Bux-Mont Rules/Guidelines

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Official Rules and Regulations



Official Rules and Regulations

Adopted January 1992

       Last Amended January 2021       



1.a.  All teams must have full baseball uniforms consisting of caps with numbered

        baseball jersey with team logo  (iron on or silk screened), baseball pants, belts,

        solid one color sox and /or stirrups. Each player’s uniform must be of similar 

        to everyone on each designated team. Let's try and look professional.


        a.1.  No player out of uniform will be allowed to play without the opposing

                manager’s consent.

        a.2.  All teams should have their uniforms by their first game.  A grace period

                should be extended for newly activated players or for new teams to complete

                their uniforms.


1.b.  All batters and runners must wear helmets for both at bats and on the base-there is

        no option for this rule.  Full double ear flap helmets are encouraged for at bats and

        are encouraged for the bases.  Catchers must wear a helmet underneath their mask. 

        The same rule will apply for all national tournaments.


1.c.  Only balls provided by the local league will be permitted.  It is the responsibility of

        the home team to provide the balls (4-6).  It case of a doubleheader, each team will

        supply balls for one game. (Wilson A101 Blem Baseballs provided by the league)


1.d.  Only WOOD & composite bats permitted.

        Hybrid bats are NOT permitted ( half-wood & half-metal.)


1.e.  Metal cleats are permitted.




2.a.  Most games are 9 innings. All night games & DH’s are 7 innings.

        A new inning may not begin after three (3) hours of play (from start of the 1st

        inning).  A new inning starts at the time of the last putout of the previous inning.

        Re:  rain – 5 innings (this pertains to both 9 and 7 inning games)

        Suspended Game(s):  In the event that there is a rain-shortened game, the game will be officially

        suspended and completed at a later date ONLY if it was NOT an official game. 

        All league playoff games must be played to completion.

        The umpire may cancel or call a game if, in their opinion, the safety of the

        players is compromised due to rain, lightning, darkness or time limits.


 2.b.  All DHs (and night games) have a 2 hour time limit (45s) per game (no new inning can start after the 2 hour time limit)

 2.b   All DHs (and night games) have a 2.5 hour time limit (28s &35s) per game (no new inning can start after the 2.5 hour time limit)


2.b.  If there is a 10 run discrepancy at the end of 7 innings, the game will be ruled final 

at this point. If the game is a 7 inning game, the 10 run rule takes effect after 5 full innings of play. This rule WILL pertain in league playoffs as well.


2.c.  Any games rained out must be made up as soon as possible  All make-up games will be scheduled by league officials.       


2.d.  In the event of rain, it is the responsibility of the scheduled home team to notify the

        league president and the opposing team of field conditions and possible cancellations

        of the Game at least 1.5 hours before the scheduled start time.


2.e.  Tie games are considered complete and will not be continued or made-up.  Final

        league standings will be determined by points (win = 2 points, tie = 1 point,

        loss = 0 points)

2.f.   100 degree Index game day's will automatically revert to 7 inning games that start at 9am.

2.g.  If any team cannot secure its HOME venue, it automatically reverts back to the ROAD teams field.

        If both teams cannot provide a field, a neutral field within the league will be provided.




3.a. A player is eligible to participate in an official league sanctioned game on the

      date of their 28th, & 43rd birthday as of April 1st of every current calendar year.

The 45 Division can have multiple player exceptions ages 43-44 years old. If a

position player is 43 years old he is eligible to play immediately, but cannot pitch.

However, a pitcher must be 44 years old before he can pitch within the current

calendar year. The 28 Division pitching rule states that to be eligible to pitch any

pitcher MUST be 27 within the current calendar year. (Ammended in 2020.)


3.b.  Team rosters (minimum of 12 players) must be submitted to the league by the date

              designated by the league President and the governing board of the Bux-Mont league

        including league and player fees, proof of date of birth, player wavier forms and league

        registration forms.  Players may be added and removed from rosters up to and

        including the last day in June of the current season.  No player may be added to a

        roster after the July 4th weekend. Rosters will be frozen at that point in time.


3.c.  All players, prior to participating in a game, MUST have signed wavier form,

        registration form and proof of date of birth on file with the league. However,

        a player can be “called in” to a league official prior to that week’s game. The 

        information will then be relayed to the opposing team’s manager prior to that game.

        That players waiver & registration forms MUST be received before his teams next

        game or the previous game will be forfeited. No exceptions.


3.d.  A team manager may bat as many players as he desires, with a minimum of 10

(subject to the number of players available if less than 9). If you only have 10 players, a team CANNOT utilize the A/B slots, you MUST bat 10. In the event a batter must be

        skipped over due to injury or lack of players, or an ejection, when down to 8 players only,

        regardless of their batting position, an out

        WILL be enforced the 1st time the slot comes up in in order.(Only exception: If it’s an

        A/B situation) Each ensuing AB will then be skipped over for the game’s duration.

        A team can start a league game with no less than 8 players. Only the 1st time

        the  9th batting position is reached, (ONLY) will an automatic out will be recorded when a team       

              is down to 8 players. If your team has 9 and a player is ejected, it becomes a forfeit.


3.e.  A manager may add batters to the bottom of the lineup at any time but if a batter

       is pinch hit or run for (except under the courtesy runners outline in section 5), the

       player MAY NOT re-enter the game as a HITTER but may remain in the game as a

       fielder or pitcher.  Each team has a hitting and a defensive lineup that are

       independent of each other.  Players may play in either lineup or both.


3.f.  A team MAY declare at the time that the lineups are exchanged prior to the start

       of play that batting order positions from 9 up (i.e. 9, 10, 11, etc.) will be

       occupied by two players in each such batting position.  That is 9A/9B,

       10A/10B, etc.  The first time that the designated position(s) would hit, say, 9A,

       9A would bat and the next time position 9 comes up, 9B would bat.  Then

       9A, and so on, alternating between these players throughout the game.  Once a

       team declares the use of this A/B system, it must continue using it for the

 remainder of the game. ( Exception: If one of the A/B hitters leaves or is injured and no able-bodied payer is available, the A/B slot will then revert back to one batter with NO penalty. A hitting position due to injury or ejection and for which

there is no replacement player an OUT will be recorded the 1st time the slot comes up  again & all ABs after that point will be skipped over without penalty.  Hitters in

       the A/B position from batting order position 9 and down may be pinch hit for,

       just as any other player.


3.g.  If a player is forced to leave a game due to injury or commitment or if a player is

        ejected from a game, a reserve player, not previously entered into the game as a

        hitter, must hit in the batter’s place.  If no reserve is present, an OUT will be declared the 1st time the slot comes up. Every time after the slot comes up, the spot is skipped

        and all batters move up accordingly, with no penalty to the affected team.


3.h.  A team must have 8 players for an official game to start.  There is a 15 minutes wait

        period granted from the regularly scheduled start time before a game is forfeited

 (If the team has less than 8 players). After the 15 minute grace period,

 the game is deemed a forfeit. If a team starts a game with 8 players and that team’s player is ejected at any point during the game, the game is a forfeit. You can start a game with 8 players and finish a game with 8 players. (Exception: If your 9th player is ejected, it is then a forfeit). 


3.i. All players may be substituted for defensively, at any time, without affecting

the player’s offensive status in the lineup.  If a pitcher is removed, he may

re-enter to pitch only one time during the course of the game, but not in the same

inning.  The removed pitcher may play any other position after being removed or

no position at all.

3.j. No player may switch teams during a season under any circumstances.  

             If this does not meet with approval, the player must sit out one year from                                        

       competition, from the last date of playing, or re-enter the league’s next draft, making

       himself available to any team for selection. In the event a team disbands during the

       season or at season’s conclusion, all players with 3 years seniority in the league will

       become automatic free agents and will be permitted for any desired team.  Players not

       having three years in the league will re-enter the draft. 

       * Player contracts go year to year. If a player wants his release, he should #1 notify his team's manager

       and #2 settle all financial debts with the team as well as returning all uniforms. Any player that

       owes fees or uniforms to a former team, will not be permitted to participate in the Bux-Mont

       Men’s Senior Baseball league until said fees are paid and/or returned. (January 2005 Rule Change – All

       players become free agents at the end of each season and are able to sign without

       consent from their last GM with any team they chose for the upcoming season. Once

       they are signed and play for a team in a season they may not switch teams during that

       season under any circumstances)



3.k.   In the event a player wishes to leave his existing team and form a new team, he

        may do so.  No other player can be taken from the existing team without the

        consent of the existing team’s manager.  No other players may be taken from 

        any other team without the respective team manager’s approval.


3.l.  Final team rosters must have no less than 12 players.


3.m.  Last names must be used in the scorebook to allow for player identification for

        follow-up inquires that relate to playoff and national tournament participation

        requiring minimum playing requirements.


3.n.  EACH team is responsible for the BOXSCORE each week regardless which team

         won or lost the game. This must be done electronically through the official league site.

         The league website will serve as the official playoff eligibility list. (See 10 1.a &1.b)

3.o.    A Plate appearance constitutes a game played for any position player. If you are a pitcher only, (1) out needs to be made for an official game to be recorded.




4.a.  There will be NO beer or alcoholic beverages permitted at the field before, during or

        after the game.  The field refers to the general playing area and ancillary areas.


4.b.  The league has the right to suspend or expel any team member who abuses league

         rules or who does not exhibit a sense of sportsmanship or who plays without regard

         to the safety of the umpires or other players.


4.c.  An umpire has the sole discretion to eject any player or manager from the game.


4.d.  Fighting among players or aggressive physical contact with an umpire will not be

        tolerated and players will be expelled or suspended from the league.


4.e.  Players shall not intentionally collide with any other players.  In the case of a runner

        intentionally colliding with a fielder, the runner will be called out and may, at the

        umpire’s discretion, be expelled from the game.  All base runners must either slide

        or give up the right to a base (avoid a collision by stopping or leaving a base path)

        if the defensive player (e.g. catcher) has possession of the ball, is in the act of

        receiving the ball, or is about to immediately receive the ball and will be able to

        make an apparent play on the base runner.

        If a defensive player is not in possession of the ball, is not in the act of receiving the

        ball, or is not about to immediately receive the ball so that he is able to record an out

        (apparent play…at any base), he cannot block the base (e.g. home plate) or be in the

        base path so as to impede (obstruct) the base runner’s right to that base.  Under such

        circumstances, the defensive player shall be responsible to avoid any collision.  If an

        collision does occur under these circumstances, the runner will always be considered

        safe and the obstruction rule shall be enforced.  The defensive player may be ejected

        from the game (if the action is intentional, he must be ejected), and will be

        suspended from league play if the obstruction is judged to be flagrant.


4.f.  Failure to abide by age regulations-the managers must all recognize their

        responsibility to the league and the perpetuity of it as to not cross the line where

        winning is more important than playing.  An opposing manager may at anytime have

        the right to question a player’s age.  If a manager wants to lodge a protest, proof of

        age and residence (i.e. driver’s license)  must be shown to the manger (or league

        official)  who lodged the protest.  If an under aged player is detected, penalties,

        whether to the individual or team, will be decided by the league president and

        Board of Directors.  As the national precedent, the penalties will be forfeiture of all

        games in which the underage player participated and a minimum two year

        suspension.  If the manager had prior knowledge, he is subject to similar suspension.

4.g. If a player is ejected and wants to play the next game, each player will have a 1-time $75 buy-in

       paid to the league. (45s ONLY)




Players that will need courtesy runners may have their manager notify the opposing

Manager at groundrules.  Each team will be allowed the maximum of  2 courtesy runners

per game. The player to make last batted out MUST be the courtesy runner. Once the

game starts and the full complement of  2 courtesy runners has NOT been used, if a player  sustains an injury, an additional courtesy runner may be used but must be designated before the injured player’s next AB, a runner that is injured while on base MUST be replaced.  

In the event a player becomes injured during the game and the maximum number of courtesy

runners (2) have already been used a pinch runner must be used and no courtesy runner will be allowed unless agreed upon by both Managers. (aka:Gentleman’s Agreement)

If a batter (designated as needing a courtesy runner) opts to run, or forgets to get a courtesy

runner and subsequently runs, he will lose his courtesy runner for the remaining

portion of the game. There WILL be speed up runners for the pitcher or catcher (anytime) in ALL  Divisions.


6.      PITCHERS


6.a  No pitcher while pitching may wear white or gray sleeves nor may a pitcher wear a

       batting glove or wrist band while pitching. Earings are NOT permitted.


6.b  Intentional walks are allowed. No pitches need to be thrown.


6.c  If a pitcher hits 4 batters in any one game, the pitcher must be removed on the

       fourth hit batsman. If a pitcher hits 3 batters in one inning, the pitcher MUST

       also be removed from the game as well.


6.d  There is no regulation as to how many innings a pitcher may pitch in a game or week.


7.      FIELDERS


Infielders are NOT allowed to decoy a throw or catch.  If a decoy throw or catch is

detected, all runners shall be allowed to advance one base beyond the base held after

all play stops.  If the same fielder decoys twice in the same game, the fielder shall be

ejected from the game.  Decoying is referred to as a false catch or throw done in an

      attempt to get the player to slide unnecessarily, where no strategic value is gained.


7.a    Two (2) forfeits by any team in a season will result in immediate expulsion from the league

         with no money returned back to the team.


7.b  All protests should be lodged to the league president within 24 hours

       after the game for which the protest is made. All protests shall be decided by the

       league president and the governing board of the Bux-Mont league. ($50 fee)


7.c  In order for a player to qualify for his team’s/ league playoffs, he MUST

       participate in at least 50% of his team’s regular season games in 28+ Division. 

       A player must participate in 7 games in the 45+ Metro Division &

    45+ Mid-Atlantic Division.


7.d  All teams MUST be represented at the League meetings to be entitled to cast a vote on any issue.


7.e  Any pitcher who intentionally throws at a batter in the professional opinion of the

      plate umpire, taking into the account the tone of the game and situation, will be

      suspended for three games which includes any playoff games.

      Note:  the recommended grievance procedure including for this ruling includes both

      GMs, the umpire and league president.


7.f  Ejections: Any time a player is ejected from a game, the player will receive an  

       additional one (1) game suspension (Automatically). NO APPEAL can be made.

       A second ejection during the season of the same player will constitute a

       two (2 or 3) game suspension and a third ejection during the season of the same player

       will constitute suspension from the league for the remainder of the league including

       playoffs.  Any player ejected from a game must leave the field of play and the bench/

       dugout area before the game will continue. Failure to do so will automatically result

       in a one (1) game suspension. Fighting with another player will result in an automatic

       suspension for the remainder of the season including playoffs. All ejections will        

       investigated by the UIC and if the deems an additional penalty is needed, so be it.


7.g  28+, 35+ & 45+ Playoffs: The playoff format is voted upon every year by the leagues GM’s and Ratified.


      45+ Metropolitan Playoff Format

The format for the 45+ Metro Division has the top 4 seeds in the Division making the playoffs. The  1 seed & 4 seed play and the 2 seed & 3 seed play a 3 game Semi-Final series The higher seed will play at their HOME field on Saturday, which will be two (2) 7 innings games. If a third game is necessary, it will be played at the lower seeds HOME field on Sunday & it will be a nine (9) inning game. The Higher seeded team will always be the HOME team in games at their Home field in each series. The lower seeded team will be the HOME team in game three. Winners go to the Championship Series. All playoff games shall start between 9am & 10am unless agreed upon by both teams. If a team cannot secure their HOME field, they defer to the ROAD teams venue and the series will continue as scheduled. All playoff games must be played until completion. Any suspended game is required to be completed on the next scheduled play date. Any subsequent games needed to complete the series, will than be played on the next play date unless both teams agree otherwise.


45+ Mid-Atlantic Division Playoff Format

The format for the 45+ Mid-Atlantic Division has the top 8 in each Division gaining berths, with the Semi's as follows: 1 seed vs 8 seed, 2 seed vs 7 seed, 3 seed v 6 seed, & 4 seed vs 5 seed. Semi-Finals will be the four remaining teams. Two 7 inning games on Saturday then One 9 inning game on Sunday if needed. * If weather may play a factor in the Sunday DH, the President can make an executive decision and move the DH up to Saturday if needed. All playoff games must be played until completion. Any suspended game is required to be cpmpleted on the next scheduled play date.Any subsequent games needed to complete the series, will be played on the next play date unless both teams agree otherwise.

 28+ Playoff Format

The format for the 28+ Divisions will have 4 teams making the playoffs. 1 seed v 4 seed, 2 seed v 3 seed. 2 games Saturday 7 innings in duration, a potential game 3 will be one 9 inning game on Sunday. The Finals will follow the next weekend, same format.

