Day Date Time End Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Officials
Mon3/5/20183:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Tue3/6/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Wed3/7/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Thu3/8/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Fri3/9/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Sun3/11/20189:00 am FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon3/12/20183:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Tue3/13/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Wed3/14/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Thu3/15/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Fri3/16/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Sun3/18/20189:00 am FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon3/19/20183:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Tue3/20/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Wed3/21/20186:00 pm CAN 0-0 Brockport  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed3/21/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Thu3/22/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Fri3/23/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Middle School (EIMS)
Sun3/25/20189:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon3/26/20183:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon3/26/20186:30 pm PPDN/RNewark  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Tue3/27/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed3/28/20186:30 pm W 4-5 Wayne  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Thu3/29/20185:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon4/2/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Tue4/3/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed4/4/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Fri4/6/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Sun4/8/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon4/9/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Tue4/10/20187:00 pm 9:00pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed4/11/20187:00 pm L 1-14 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Webster-Schroeder   Webster-Schroeder High School
Thu4/12/20186:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Fri4/13/20186:30 pm L 12-4 Greece  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Sat4/14/201810:00 am L 7-6 Gananda  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon4/16/20186:30 pm L 13-4 Brockport  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Tue4/17/20185:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed4/18/20187:30 pm L 3-14 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Honeoye Falls-Lima   Honeoye Falls-Lima Senior High School
Thu4/19/20185:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Fri4/20/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Sun4/22/20189:00 am FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Mon4/23/20186:30 pm W 3-11 Gates Chili  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Tue4/24/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed4/25/20187:00 pm L 1-18 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Brighton   Brighton High School
Thu4/26/20186:00 pm L 4-5 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Newark   Newark High School
Fri4/27/20184:30 pm L 4-14 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Churchville Chili   Churchville Chili High School
Mon4/30/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Tue5/1/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Wed5/2/20186:30 pm L 14-1 West Irondequoit  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Thu5/3/20187:00 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Fri5/4/20187:00 pm L 0-17 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Canandaigua   Canandaigua Academy
Wed5/9/20185:30 pm FN/RPRACTICE  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Thu5/10/20186:30 pm L 6-4 Gananda  2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge   East Irondequoit Eastridge High School
Fri5/11/20186:00 pm L 5-6 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Wayne   Wayne Central High School
Mon5/14/20184:30 pm TBPN/R2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Victor   Victor High School
Wed5/16/20187:00 pm L 6-11 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Hilton   Hilton High School
Sat5/26/2018TBA L 3-8 2018 VARSITY-East Irondequoit Eastridge  Wayne  TBA

- Indicates more information available (click on graphic to view)

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported