Financial Aid-Scholarship
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Financial assistance is available to assist those players who are not able to afford the total costs associated with playing soccer. Therefore, Football Club of Ripley has funds available to help families who need financial assistance.
Financial assistance will be considered on a first come, first served basis and once the financial assistance funds are gone for a particular season, no more aid can be given. In order to spread the assistance as far as possible, we ask each family seeking aid to pay as much as they can afford.
We will consider many factors when evaluating eligibility for financial assistance. Please submit a paragraph briefly stating any relevant information. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to death, illness, loss of compensation or other changes in financial position.
Applications for financial assistance must be made by a player’s parent or guardian. Financial assistance applications will be held in confidence between the parent/guardian and the scholarship committee for FCR. Please realize that a request must be submitted for each season, (i.e. Fall, Indoor, and Spring) and that the receipt of financial assistance in one season does not guarantee assistance in future seasons.
The expenses that can be covered by scholarship are limited to registration and limited tournament fees. It does not include travel, food, or lodging expenses.
Requests for assistance are due within the period for the season that financial aid is being requested. The board will determine if scholarships will be applied retroactively. Please remember that aid will be granted on a first come, first served basis, based on the acceptance of each requestor’s reason for eligibility.
Request for Financial Assistance
Player Name _________________________________________________DOB_____________
Address______________________________ City_______________ State_____ Zip_________
Team Name/Coach (if applicable)_________________________________________________
Scholarship Amount Requested: ____Full
___ Partial __________________________________________________________ (describe)
The following requested information will only be used by the FCR Scholarship/Financial Aid Committee to determine player eligibility for needs-based financial assistance.
1.Attach a paragraph explaining why you are requesting assistance
2. How many FCR players _____ are in your household.
I would like to help with:
_______Field maintenance
______ Team Parent
______ Registration
_______ Other
I certify that the information provided is true, complete and accurate. I realize that financial assistance to a player/family may be terminated if the financial situation is resolved, funds become unavailable, or if the player/ parent is deemed in conflict with the Club/Team requirements for player / parent commitment or behavior. I realize that financial assistance is not guaranteed for subsequent seasons.
____________________________ _____________________________ ______________ ________
Signature Name (please print) Date
Relationship to player ___________________________________________
Phone number/Email___________________________________________