Player Profile

  • Josh Finch   #15

Date Opponent GPGAPTSPIM
3/8/2012 The Flying Pigs 12130
2/27/2012 Pineapple Express 10000
2/20/2012 Honey Badgers 10000
2/16/2012 The Flying Pigs 12020
2/6/2012 Pineapple Express 10000
1/30/2012 Honey Badgers 10002
1/26/2012 The Flying Pigs 10000
1/16/2012 Pineapple Express 10000
1/9/2012 Honey Badgers 10000
1/5/2012 The Flying Pigs 10000
12/19/2011 Pineapple Express 10000
12/12/2011 Honey Badgers 10002
12/8/2011 The Flying Pigs 10000
11/28/2011 Pineapple Express 10110
11/14/2011 Honey Badgers 00000
11/10/2011 The Flying Pigs 11340
10/31/2011 Pineapple Express 10000
10/24/2011 Honey Badgers 10002
10/20/2011 The Flying Pigs 10112
10/10/2011 Pineapple Express 10000
10/3/2011 Honey Badgers 10000
Total 2056118


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