Day Date Time End Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Officials
Tue1/7/20256:45 pm L 50-10 Immaculate Conception  St. Raphael   The Brooks School
Fri1/10/20255:30 pm L 21-42 St. Raphael  OLA BLUE   Gann Academy
Tue1/14/20256:45 pm L 39-10 St. Joseph Wakefield  St. Raphael   The Brooks School
Fri1/17/20256:30 pm W 43-42 St. Raphael  OLA GOLD   Gann Academy
Sat1/18/20255:30 pm L 16-40 St. Raphael  St. Joseph Wakefield   Malden Catholic
Tue1/21/20256:45 pm L 48-8 St Charles  St. Raphael   The Brooks School
Wed1/22/20257:00 pm L 14-42 St. Raphael  Immaculate Conception   IC - Father Brennan Hall
Tue1/28/20256:45 pm W 0-1 OLA GOLD  St. Raphael   The Brooks School
Wed1/29/20257:00 pm L 18-49 St. Raphael  Cheverus Catholic   Cheverus - Monsignor Foley Hall
Tue2/4/20256:45 pm L 35-14 OLA BLUE  St. Raphael   The Brooks School
Tue2/11/20256:45 pm L 52-28 Cheverus Catholic  St. Raphael   The Brooks School
Thu2/13/20257:00 pm L 20-68 St. Raphael  St Charles   St Charles
Tue2/25/20258:15 pm TBPN/RSt. Raphael  St. Joseph Wakefield   Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported