High School Roster Forms
Please click the links below to access both the Adobe and Excel versions of the forms for submission of your high school roster form. Either form is acceptable, however both need to be saved as a .pdf and submitted to your parish office for official signatures.
Official Adobe High School Roster
Official Excel High School Roster
*Updated for 2016/17 - Local Parish Youth Protection Rep must initial the form next to each coach to verify that they have all Diocesan youth protection clearances.
Grade School Roster Forms
Please click the links below to access both the Adobe and Excel versions of the forms for submission of your grade school roster form. Either form is acceptable, however both need to be saved as a .pdf and submitted to your parish office for official signatures.
Official Adobe Grade School Roster
Official Excel Grade School Roster
*Updated for 2016/17 - Local Parish Youth Protection Rep must initial the form next to each coach to verify that they have all Diocesan youth protection clearances.
Please be sure to submit your official, signed roster to your league President/Commissioner by their due date!