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Player Profile

  • Riley Vincent   #61

  • Defense
Date Opponent GPGAPTSPIM
4/2/2016 Harbour Breton 12020
4/2/2016 Clarenville Caribous 10000
4/1/2016 Harbour Breton 11010
4/1/2016 Harbour Grace CeeBees 10000
3/31/2016 Bay Arena Rovers 10000
2/20/2016 Twillingate Combines 10110
2/20/2016 Twillingate Combines 10000
2/7/2016 Springdale Braves 10000
2/7/2016 Springdale Braves 10110
1/24/2016 Lewisporte Seahawks 00000
1/23/2016 Bishops Falls 00000
1/23/2016 Botwood Blades 00000
1/23/2016 GFW Cateracts 00000
1/22/2016 Lewisporte Seahawks 00000
1/15/2016 Springdale Braves 10220
1/10/2016 Springdale Braves 10000
1/10/2016 Springdale Braves 10110
Total 123580