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[Christian Walk]. We believe Coaches and Athletes should follow the rules that God has asked us to live by.
(Romans 12)
[Language] should always be encouraging, respectful, and proper. Fowl language is not permitted by anyone Coaches, Players, Officials, Parents, or Fans.
[Earn Respect] by respecting others. Please show respect for all Coaches, Referees, Officials, Players, Parents, and Fans. Always respect property and equipment of others as well.
[Attitude] is everything! A positive attitude gets positive results. Look for good things to happen and good things will.
[Noble] means having or showing greatness of Character. Don't be a character be a person with character. A person with character lets a hard foul go. He/she knows its part of the game. A person with character doesn't try to hurt a player on the opposing team on purpose.
A C.L.E.A.N. Athlete is a person who follows God's Law and follows Jesus on his Christian Walk through life. His/Her Language uplifts others and the Kingdom of God. They have Earned the Respect of others by giving respect to others. His/Her Attitude is based on optimistic out comes not negative over tones. These athletes are Noble Characters and act the same way on and off the court.