Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Sun5/5/20241:30 pm W 2-7 Aniwa Orioles  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun5/12/20241:30 pm L 2-10 Eland Engineers  Antigo Polar Bears   Antigo (Lake Park Field)
Sun5/26/202412:00 pm W 0-2 Elderon WhiskeyJacks  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun6/2/20241:30 pm L 9-11 Eland Engineers  Birnamwood Kings   Birnamwood
Sun6/9/20241:30 pm W 4-5 Wittenberg Pilots  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun6/16/20241:30 pm PPDN/RHatley Braves  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun6/23/20241:30 pm W 6-2 Eland Engineers  Aniwa Orioles   Aniwa (Pleasant Lake Park)
Sun6/23/20244:00 pm W 6-21 Hatley Braves  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun6/30/20241:30 pm W 7-14 Antigo Polar Bears  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun7/14/20241:30 pm W 13-2 Eland Engineers  Elderon WhiskeyJacks   Elderon Park
Sun7/21/20241:30 pm W 6-8 Birnamwood Kings  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Fri7/26/20247:30 pm W 4-0 Eland Engineers  Wittenberg Pilots   Wittenberg
Sun8/4/20241:30 pm W 9-6 Eland Engineers  Hatley Braves   Hatley (Legion Memorial Park)
Sun8/11/20241:30 pm W * 8-9 Wittenberg Pilots  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun8/18/20241:30 pm W * 2-6 Antigo Polar Bears  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark
Sun8/25/20241:30 pm L * 7-5 Little Falls Loggers  Eland Engineers   Eland Ballpark

- Indicates more information available (click on graphic to view)

* Game not included in standings

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported