About Baseball U CT
Subscribe to our NewsletterBaseball U Connecticut General Organizational Information:
- Baseball U Connecticut's college development program for high school players has quickly become one the top rising summer developmental programs in the Northeast for potential college bound players to develop in. With its parent program Baseball U, currently ranked nationally by the Perfect Game Scouting Service, this developmental program is finding its own level of success. Baseball U CT does not except every player that wishes to be involved in this developmental program. It is a highly competitive program and roster spots are limited. Our educational approach of developing the whole student/athlete through the sport of baseball is our focus.
- Baseball U Connecticut's Director is Patrick Vigilio, Jr currently an Associate Scout with the N.Y. Mets. John Wells is Baseball U's National Program Director. The Baseball U national program is based out of West Long Branch NJ. Wells, is currently an Associate Scout with the Seattle Mariners. Both Wells and Vigilio's professional and college back grounds have helped guide some of the top talent in the area/country into college's across the U.S. (Baseballu.net) Baseball U also now has organizations in Syracuse, NY, North Jersey and Scranton, PA.
- The Baseball U Connecticut's coaching/teaching staff is made up of some of the finest educators, former college and professional minor league players and coaches from the New England area. (Coaching bio's are posted on this web site) Most coaches are current public/private schools teachers holding a MS degree or are in pursuit of one. Others may be involved in law enforcement or are alumni of our program. This enhances the program's educational focus of the developing the whole student/athlete as a person. Baseball U CT will also supplement it's teaching staff with current professional players home for the winter months or alumni that are returning to share their college experiences.
- Baseball U Connecticut will host a free fall tryouts for 8th graders, high school freshmen, sophomore and junior players looking to join our summer college development program. Players that our interested in our early fall tryout program and would like to be evaluated by our professional teaching staff, should attend this one the free workouts. If you're looking to participate in our summer program, one of these free tryouts could get you early invitation into our program. Also,our fall Sandlot Sunday's program is another way for a player to receive an early evaluation. Organizational spots will be limited, so don't wait. Player's can monitor the Baseballu-ct.com web site for details.
- A player/parent informational meeting, for invited players, will be take place during the month of December for returning and newly committed players. This meeting is for any player that is currently enrolled in high school (Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors) and is interested in committing to our Baseball U Connecticut's summer high school development programs. All of our program goals and objectives will be discussed with coaches. An outline of our summer schedule and programming paperwork will be given out. The time and place for this meeting will be posted on the Baseball U CT web site. Please monitor the Baseballu-ct.com web site for the time, date and location of the parent/player meeting for invited families.
- If after attending the player/parent meeting you are still interested in having the opportunity to be selected in one of the Baseball U CT's summer college development programs, you will be given a window of time to make a commitment. Players are also encouraged to sign up for winter workouts that will be held in January and February. (Winter workout program development programs are a good time for players to start working with our professional teaching staff and prepare early for the summer season.) Please continue to monitor the Baseballunewengland.com web site for the times, dates and location.
- If you are selected to participate in one of the Baseball U CT's summer college development program's you will be placed on a roster as soon as all player evaluations are completed by the Baseball U CT teaching staff.
- Baseball U CT players can be slotted into our 17U and 16U travel showcasing tournament program or our 16U CT tournament team development program. All Baseball U CT programs focus on player development and guidance for our families as our players mature.
- Once you have been selected to participate in a Baseball U Connecticut program you will be asked to make a seven/eight week commitment. (no vacations).This commitment also means that you will not participate in any outside activity (or another sport) without prior organizational approval. Player's committing for seven/eight weeks shouldn't be listed on any other local or travel team roster, participate in any outside game "because someone called and needed a player", attend a showcase or miss any scheduled workout, practice or game.
- All players and their families will have all practice and tournament information months in advance in order to communicate any potential scheduling conflict. Each individual player's situation is different and will be addressed accordingly. In the past, our players have been excused for college educational enrichment activities, religious experiences and family situations that are unavoidable because communication was discussed months in advance. If a player decides to miss a scheduled activity without prior notice, they risk immediate dismissal from the program.
- Baseball U CT's a college development program for high school players, not a high school development program for middle school players. Our organization will hold players and families accountable for their choices and decisions just as they do at the college level. If making a seven/eight week commitment to an organization, your teammates, and yourself, is something you and your family are not ready or willing to commit to then this program is not for you and you will not benefit from it.
- A roster spot is a reserved opportunity for a player to be a member of the Baseball U family, if the player chooses not to use this roster spot at a later date,regardless of the reason, all expense associate with the roster spot are non refundable, regardless of the reason.
- All Baseball U CT's summer college development programs will begin once the academic school calendar is completed. (roughly the 2nd or 3rd week of June) School is your priority. This eliminates any end of the school year conflicts and your energy can be spent on your final exams.
- All players will participate in development workouts 3 days a week when they're not involved in an event. Players may participate in developmental instructional games during the week. Those days will be determined based on their programming scheduling and developmental needs.
- The Baseball U Connecticut organization does not roster players based on their age, where they live or who they may be friends with. Players are evaluated on their individual potential and current ability level. Players are placed on a program roster based on each individual player's current physical talent, Baseball U CT's individual player evaluation and which Baseball U CT's developmental program is the "right fit" at this time for that individual player's development.
- Baseball U CT does not "invite in guest players" to participate in tournaments. We don't replace our players with "guest players" who are playing on other teams for the sake of winning.
- Each year returning Baseball U CT's players are reevaluated by the Baseball U CT teaching staff before an early invitation to return is offered. Player's will decide to accept an early placement within the organization. Others might be asked to try out again to secure their position. Once all player invitations are accepted the program's rosters are selected. These rosters are created after the first of the year and returning players are placed on a program roster with the newly selected players. New program rosters are created based on the Baseball U CT's coaching evaluations and input, the individual player's development potential and the Baseball U CT organizational need. Once all program preliminary rosters are filled the rosters will not be expanded, but they could change based on an organizational need.
- All parents will be asked to sign a Parent Code of Conduct. This is to help all families be "fans or all players" and assure appropriate parent conduct. If parents can't adhere to appropriate conduct, they risk having their son removed from the program, without a refund, or their son not being asked to return the following season, regardless of the players ability.
- Any player in the Baseball U CT organization may be asked to participate in ANY age appropriate game or tournament within the Baseball U Connecticut or the Baseball U organization as the season develops. This includes out of season events too. (Out of seasons events may include regional or national tournaments during the months of Aug/Sept/Oct)
Email and Phone Access
Baseball U Connecticut is here for you. The college recruiting process can be confusing and overwhelming. For advice, direction, and or to ask questions, a Baseball U CT Advisor can be reached via email and / or phone.
· Connection: Baseball U Connecticut and Baseball U assists you in finding the college that is the right fit for you (academically and athletically.) Baseball U Connecticut and Baseball U are connected with over 300 colleges and universities all across the country. Baseball U CT and Baseball U make phone calls to coaches for players to help them connect with college coaches to pass on schools scholarship information for parents and players. Baseball U CT's and Baseball U's connections are your connections.
· Springboard: Baseball U CT and Baseball U serves as an information source for players and parents. As experienced mentors we help families through tough decisions, give critical advice, sort out options, and ultimately help players find the school and baseball program that is the right fit for them. If you have a question concerning the college recruiting and college connection process we can answer it, and if we don’t know the answer we will find it for you.
· Reference: Baseball U Connecticut and Baseball U serves as your number 1 reference and representative. Through direct contact with college coaches, Baseball U Connecticut and Baseball U gets you connected!
1. References are golden. They’re better than statistics. College coaches rely on scouts and people they can trust. Our honest evaluation of a player is golden when it comes to placing a player in school.
2. Unless you are a Blue-Chip player, references are one of the key elements in the recruiting process.
3. Through references, recommendations, and networking, Baseball U Connecticut and Baseball U players have received over 200 scholarships over the past 6 years.
Resource / Planning
Baseball U Connecticut and Baseball U help families simplify their lives, strategically plan in advance, and save thousands of dollars through assisting them with the following:
Baseball U Connecticut provides three pre-season college advisor seminars for parents on how the college process works
· Baseball recruiting events, what to attend and what not to attend
· NCAA recruiting information and important dates
· NCAA Clearinghouse
· Academic priorities and important dates
· Strength and Conditioning Information
· Which showcase's players should attend