35+ Playoff Format

The format for the 35+ Division will have all 7 teams in the playoffs. 1 seed draws a 1st round BYE 2 The Q-Finals has the 2 seed vs the 7 seed, the 3 seed v the 6th seed, & the 4 seed v the 5 seed. Semi's will re-seed and the top seed plays the lowest remaining seed, the 2 middle seeds remaining will play the other Semi-Final. Q-Finals, Semi's, & Final will will be played on Sunday ONLY. If a game 3 is needed it MUST be completed that week so that the next round will begin the following Sunday.

*Tie-Breaker Procedures: #1-Points, #2-Wins, #3-Head To Head, #4-Best Win or Tie vs Playoff opponents (Highest Seed), #5-A 7 inning Pre-Playoff game.

(If two teams are tied for the final playoff spot - they must play eachother in a mid-week > 1 Game (7 inn.) play-in game to decide final standings.)

DO NOT LOOK AT THE WEBSITE FOR TIE-BREAKER PROCEDURES. It's a league-lineup procedure It's NOT the Bux-Mont (PA) protocol.





Managers and players shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.  No manager or player shall commit the following:


1.          Lay a hand upon, shove or strike, or threaten an official. 

Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended

from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until his

conduct is reviewed by the league president and vice president.  Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion for life.   


2.          Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until his conduct is reviewed by the league president and vice president.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season  (see rule 9.h)


3.          Be guilty of objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official’s decision.

Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension from further participation in the game.


4.          Discuss with an official or officials the decision reached by such official or

officials, except for the manager or his designee who are authorized to participate in such decisions.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension from further participation in the game.


5.          Use unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body or

person of an opposing player.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.


6.          Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any player, manager,

official, or spectator, before, during or after a game.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the league president and vice president.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion from the league for life.


7.          Be guilty of verbal abusive attack on any player, manager, official or

spectator, before, during or after the game.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the league president and vice president.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the year.


8.          Consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs during the game or be upon

the field of play at any time in an intoxicated condition.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.


9.          Smoking on the field of play or in the dugout.

Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game.



1.          The league president, vice president and umpire in chief will render penalties and or

suspend any player or manager for such a period and upon such terms as it may propose, for the conduct which in its opinion is prejudicial to the welfare, interest, reputation, or charter of the league.


2.          Except as otherwise provided, the league president, vice president and umpire in chief, shall determine the appropriate action required for violations of the codes of conduct, and shall report their decision to the player and manager.


3.          Any player found in violation of any provision delineated in the codes of

conduct, after being placed on probation for the remainder of the season shall be suspended for the remainder of the season.


4.          Any player found in violation of any provision delineated in the codes of

conduct, after being suspended from further participation in a game shall be suspended for the remainder of the season.





1.          Grievances may be filed by General Manager or the Manager of the said ballclub

provided that a grievance is formally submitted to the league president via email. 

The Umpire-In-Chief shall adjudicate all such grievances and shall report any action to the general managers.


2.          An appeal of any action or ruling may be filed with the league by the manager of a team provided that the appeal is formally submitted.  However, all decisions made by the

  Umpire-In-Chief will be final and not subject to appeal.




1a.  All position players MUST get an official PLATE APPEARANCE per ballgame to be credited with one (1) game played. Players who only make a defensive appearance or any player that does NOT get into the game at all, WILL not be credited with a game unless that said player makes an official PLATE APPEARANCE.


2.b  All pitchers (pitcher only)  MUST throw 1/3 of an inning to be credited with one (1) game played. However, if any position player gets an official PLATE APPEARANCE in 50% games (28+),  (45+ Metro) & 7 games (45+ Mid-Atlantic) 6 games. Any player WILL be eligible to pitch in the post-season as well.  

3.c  28 Division is 50%, 45 Metro is 7 games, 45 Mid-Atlantic is 6 games.

       If the number of games is an uneven number, it will revert back to the lower number.

11. Tie-Breaker Procedure

1st Tie-Breaker - Points

2nd Tie-Breaker - Wins

3rd Tie-Breaker - Head to Head

Final Tie-Breaker - 7 inning Play-In game