Managers Info
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Team Manager Responsibilities
Tartan Boys Traveling Basketball
Team Manager Job Description
After the teams are posted, the Director will provide you with the following information:
- A team roster of all of the players on your team with names, email addresses and phone numbers
- A schedule of tournaments
- Code of conduct contract – to be signed by all players
- Your biggest responsibility: To be the communicator between Coach and Parents and Director and Parents
Beginning of the season items:
1. Initial team rosters. Call the parents of the boys on your team. Let them know who you are and how they can contact you. Ask if they have an email address that you could send info to (many will provide you with multiple addresses). Put together a roster for the team with the boys’ names and uniform numbers, parents’ names, address, phone numbers (home, cell) and email addresses. Include the coach’s information. Hand out copies of this as soon as you know uniform numbers.
2. Logo wear. Logo wear will be offered to each player and parent, which is completely optional.
3. Uniforms. The equipment manager will let you know when and where to pick-up uniforms. Pass this information on to the parents.
4. Tournament Schedule. Make copies of the tournament schedule to hand out to the parents as soon as they are available. When handing things out I’ve found that it helps to put each boy’s name on the handout. That way you can easily know who didn’t get the information by looking at the names on the papers left.
5. Out of town tournament. If there’s an out of town tournament, let parents know and have them make reservations directly asking for Tartan Basketball block. This information will also be provided in your packet.
6. Practice Schedule. Make copies of the practice schedule to hand out to your team parents. Provide information to webmaster so the information can also be posted on the team website. This is helpful so parents can check practice times from work, etc.
During the season (for practices, tournaments and meetings):
7. Practices. Send a weekly reminder email to parents for the practice schedule (Day, Time, Place).
8. Weekend Tournaments.
- Forward the tournament information each week to your team parents. Most tournaments now have web sites where they post brackets and directions. A link to the Club's web site hosting the upcoming tournaments will be available on our web site if known. If you don't see the link and you know there is one, please let the webmaster know what it is so it can be posted.
- For each tournament make copies of the brackets and directions, and hand them out to the families on your team as soon as available.
- Ensure that the "book" is kept at all games and theat the medical kit is at all games.
- Email results and update of each team tournament to the webmaster for posting.
9. Team Pictures. Once a date has been set, ensure all players/parents know of team picture info. Provide team photo to webmaster for website (pic will be returned).
10. Meetings. Inform/remind make sure parents attend any meetings the coach or club has.
11. Tartan Classic. Ensure all parents are signed up to work the Tartan Classic tournament sponsored by TBTB in January, try to keep assignments fair
12. State Tournament. Register your team for the state tournament. Typically this will be due to MYAS in January or February. The details are on our web site.
End of season:
13. Uniforms, balls, medical kit. Ensure players are aware of uniform “turn in” date/time and that other equipment such as the first-aid kit, ball bag, balls are returned to the club.
14. Optional: Plan a fun activity to celebrate the end of the season. Just a few ideas - all go out for pizza, have a potluck party at someone’s house, rent the party room at one of the local hotels and let the boys swim while the parents visit…use your imagination. This is a great opportunity to thank your coaches as well as get the boys together one last time for a little fun. Typically each family is asked for a small donation to get each coach a little something.
It really helps to have email, access to the internet, access to a copy machine, and knowledge of Word or Excel. None of this is necessary, but it will save you time!