midget/juvenile)

150 metres (bantam)

300 metres (midget/juvenile)

800 metres

1200 metres

2000 metres (open)

80 metre hurdles / 100m hurdles juvenile boys 4 x 100 metre relay

4x 400 metre relay (open) Shot Put

Discus Javelin

Text Box: High Jump Long Jump

Technical Specifications for Boys & Girls Hurdles & Field Events




High Jump

Shot Put





27” or 30”, 12m

to 1st, 7.5m between

Start height: 80 cm., up by 5 cm.









30”, 12m to 1st, 8m between

Start height: 90 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg - boys






500g – girls, 600g boys


13m to 1st, 8.5m between

Start height: 100 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg – boys






500g – girls, 600g boys




The proposal is to see the junior high events come inline with the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model that is currently in place in Alberta and across Canada. The proposed adjustments provide an appropriate movement to lead to successful participation in the sport as it leads from junior high to high school. Having been the head of programming for Alberta for 8 years and been on the leadership of programming in Alberta since 1996, I believe it is in the best interest of the athletes to have an appropriate set of specifications. The old specifications are for U18 and older athletes in our province and are no longer congruent with LTAD.

Please refer to this link to learn more about LTAD from Athletics Canada. http://athletics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/LTAD_EN.pdf

A few points to consider:


-         Triple jump is a very advanced activity and is line with hammer throw and pole vault. Therefore it is an event that is removed.

-         Javelin and other throwing specs are designed with the typical growth and development at an appropriate age. The throwing equipment - at the appropriate specs - will be at the track for our meets when we rent the facility. We will pay for this rental.

*************** NOM continued...

Amendment request: to remove this portion of the passed policy, and allow Jr High athletes to compete in Triple Jump as per tradition of the CISAA.



Using the Long Term Development Model, referred to in the policy above, I find no reference to Triple Jump being an event that Jr High aged athletes should avoid. In further investigation, I have found no research to indicate that this advanced event is detrimental to the development of young athletes. Reference is only given to poor or dangerous coaching and training techniques for young athletes, but that applies to all areas of T&F.

Triple Jump has been a tradition in the CISAA and helps develop specialized athlete interest that may not be met in other events offered. Triple Jump is an unique event that encourages the abilities of athletes that may not feel comfortable in other T&F events. As an ASAA event, students in grades 10-12 will have a distinct advantage if proper development began in the early years of grades 7-9.

Anecdotal reference to triple jump as an activity that has harmed young athletes has not been supported in research available.

Notice of Motion


From: Brian Bridal, Bearspaw Christian School


The following NOM was passed in the Spring 2019 CISAA league meeting. However, it is not yet updated in the CISAA Policies manual. I assume it is referenced as below.

I wish to amend one small part of the NOM, in regards to Triple Jump at the Jr. High age categories. You will see it in italics and bolded below. I have included a rationale at the bottom of this document.

6. TRACK AND FIELD Senior High

a) The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all zone competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) CISAA representatives at city Zone Championships are the first and second place finishers in all events. Competitors unable to attend the City Zone Championships or provincial competitions must leave a notice of intent with the CISAA competition host to avoid financial responsibility for costs incurred by the Calgary ISAA at further competitions (with exceptions for 3rd place in events designated by ASAA). d) CISAA competitions will be governed by ASAA regulations with the exception of those mentioned above.

Junior High



International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all ISAA competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the senior high parent organization, the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) A competitor may enter a maximum of 4 events plus relay. An athlete may enter 3 track events which do not include the relay. d) These shall be race classifications for both boys and girls: Bantam: Under 13 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7. Midget: Under 14 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7 or 8. Juvenile: Under 17 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7, 8 or 9. A competitor may enter only one race classification. e) The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition:

The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition: Boys                                     Girls

100 metres                                                                   100 metres

200 metres                                                                   200 metres

400 metres                                                                   400 metres

800 metres                                                                   800 metres

1500 metres                                                                 1500 metres

80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm)                              80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm) 100 metre hurdles (Juvenile boys)

4 x 100 metre relay                                                     4 x 100 metre relay

4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)                                       4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)

1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)                                 1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)

600 gram javelin                                                          600 gram javelin

High Jump                                                                     High Jump

Long Jump                                                                    Long Jump

Triple Jump                                                                   Triple Jump

Open 4 x 400 metres                                                  Open 4 x 400 metres

Open 3000 metres                                                   Open 3000 metres



Proposed: ***THIS HAS BEEN PASSED***


These proposed changes are for junior high specifications only.


Boys & Girls Track Events

80 metres (bantam)

100 metres (midget/juvenile)

150 metres (bantam)

300 metres (midget/juvenile)

800 metres

1200 metres

2000 metres (open)

80 metre hurdles / 100m hurdles juvenile boys 4 x 100 metre relay

4x 400 metre relay (open) Shot Put

Discus Javelin

Text Box: High Jump Long Jump

Technical Specifications for Boys & Girls Hurdles & Field Events




High Jump

Shot Put





27” or 30”, 12m

to 1st, 7.5m between

Start height: 80 cm., up by 5 cm.









30”, 12m to 1st, 8m between

Start height: 90 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg - boys






500g – girls, 600g boys


13m to 1st, 8.5m between

Start height: 100 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg – boys






500g – girls, 600g boys




The proposal is to see the junior high events come inline with the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model that is currently in place in Alberta and across Canada. The proposed adjustments provide an appropriate movement to lead to successful participation in the sport as it leads from junior high to high school. Having been the head of programming for Alberta for 8 years and been on the leadership of programming in Alberta since 1996, I believe it is in the best interest of the athletes to have an appropriate set of specifications. The old specifications are for U18 and older athletes in our province and are no longer congruent with LTAD.

Please refer to this link to learn more about LTAD from Athletics Canada. http://athletics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/LTAD_EN.pdf

A few points to consider:


-      Triple jump is a very advanced activity and is line with hammer throw and pole vault. Therefore it is an event that is removed.

-      Javelin and other throwing specs are designed with the typical growth and development at an appropriate age. The throwing equipment - at the appropriate specs - will be at the track for our meets when we rent the facility. We will pay for this rental.

*************** NOM continued...

Amendment request: to remove this portion of the passed policy, and allow Jr High athletes to compete in Triple Jump as per tradition of the CISAA.



Using the Long Term Development Model, referred to in the policy above, I find no reference to Triple Jump being an event that Jr High aged athletes should avoid. In further investigation, I have found no research to indicate that this advanced event is detrimental to the development of young athletes. Reference is only given to poor or dangerous coaching and training techniques for young athletes, but that applies to all areas of T&F.

Triple Jump has been a tradition in the CISAA and helps develop specialized athlete interest that may not be met in other events offered. Triple Jump is an unique event that encourages the abilities of athletes that may not feel comfortable in other T&F events. As an ASAA event, students in grades 10-12 will have a distinct advantage if proper development began in the early years of grades 7-9.

Anecdotal reference to triple jump as an activity that has harmed young athletes has not been supported in research available.

Notice of Motion


From: Brian Bridal, Bearspaw Christian School


The following NOM was passed in the Spring 2019 CISAA league meeting. However, it is not yet updated in the CISAA Policies manual. I assume it is referenced as below.

I wish to amend one small part of the NOM, in regards to Triple Jump at the Jr. High age categories. You will see it in italics and bolded below. I have included a rationale at the bottom of this document.

6. TRACK AND FIELD Senior High

a) The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all zone competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) CISAA representatives at city Zone Championships are the first and second place finishers in all events. Competitors unable to attend the City Zone Championships or provincial competitions must leave a notice of intent with the CISAA competition host to avoid financial responsibility for costs incurred by the Calgary ISAA at further competitions (with exceptions for 3rd place in events designated by ASAA). d) CISAA competitions will be governed by ASAA regulations with the exception of those mentioned above.

