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The CROSS Christian Academy
Statement of Faith
The main goal of the Cross Christian Academy is to rise up a generation of Disciples for Christ. Followers of Jesus who will seek to live their lives as he lived His. Young people who will allow Him to transform them through His Word and correction. None of us will ever reach perfection, but we encourage our students to make becoming "Christ-like" a journey they will continue on their entire lives.
- We Believe that one must actively seek and grow with God, giving careful attention to becoming more like Christ in Character and Personality, Without doing so one's witness may be impaired and grace ultimately lost.
- We Beleive in the Holy Scriptures by which we understand the 66 books of The Old Testament and New Testament givin by Devine inspiration revealing the word of God concerning us
- We Believe Sin is a wilful transgression against God.
- We Believe there is only one true God.
- We Believe God exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We believe He was virgin born and lived a sinless life.
- We Believe Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on Calvary's Cross for the remission of our sins, He was resurrected, and now sits at the right hand of the Father.
- We Believe salvation is a gift that is available to everyone, who seeks forgiveness of their sins.
Once we accept the gift of Salvation we cannot go on living like the world, in open rebellious sin and still be saved.
Romans 8:38-39 Reminds us that God's love for us is unconditional, but salvation is conditional. That’s why sin is not included in the list of things which are unable to separate us from the love of God.
Hebrews 10:26 states, "For if we sin willfully after we have received knowledge of the truth, there remain no more sacrifice for sins".
Matthew 7:21 states, "Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of Heaven , but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven".
"Once you are saved you are always saved" is a lie from Satan. The truth is the Christian life is a continuous journey that requires us to strive daily to turn our back to sin and keep our eyes on God. If we turn our back on God we will never inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
The CROSS Christian Academy Mission Statement
The CROSS Christian Academy will strive to provide an education that is distinctively Christian and academically challenging by attempting to inspiring each student, to pursue excellence in character, academics and service.
The CROSS Christian Academy Purpose Statement
The purpose of The Cross Christian Academy is to educate children so that they can become productive members of society and of raising up individuals who are grounded in a deep understanding and appreciation of the Christian faith and who can use their education to share that faith with others. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive education that is grounded in a Christian view, thus teaching children how to view and appreciate math, history, science, English, and other subjects through eyes of faith. The Cross will help students develop spiritually by providing opportunities for group and individual prayer, devotions, and chapel services. Our Staff will strive to instill a deep sense of moral responsibility in students, teaching them Biblical principles that will help to govern their personal and professional lives. We will help students grow intellectually, raising up good, clear thinkers who are able to express their faith and values in productive and positive ways in their future jobs and communities. The Cross will also provide students with opportunities to express Christian faith through community outreach programs such as service projects.