Fields & Maintenance

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Pitching Mound and Base removal (all fields)


When removing any of the pitching mounds and bases, please use the following tools to avoid damage of the field items:

Pick-axe  - located in the Concession stand or in the John Deere Gator if parked and accessible. A GYGSA board should be able to assist you with locating this tool.

Dig out tool - located in the Concession stand or in the John Deere Gator if parked and accessible. A GYGSA board should be able to assist you with locating this tool.



Pitching mound removal

  • Place the flat end of the Pick-Axe directly in the center and under the rubber portion of the pitching mound. Gently rock/pivot the pick-axe until the mound starts moving and leverage in an upward direction is gained. Once there is enough clearance to get the hands in, lift up the mound out of its post holes. Do NOT lift the pitching mounds from the ends as this will destroy/separate the rubber portion from its metal base.


Base removal

  • Place the flat end of the Pick-Axe directly in the center and under the rubber portion of the base. Gently rock/pivot the pick-axe until the base starts moving and leverage in an upward direction is gained. Once there is enough clearance to get the hands in, lift up the base out of its post hole(s).


Base/Post Hole Plugs 

  • ALWAYS insert the Base/Post Hole Plugs after relocating the pitcher's mounds or bases!  This will save headaches and game delays in locating the posts the next time the mounds or bases are moved. Also please let your players know not to remove these items from the field (including siblings). 



Batting Cages, Pitching Screens, etc.


Usage rules:

The batting cages are NOT a 'play' area for league players and siblings. Please keep our nets from undue damage so it stays available for all to use. 

The batting cages are for league scheduled batting practices or league reserved pitching practices ONLY.

If there is a non-league team (select/baseball) or a non-league pitching lesson occupying the cages, politely ask them to leave as league team warm-ups are scheduled. If they refuse, please contact your Division Commissioner or any Board member on duty. 


Please leave the pitching screens in the cages for batting practice use. Removal of these items causes undue stretching and stress to the batting nets.