Board Meeting Minutes

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Bruin Touchdown Club Minutes


Sam Barlow HS Media Center

Exec Board Jason Wallis, Tanya Wallis, Kristen Schnack,

Parent: Stephanie Hiatt, Amanda Tompkins, Craig Fahner, Edwin Martinez, Christy Amadio




Approximately $35k in checking


Jason talks about where the money is being spent.  Replenishing the appliances in the concession stand.  Covering coaches salaries, Kenny Simpson camp.


Stephanie Hiatt- requesting more signage and better line flow for Friday night games in regards to the BBQ.


All agreed that the 10 for 10 will be 10 for 20 for a minimum of $200


Auction/Dinner- Decided on Nohos for catering.  Tanya will confirm with him.  We will not be doing a Golden Ticket this year.  We will be selling Traeger raffle tickets instead.  $750 Visa gift card raffle tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.  Talked to class parents about baskets.


Sponsorships, donation items- discussed items to try to acquire for the silent auction and reaching out to local businesses for sponsorships.  Craig, Stephanie and Amanda each volunteered to contact businesses.


We all discussed volunteering and how to get parents to sign up to volunteer. Talked about incentives for volunteering.



Bruin Touch Down Club Booster Meeting

3/14/2022 6:30pm Sam Barlow Library

Present: President, Jason Wallis, Treasurer, Teresa Scherler, Fundraising Chair, Bonnie Pillster, Secretary/Communications chair, Lynette Fay, Coach Tracy Jackson


Voted on and filled vacant positions.


Freshman parent-Brandie

Sophomore Amanda Tompkins

Junior open

Senior- Christy Amadio

Fundraiser Chair-Kristen Schnackenberg working with Bonnie Pillster

Apparel merchandising-Kristen Schnackenberg/Amanda Tompkins

Treasurer-Teresa Scherler 1 more year

Team Meals- Maria Howell

Team Banquet coordinator- Tanya Wallis

Concessions-Tanya Wallis


Teresa Scherler budget- $37,000 total. 

Will be hiring 2 new coaches which will cost approximately 12,000.00

Possibly needing to pay for transportation to team camp and possibly more helmets.

Teresa explained that last year it cost approximately $60,000 for the season, this year will be more with the addition of the 2 coaches.



Car wash and flower basket sale for Mother’s Day weekend.  Tanya will try to find a venue to do the car wash.

Track meet concessions 3/17 at Barlow HS-Tanya, Jason, Kristen and Lynette will be working the concessions.


Bruin TDC will meet monthly, dates to be determined.



Bruin Touch Down Club

Meeting Minutes


Zoom meeting:  Jason Wallis, Lynette Fay, Teresa Scherler, Bonnie Pillster



Bonnie:  Talked about the upcoming auction. Should we do online due to COVid restrictions?  We all voted that we would do an online auction again with the possibility of a ‘meet and greet’ and displaying the auction items for people to come view live.  Possibly in the football stadium, if the school allows.


Players can still sell raffle tickets for the Visa gift card and try to get program sponsors.


Sponsorships:  $500 will get a banner, ad on the poster, raffle tickets, social media ad, online auction ad and ad in the media guide.

                           $250 will get social media ad and online auction ad.


Coach Tracy asked if the boosters would cover the cost of travel bags for all 3 levels.  Approximate cost is $3500.00.  We all voted YES.


Bonnie:  spoke briefly about the 10 for 10 fundraiser.  Only 31 participants turned in their packets out of roughly 50 that came and picked them up.  There are approximately 80 players in the program, so Lynette sending another email urging people to participate in the fundraiser.  Winners will be announced on Sunday 8/15.


Teresa will pay Burns Feed Store for the Ukiah grand prize winner.


We did not discuss what our current finances were.  Teresa will total what was raised in the Barlow Youth Camp and let us know at a later time.






January 24, 2021 Minutes

Bruin Touchdown Club Meeting Minutes


Virtual Meeting via Zoom



In attendance: President-Jason Wallis, Secretary-Lynette Fay, Secretary-Teresa Scherler, Fundraising Chair-Bonnie Pillster, Coach Koenig, Apparel Coordinator-Kristin Hendrix


Coach Koenig-introduction, talking about the season, thanks the boosters for their support. Workouts going well.  Working out with equipment and doing football type practices.  Practices scheduled to start Feb 9th.   Coach Koenig talked to the district about getting the cleaning solution to use with the sprayer.


Teresa- Went over the finances.  Account balances: Checking $13,110.  Savings $15,646. Teresa sent out a P&L statement at the end of the year.  Motion by Lynette to accept the report by Teresa.  All voted to accept.  Teresa will discontinue the subscription to Hudl to save us that money at this time.  She also noted that last year the boosters covered approximately $18,000.00 for coaches pay.  Teresa did not foresee any new bills coming in that need to be paid.  We all agreed to discontinue the Chamber of Commerce membership.


Per Coach Koenig, wages should be less due to a shorter season. 


Jason- concessions.  Pepsi currently allowing us to keep the equipment due to COVID.   


Kristin- apparel.  Planning to do an apparel preorder.  Kristin will send out 4 designs to the board to choose from.  Talked about camp tshirts/shorts.  Was decided to wait until practices start to see how many more sets we need to actually order.


Bonnie-sponsorships.  Jason asked if we would be trying to get more sponsors for this year.  It was agreed upon by all that we would try to get by with the money we have now and not ask for anymore sponsorships due to COVID.  And that we would wait and put our efforts in for the following season.  Lynette received a message from Gresham Toyota who said they will be sponsoring football this year. 


Next meeting will be scheduled for the beginning of February.



Bruin Touchdown Club Meeting



In attendance:  Lynette Fay, Bonnie Pillster, Jason Wallis, Teresa Scherler,

Chris Koenig, Shaun Lutz




Beginning balances:  Checking-2461.36.  Savings- 15,646.55


Coach Koenig will reach out to Dalzell regarding the Mariotta funds.


Virtual Auction- Bonnie asked for coaches for ideas for a goal or paddle raise items.

Paddle raise- Coach Koenig mentioned possibly a smaller sled and/or uniforms for the lower levels.

Bonnie will continue to research the online auction sites.  The board will vote on one via email.


Coaches will keep on the kids about selling their raffle tickets, may possibly have a competition.


Coach Koenig will reach out to the kids who have not turned in their 10 for 10 packets.


Lynette motioned for the purchase of the $500 Visa gift card and Traeger for the auction.  Bonnie seconds the motion and Jason and Teresa voted in favor of.


Bonnie mentioned that the seniors will still auction off desserts.


We spoke briefly about our 501 3C status and that we are transparent.  If parents want to know about our finances, they can reach out to Teresa Scherler who can give a P&L statement.


Coach Lutz will be checking into the price of a Jugs machine.


Bonnie inquired about a Bottle Drop account, which Jason confirmed we have one.


Board Meeting Minutes 5/31/2020


In attendance:  Coach KW,  Jason Wallis, Bonnie Pillster, Teresa Scherler, Lynette Fay



Volt app- renew or not?  50% of the players are logging in.


Kristin-talked about different designs for the team camp apparel.  Will be presented to the boys to vote.  50 piece minimum face mask order.. cost is $8.00 or $7.50 printed for gators.  Will most likely sell for $15.00.  Jason motions to make the minimum purchase.  Teresa 2nds and the rest voted yes.


Coach KW-return to play info:  per AD-return to athletics is not in the top 5 at the district currently.  Sandy and Clackamas School District says July 6 is the return date for them.  TRL not returning to athletics until July 6th.   Multnomah County is targeting Friday June 12th.   Talked about purchasing therometers, paper towels, hand santizer.  Lynette will check with Burns Feed about purchasing hand santizer at cost.  Talked about coming up with a plan for allowing players back onto campus for modified practices-safety precautions per ODE guidelines.


Need- facemasks, gloves, hand sanitzer, paper towels and thermometers.  $80.00 for the reusable thermometers.  $18.00 for box of 100. 


Teresa will renew the League Line Up subscription.




May 12, 2020 Minutes

Bruin Touchdown Club Board Meeting



In attendance:  Executive Board members: Coach KW, Jason Wallis, Lynette Fay, Teresa Scherler, and Bonnie Pillster.  General Board Members: Nori Johnson, Jessie Jones, Tamie Wilcox, Kristy McKenzie, Mistie Calcagno, Christy Amadio


Introduction of Coach KW and explaining the philosophy of our booster club.


Jason welcoming new members and is working on rewriting the bylaws.  We need good communications and should text or email the group as long as it’s something that doesn’t require a long discussion.  Otherwise, please contact Coach KW, Jason Wallis or Lynette Fay about adding items to the agenda. 


Lynette talked about the flower basket sale.  Brought in $741.00. 


Lynette and Bonnie spoke briefly about a possible car wash and changing the venue for the auction to some place less expensive.  Bonnie will contact Persimmon and check with other venues.


Jason brought up all the new members for a vote into their positions.  Lynette Fay nominates all chair persons to their positions, Kristin seconds and vote is unanimous.





Kristin Hendrix-Merchandise: possibly opening a store via the Square so people can purchase online.


Tanya Wallis-Concessions Chair


Nori Johnson-Team Meals Coordinator 


Kristy McKenzie-Team Banquet chair


Bonnie Pillster-Fundraising Chair: will check into cheaper venues.


Tamie Wilcox-Freshman parent rep


Christy Amadio-Sophomore parent rep


Jessie Jones-Junior parent rep


Mistie Calcagno-Senior parent rep


Lynette Fay-Secretary/Communications/Social Media and Website manager


Teresa Schlerler-Treasurer- spoke about the budget.  We are in better shape this year compared to last year.  Have approximately $10,000 more this year than this time last year.


Coach KW- spoke about OSAA cancelling moratorium week.  Can’t meet with players until after June 10th  when school is out, but also depends on what guidelines are in place for the State of Oregon.    Proposed by OSAA-possibly rearranging seasons.  The Barlow AD, Greg Kelley is working on live streaming games.  Talked briefly about fundraising and being sensitive to the economy. 




Teresa Scherler-booster club name changed officially to Bruin Touchdown Club.  The address has been changed to Barlow High School.

April 28, 2020 Minutes

Barlow Bruins Booster Club “Clan Fan” meeting

In attendance:  Coach KW, Lynette Fay, Jason Wallis, Bonnie Pillster, Teresa Scherler



Coach KW motioned changing the name of the booster club from Clan Fan to Bruin Touchdown Club- Lynette seconds the motion, all voted for the change.  Teresa will take care of the name change at the bank and secretary of state.  The cost will be approximately $200.00 (name change, new checks).


Teresa proposed changing the address of the booster club to Barlow High School.  Coach KW motioned to change the address and Lynette seconds, everyone votes yes to change it.  Coach KW will email Stephanie Edens to confirm we can do this.


Coach KW motions to accept Venmo for the plant sale, Lynette seconds.  Everyone votes yes.


Lynette will find out how many people are needed for the plant sale by Thursday, 5/7


Teresa-budget-Coach KW will be reimbursed for the cost of the coaches hats.   Teresa will pay our half of the cost of Chamber of Commerce fee and will pay the invoice for the replacement jerseys.  Lynette will let Barlow Baseball know that we are paying our half of the Chamber costs.


Jason proposes having a general meeting with the rest of the board-regarding the budget and volunteers for the plant sale.  Thursday 5/7/2020. 


Coach KW suggests 4 annual meetings with executive board.  And Jason will find out how many general meetings we need to have annually.   


Coach KW also requested a list of small businesses in our area to promote on social media.  Teresa said she could send him a list of our small business sponsors.  Lynette and Bonnie will reach out to Dana to get her list of sponsors and contact info.  Bonnie will reach out to those businesses. 





April 9, 2020 Minutes

Barlow Bruins Football Meeting Minutes Clan Fan

In attendance: Coach KW, Jason Wallis, Tanya Wallis, Lynette Fay, Kristin Hendrix, Teresa Scherler Snap Raise- up and running. Are going to give TBD dates for the time being.
Team Camp-Eastern Oregon-middle of July as a possible team camp.
Order camp apparel closer to July. Voted that the program will pay for the apparel.

Motion to approve to pay for the coaches hats, all voted to cover this cost.

Budget- $13,436.51 in checking. Outstanding bills: Riddell $112- not sure if comes out of boosters or ASB account, $605.53 BSN for coaches hats, $14.99 Zoom monthly bill, $200 reimburse to Wallis’ for grill. Balance for checking after paying these items $12,503.54. There is $646.55 in savings. Teresa has an appointment with the bank to change things over. We agreed that the budget proposed by Teresa is what is it is.

Possible fundraising ideas-auctioning seats or parking spots. Coach KW will need to talk to Principal Schmidt about that.

Motion by Lynette Fay to vote the following people into positions on the board. Bonnie Pillster- Fundraising Chair
Kristy McKenzie- Team Banquet Coordinator
Tamie Wilcox- Freshman parent

Jessie Jones- Junior parent Mistie Calcagno-Senior parent

The vote was unanimous to accept these nominees into their new positions. Lynette will update the website with their information.

March 30, 2020 Minutes

Barlow Bruins Football Meeting Minutes

Clan Fan



The basic purpose of this organization, established in September, 1992 is to support all aspects of the football program at Sam Barlow High School.


In attendance:  Executive Board- Jason Wallis-President, Coach KW-Chairman, Lynette Fay-Secretary/Communications.   Kristin Hendrix, Tanya Wallis and Teresa Scherler.


Prior to this meeting,  former President, Scott Edmondson who is vacating his position, appointed Jason Wallis as the new President.  Former Secretary, Jeannine Summerfield and former Communications Director, Julie Edmondson vacated their positions and appointed, Lynette Fay as the new Secretary/Communications Director.


Newly appointed president, Jason Wallis nominated  Kristin Hendrix as the Merchandising Director, Teresa Scherler as Treasurer and Tanya Wallis as Concessions Coordinator.  Lynette Fay seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Coach KW will contact someone regarding rewriting the bylaws and updating them with the new board structure.


List of vacant positions: Team meal coordinator, Freshman parent, Sophomore parent, Junior parent, Senior parent, Banquet coordinator.


Lynette will keep working on the website for now.


Coach KW will be in touch with Teresa Scherler about finances and getting her on the account. 


Coach KW will send out volunteer position descriptions in order to try and fill those positions.



March 27, 2020 Minutes


 Barlow Bruins Football Meeting Minutes

March 26, 2020


In attendance via video conferencing:  Coach KW, Tanya Wallis, Lynette Fay and Kristin Hendrix


What info we will  disseminate to parents.  Coach introductions, and spring and summer schedules.  Boise State camp and Western Oregon camp.  Weight lifting tues/wed/thurs and expectations to be there.


Reaching out to incoming freshmen through the middle schools.  Coach KW will contact head secretaries to see if an email can be sent out.


Fundraising- discount cards, auction, snap raise.  Talked about when these events should take place. 


Volt app-workouts-  Cam needs all the emails for the kids, Lynette will provide this information for him.


Jason will contact Scott Edmondson regarding the current booster club structure in place.


Next virtual meeting set for Monday, March 30th, 4:00pm