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Day Date Time End Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Officials
Mon10/4/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Fri10/8/20217:45 pm 9:15pm TBPN/ROceanside  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Long Beach Arena
Sun10/10/20217:00 pm 8:30pm TBPN/RSyosset  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Mon10/11/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Tue10/12/20216:45 pm 8:15pm TBPN/RFarmingdale  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Sun10/17/20216:40 pm 8:10pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Long Beach   Long Beach Arena
Tue10/19/20218:15 pm 9:45pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Massapequa   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Mon10/25/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Fri10/29/20218:45 pm 10:15pm TBPN/RMassapequa  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Sun10/31/20218:10 pm 9:40pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Oceanside   Long Beach Arena
Mon11/1/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Wed11/3/20217:45 pm 9:15pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Syosset   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Fri11/5/20217:45 pm 9:15pm TBPN/RLong Beach  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Long Beach Arena
Mon11/8/20218:00 pm 9:30pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Bellmore Merrick JV   Newbridge Arena
Wed11/10/20216:15 pm 7:45pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Farmingdale   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Mon11/15/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Sun11/21/20218:05 pm 9:35pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Iceworks
Mon11/22/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Sun11/28/20215:15 pm 6:45pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Rockville Centre / Malvene   Iceworks
Mon11/29/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Sun12/5/20218:05 pm 9:35pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Roslyn / EW JV   Iceworks
Mon12/6/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Sun12/19/20215:15 pm 6:45pm TBPN/RPort Washington NS  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Iceworks
Mon12/20/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon12/27/20215:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Sun1/2/20228:05 pm 9:35pm TBPN/RRockville Centre / Malvene  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Iceworks
Mon1/3/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Sat1/8/20227:00 pm 8:30pm TBPN/RCold Spring Harbor  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Mon1/17/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon1/24/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon1/31/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon2/7/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Tue2/8/20228:15 pm 9:45pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Cold Spring Harbor   Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center
Mon2/14/20228:45 pm 10:15pm TBPN/RBellmore Merrick JV Club  Port Washington NS   Freeport Rec Center
Mon2/21/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon2/28/20228:45 pm 10:15pm TBPN/RRoslyn / EW JV  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Freeport Rec Center
Mon3/7/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon3/21/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge
Mon3/28/20225:00 pm 6:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  Bellmore Merrick JV Club   Newbridge

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported