Falcon Youth Football Association




Does your young athlete have dreams of being an football hero? Maybe even an NFL superstar? Are team sports new to you? Interested in coaching? Then join the Falcon Youth Football Association. We'll introduce you the excitement of football!!





FYFA is Western Massachusetts premier youth football program located in Wilbraham, MA. Our tackle football program begins with 3rd grade and culminates with 8th grade football. Many of our players have grown into high school stars and collegiate athletes.  Our volunteers and coaches share a passion for kids, fun and football.

Our program is designed to introduce families to the sport of football in a fun and instructive environment. We recognize that there is greatness in each of our student athletes and emphasize individual growth in a team atmosphere. Besides teaching football fundamentals, our focus is to simply promote athletic and academic excellence in all of our players. In addition to creating a lifelong love of sports, our goal is to create outstanding citizens and future leaders in school, sports and our community.

FYFA is a 100% volunteer organization. We need parents to lend their time and talents in order to make FYFA a continued success!




The purpose of the Falcon Youth Football Association is to promote a comprehensive football program for the youth of Hampden and Wilbraham that will:

  • Offer youth in grades 3-8, the opportunity to play competitive full contact football in an organized and supervised, safe, environment.
  • Impart the ideals of good sportsmanship, leadership, tolerance, discipline, honesty, loyalty and respect for oneself and others.
  • Encourage the highest level of play, through the proper teaching of football skills and strategies.
  • Nurture athletic ability and youth physical fitness.
  • Instruct athletes about the importance of teamwork.
  • Teach athletes to win with pride and lose with dignity.
  • Stimulate community interest in football, while always putting the welfare of the youth of Hampden and Wilbraham, first and foremost.




FYFA is committed to creating a positive environment that will assist in the development of all student athletes and their growth, not only as football players but also as young citizens through education, friendships, teamwork, and football. We further commit to coach all of our players and work with each of them to achieve their personal potential. We will do this by building on individual successes and by treating mistakes as learning opportunities.

To do this we will provide a safe environment for young athletes to learn the key skills necessary to succeed on the football field, and, ultimately, we will seek to prepare them to play high school football. We believe that this mandate includes not only developing specific athletic skills but also developing a player’s character including leadership skills, self-discipline and confidence.

We are committed to teaching proper technique and safety. We will provide our players and coaches with the teaching tools and equipment necessary to ensure that each player learns the fundamental skills necessary to play football safely.

We believe that mutual trust and respect are critical to any organization and require that all of our players, coaches and parents demonstrate these values on and off the field. Through our example we will seek to teach our players to respect themselves, their team, their coach, their parents and their family.

Finally, we are committed to improving our organization. We will monitor, measure and constantly seek to improve the performance of our board, our coaches, our teams and players. We will do this with honesty, humility and respect for all involved.




FYFA is currently affiliated with the Suburban Amateur Football League (SAFL). FYFA also implements the football program in coordination with the Wilbraham Parks and Recreation Department (WPRD). 



Seniors: The Senior Team will be comprised of 7th and 8th graders.  These teams play in the senior division in the SAFL. Players must be less than 15 years old by the start of the season to compete. The player may not turn 15 years of age before the end of the current football season.

Juniors: The Junior Team will be comprised of 5th and 6th graders.  These teams play in the junior division in the SAFL. The player must be 10 years of age, or turn 10 years of age, during the player registration period, and cannot turn 13 years of age before the end of the current football season.

Pee-Wee: The Pee-Wee Team will be comprised of 3rd and 4th graders.  These teams play in the peewee division in the SAFL. The player must be 8 years of age, or turn 8 years of age, by September 1st and cannot turn 11 years of age before the end of the current football season.