Junior High



International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all ISAA competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the senior high parent organization, the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) A competitor may enter a maximum of 4 events plus relay. An athlete may enter 3 track events which do not include the relay. d) These shall be race classifications for both boys and girls: Bantam: Under 13 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7. Midget: Under 14 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7 or 8. Juvenile: Under 17 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7, 8 or 9. A competitor may enter only one race classification. e) The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition:

The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition: Boys          Girls

100 metres    100 metres

200 metres    200 metres

400 metres    400 metres

800 metres    800 metres

1500 metres  1500 metres

80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm)      80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm) 100 metre hurdles (Juvenile boys)

4 x 100 metre relay   4 x 100 metre relay

4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)  4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)

1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)        1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)

600 gram javelin       600 gram javelin

High Jump    High Jump

Long Jump   Long Jump

Triple Jump  Triple Jump

Open 4 x 400 metres Open 4 x 400 metres

Open 3000 metres    Open 3000 metres



Proposed: ***THIS HAS BEEN PASSED***


These proposed changes are for junior high specifications only.


Boys & Girls Track Events

80 metres (bantam)

100 metres (midget/juvenile)

150 metres (bantam)

300 metres (midget/juvenile)

800 metres

1200 metres

2000 metres (open)

80 metre hurdles / 100m hurdles juvenile boys 4 x 100 metre relay

4x 400 metre relay (open) Shot Put

Discus Javelin

Text Box: High Jump Long Jump

Technical Specifications for Boys & Girls Hurdles & Field Events




High Jump

Shot Put





27” or 30”, 12m

to 1st, 7.5m between

Start height: 80 cm., up by 5 cm.









30”, 12m to 1st, 8m between

Start height: 90 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg - boys






500g – girls, 600g boys


13m to 1st, 8.5m between

Start height: 100 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg – boys






500g – girls, 600g boys




The proposal is to see the junior high events come inline with the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model that is currently in place in Alberta and across Canada. The proposed adjustments provide an appropriate movement to lead to successful participation in the sport as it leads from junior high to high school. Having been the head of programming for Alberta for 8 years and been on the leadership of programming in Alberta since 1996, I believe it is in the best interest of the athletes to have an appropriate set of specifications. The old specifications are for U18 and older athletes in our province and are no longer congruent with LTAD.

Please refer to this link to learn more about LTAD from Athletics Canada. http://athletics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/LTAD_EN.pdf

A few points to consider:


-         Triple jump is a very advanced activity and is line with hammer throw and pole vault. Therefore it is an event that is removed.

-         Javelin and other throwing specs are designed with the typical growth and development at an appropriate age. The throwing equipment - at the appropriate specs - will be at the track for our meets when we rent the facility. We will pay for this rental.

*************** NOM continued...

Amendment request: to remove this portion of the passed policy, and allow Jr High athletes to compete in Triple Jump as per tradition of the CISAA.



Using the Long Term Development Model, referred to in the policy above, I find no reference to Triple Jump being an event that Jr High aged athletes should avoid. In further investigation, I have found no research to indicate that this advanced event is detrimental to the development of young athletes. Reference is only given to poor or dangerous coaching and training techniques for young athletes, but that applies to all areas of T&F.

Triple Jump has been a tradition in the CISAA and helps develop specialized athlete interest that may not be met in other events offered. Triple Jump is an unique event that encourages the abilities of athletes that may not feel comfortable in other T&F events. As an ASAA event, students in grades 10-12 will have a distinct advantage if proper development began in the early years of grades 7-9.

Anecdotal reference to triple jump as an activity that has harmed young athletes has not been supported in research available.

Notice of Motion


From: Brian Bridal, Bearspaw Christian School


The following NOM was passed in the Spring 2019 CISAA league meeting. However, it is not yet updated in the CISAA Policies manual. I assume it is referenced as below.

I wish to amend one small part of the NOM, in regards to Triple Jump at the Jr. High age categories. You will see it in italics and bolded below. I have included a rationale at the bottom of this document.

6. TRACK AND FIELD Senior High

a) The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all zone competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) CISAA representatives at city Zone Championships are the first and second place finishers in all events. Competitors unable to attend the City Zone Championships or provincial competitions must leave a notice of intent with the CISAA competition host to avoid financial responsibility for costs incurred by the Calgary ISAA at further competitions (with exceptions for 3rd place in events designated by ASAA). d) CISAA competitions will be governed by ASAA regulations with the exception of those mentioned above.

