Code of Conduct
Subscribe to our NewsletterThe purpose of WWSC’s Policies is to establish consistent expectations for behavior by the athlete(s) and parents/guardians and the athlete(s). The objective of WWSC is to provide a competitive environment in which swimmers of all age groups and skill levels can learn and improve their swimming skills and be recognized for their accomplishments. This environment will reinforce the importance of good sportsmanship and build character in our swimmers. The operation of WWSC should enhance the overall image of our community and project the highest standards of competitive excellence and personal conduct.
Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
I/we are responsible for providing transportation for my/our swimmer(s) to and from practices and meets. We shall pick swimmers up promptly after practice.
Communication with the coaches regarding swimmers, concerns, problems, etc., shall be addressed with a coach after practice.
I/we will set the right example for my/our children by demonstrating sportsmanship and showing respect and common courtesy at all times to the team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents, and all facilities.
I/we will get involved by volunteering, observing practices, cheering at meets, and talking with my/our child coach about their progress. I/we also understand that I/we are not allowed to go on the pool deck during practices or meets, unless I/we are volunteering.
I/we will refrain from coaching my child from the stands during practices or meets.
I/we understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward coaches, officials, volunteers, and/or any participating swimmer will not be tolerated
I/we will respect the integrity of the officials.
I/we understand that any checks returned for any reason (NSF, closed account, etc.) shall result in a $30 returned check fee.
I/we understand if season dues remain unpaid fourteen (14) days after the due date, unless a payment plan is discussed with an Executive Board Member ahead of time, the swimmer's status of “Good Standing” will be revoked and the swimmer may be banned from practice until their status is back in “Good Standing.” Dues may be fully refunded within fourteen (14) days of the first day of practice for any reason, including termination of membership, with written submission (by email or letter) and at the discretion of the Executive Board. Absolutely no refunds will be given after fourteen (14) days since the first day of practice.
The purpose of WWSC’s Policies is to establish consistent expectations for behavior by the athlete(s) and parents/guardians and the athlete(s). The objective of WWSC is to provide a competitive environment in which swimmers of all age groups and skill levels can learn and improve their swimming skills and be recognized for their accomplishments. This environment will reinforce the importance of good sportsmanship and build character in our swimmers. The operation of WWSC should enhance the overall image of our community and project the highest standards of competitive excellence and personal conduct.
Swimmer Code of Conduct
I shall arrive to practice at my set time and ready to swim on time. Any changes will be made with a coach in advance.
Upon completion of practices or meets, I will if needed, assist in putting away swim equipment.
I will respect and show courtesy to my teammates and coaches at all times. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all practices and meets.
I will set a good example of behavior and work ethic for my younger teammates.
I will be respectful of my teammates’ feelings and personal space. Swimmers who exhibit sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
I will show respect for all facilities and other property (including locker rooms) used during practices, competitions, and team activities.
I will refrain from using foul language, violence to either myself or others, and any behavior deemed dishonest, offensive, or illegal.
I understand that being in violation of any of the rules, I will be subject to disciplinary action (see below), which may include removal from the team. The following disciplinary action(s) include, but are not limited to the following:
First offense: Verbal warning
Second offense: Swimmer and Coach meeting
Third offense: The swimmer will be pulled out of practice and the coach will contact the parent/guardian to set up a meeting.
Fourth offense: If the swimmer’s behavior continues, he/she will be suspended for one (1) week (there will be NO prorated fee). Upon return from the suspension, the swimmer and parent/guardian will meet with the coaching staff and readdress behavioral expectations for the swimmer.
Fifth offense: Possible removal from the team with NO refund.