Junior High



International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rulebook will govern all ISAA competitions subject to any modifications accepted by the senior high parent organization, the ASAA. b) Each school will be allowed two entries in each event excepting relays where one entry is allowed. c) A competitor may enter a maximum of 4 events plus relay. An athlete may enter 3 track events which do not include the relay. d) These shall be race classifications for both boys and girls: Bantam: Under 13 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7. Midget: Under 14 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7 or 8. Juvenile: Under 17 as of September 1 of the school year and in Grade 7, 8 or 9. A competitor may enter only one race classification. e) The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition:

The following events will be schedule at the CISAA competition: Boys                                     Girls

100 metres                                                                   100 metres

200 metres                                                                   200 metres

400 metres                                                                   400 metres

800 metres                                                                   800 metres

1500 metres                                                                 1500 metres

80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm)                              80 metre hurdles (30" or 76 cm) 100 metre hurdles (Juvenile boys)

4 x 100 metre relay                                                     4 x 100 metre relay

4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)                                       4 kilo shot put (8 lb. 13 oz.)

1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)                                 1 Kg discus (2 lb. 3 oz.)

600 gram javelin                                                          600 gram javelin

High Jump                                                                     High Jump

Long Jump                                                                    Long Jump

Triple Jump                                                                   Triple Jump

Open 4 x 400 metres                                                  Open 4 x 400 metres

Open 3000 metres                                                   Open 3000 metres



Proposed: ***THIS HAS BEEN PASSED***


These proposed changes are for junior high specifications only.


Boys & Girls Track Events

80 metres (bantam)

100 metres (midget/juvenile)

150 metres (bantam)

300 metres (midget/juvenile)

800 metres

1200 metres

2000 metres (open)

80 metre hurdles / 100m hurdles juvenile boys 4 x 100 metre relay

4x 400 metre relay (open) Shot Put

Discus Javelin

Text Box: High Jump Long Jump

Technical Specifications for Boys & Girls Hurdles & Field Events




High Jump

Shot Put





27” or 30”, 12m

to 1st, 7.5m between

Start height: 80 cm., up by 5 cm.









30”, 12m to 1st, 8m between

Start height: 90 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg - boys






500g – girls, 600g boys


13m to 1st, 8.5m between

Start height: 100 cm., up by 5 cm.

3Kg – girls, 4Kg – boys






500g – girls, 600g boys




The proposal is to see the junior high events come inline with the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model that is currently in place in Alberta and across Canada. The proposed adjustments provide an appropriate movement to lead to successful participation in the sport as it leads from junior high to high school. Having been the head of programming for Alberta for 8 years and been on the leadership of programming in Alberta since 1996, I believe it is in the best interest of the athletes to have an appropriate set of specifications. The old specifications are for U18 and older athletes in our province and are no longer congruent with LTAD.

Please refer to this link to learn more about LTAD from Athletics Canada. http://athletics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/LTAD_EN.pdf

A few points to consider:


-      Triple jump is a very advanced activity and is line with hammer throw and pole vault. Therefore it is an event that is removed.

-      Javelin and other throwing specs are designed with the typical growth and development at an appropriate age. The throwing equipment - at the appropriate specs - will be at the track for our meets when we rent the facility. We will pay for this rental.

*************** NOM continued...

Amendment request: to remove this portion of the passed policy, and allow Jr High athletes to compete in Triple Jump as per tradition of the CISAA.



Using the Long Term Development Model, referred to in the policy above, I find no reference to Triple Jump being an event that Jr High aged athletes should avoid. In further investigation, I have found no research to indicate that this advanced event is detrimental to the development of young athletes. Reference is only given to poor or dangerous coaching and training techniques for young athletes, but that applies to all areas of T&F.

Triple Jump has been a tradition in the CISAA and helps develop specialized athlete interest that may not be met in other events offered. Triple Jump is an unique event that encourages the abilities of athletes that may not feel comfortable in other T&F events. As an ASAA event, students in grades 10-12 will have a distinct advantage if proper development began in the early years of grades 7-9.

Anecdotal reference to triple jump as an activity that has harmed young athletes has not been supported in research available.